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Saftfasten: Was bringt eine Saftkur wirklich?


Saftfasten: Was bringt eine Saftkur wirklich?

Saftkuren sind nicht nur ein Trend unter gesundheitsbewussten Menschen, sondern auch ein Weg, dem Körper eine Pause zu gönnen und zu revitalisieren. Doch was bringt eine Saftkur mit Säften aus Obst und Gemüse wirklich? Wir nehmen Dich mit auf eine Reise durch die Welt des Saftfastens, von der Funktionsweise über die Vorteile bis hin zu wichtigen Tipps für die Durchführung.

Wie funktioniert eine Saftkur?

Eine Saftkur basiert auf dem Prinzip, feste Nahrung für einen bestimmten Zeitraum durch Säfte zu ersetzen. Diese Säfte werden aus Obst und Gemüse hergestellt, um den Körper mit einer Fülle von Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen zu versorgen. Bei LiveFresh legen wir besonderen Wert darauf, dass unsere Säfte kaltgepresst1 werden, um die Nährstoffe optimal zu erhalten. Das Ziel ist es, den Verdauungstrakt zu entlasten, den Körper von unnötigen Belastungen zu befreien und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden zu stärken.

Mit einer LiveFresh Saftkur nimmst Du zwischen drei und sieben Tagen alle zwei Stunden einen Saft oder Shot zu Dir. Zusätzlich empfehlen wir Dir, ausreichend Wasser zu trinken – mindestens 2,5-3 l pro Tag. Bei Bedarf kannst Du auch ungesüßten Tee oder Gemüsebrühe trinken, um für mehr Abwechslung zu sorgen und Deinen Elektrolythaushalt auszugleichen.

Was bringt eine Saftkur wirklich?

Eine Saftkur ist eine wunderbare Möglichkeit, den Körper zu entlasten und gleichzeitig mit essenziellen Nährstoffen zu versorgen. Ob zur Steigerung des Wohlbefindens, zur Unterstützung der Gesundheit oder einfach als Schritt zu einem bewussteren Lebensstil. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass Saftfasten mehr ist als nur eine vorübergehende Modeerscheinung – es ist der erste Baustein für eine nachhaltige, gesunde Lebensweise.

Auf die Qualität der Säfte kommt es an

Wir bei LiveFresh setzen bei unseren Obst- und Gemüsesäften auf Qualität, um sicherzustellen, dass jede Flasche Saft, die Du genießt, Deinen Körper optimal nährt. Unser Fokus liegt auf den besten Zutaten und auf dem Erhalt der Vitamine und Nährstoffe.

  • 100 % natürlich
  • Ohne künstliche Inhaltsstoffe
  • Nie erhitzt für vollen Geschmack und ein Maximum an Nährstoffen
  • Hochdruckverfahren für verbesserte Haltbarkeit

Detox für Körper und Darm

Eine Saftkur kann als Neustart für Deinen Körper und insbesondere für Deinen Darm fungieren. Durch die flüssige Ernährung bekommt Dein gesamtes Verdauungssystem eine wohlverdiente Pause. Komme körperlich und mental zur Ruhe, sorge für Entlastung und lerne Deinen Körper neu kennen. Durch die Saftkur wirst Du ein besseres Gespür für Dein Hunger- und Sättigungsgefühl bekommen und Dein Bewusstsein für eine ausgewogene Ernährung schärfen. Damit legst Du den Grundstein für eine gesündere Ernährungs- oder sogar Lebensweise.

Hier findest Du weitere Informationen zum Thema: Saftkur Vorteile

Kann man mit einer Saftkur abnehmen?

Das Hauptziel einer Saftkur ist nicht der Gewichtsverlust, sondern vielmehr das Bewusstwerden und Resetten des Körpers. Dadurch, dass Du Dich währenddessen aber mit einem deutlichen Kaloriendefizit ernährst, kannst Du kurzfristig abnehmen – meist verliert man jedoch nur Wasser. Erst durch Dein Verhalten nach der Kur entscheidet sich, ob Du Deine Ernährungsweise langfristig gesünder gestalten und dadurch abnehmen kannst. Sieh die Saftkur als Anstoß für eine gesündere Lebensweise.

Wenn Du dauerhaft Gewicht verlieren möchtest und dabei Unterstützung benötigst, dann ist unsere LiveFresh Foodkur genau das Richtige für Dich. Sie eignet sich perfekt nach einer Saftkur und hilft Dir dabei, Deine Ernährungsgewohnheiten langfristig umzustellen.

Was sollte man beim Saftfasten beachten?

Die richtige Vorbereitung: Wie bereite ich mich auf die Saftkur vor?

Eine erfolgreiche Saftkur beginnt mit der richtigen Vorbereitung. Wir empfehlen, einige Tage vor Beginn der Kur die Ernährung umzustellen: Reduziere Koffein, Zucker, verarbeitete Lebensmittel und tierische Produkte. So erleichterst Du Deinem Körper den Übergang.

Die richtige Nachbereitung: Wie geht es danach weiter?

Nach der Kur ist es wichtig, langsam zu fester Nahrung zurückzukehren und dabei leichte, nährstoffreiche Lebensmittel zu wählen. Beginne mit gedünstetem Gemüse und Suppen und führe dann schrittweise komplexere Lebensmittel ein. Dies hilft, den Stoffwechsel wieder anzukurbeln und die positiven Effekte der Kur zu verlängern.

Hier findest du weitere Informationen zum Thema: Warum die Vor- & Nachbereitung so wichtig ist

Unsere Tipps für das Saftfasten

  • Nutze unseren beigelegten Guide für die Vor- und Nachbereitung der Saftkur.
  • Trinke die Säfte langsam und verteile sie gleichmäßig über den Tag.
  • Trinke 2,5-3 l Wasser pro Tag, um für eine ausreichende Flüssigkeitszufuhr zu sorgen.
  • Nutze die Zeit der Kur auch für mentale Entspannung und leichte körperliche Aktivität.
  • Höre stets auf Deinen Körper und ergänze die Saftkur bei Bedarf um eine Gemüsebrühe oder Snacks wie Bananen oder Nüsse.

Ab wann bringt eine Saftkur was?

Die optimale Dauer einer Saftkur variiert je nach individuellen Gesundheitszielen und Vorerfahrungen. Die Kur kann zwischen drei Tagen und einer Woche dauern, wobei eine dreitägige Saftkur ein guter Startpunkt für Einsteiger ist. Grundsätzlich gilt: Je länger Du dranbleibst, desto nachhaltiger die Wirkung.

LiveFresh bietet verschiedene Saftkuren an, die auf unterschiedliche Bedürfnisse und Ziele zugeschnitten sind:

Hier findest Du weitere Informationen zum Thema: Saftkur wie lange?

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Schale voll mit dunklen Shilajit-Kristallen, auch bekannt als Mumijo, ein natürliches Harz, das in der ayurvedischen Medizin verwendet wird, auf einem grauen Hintergrund.


Shilajit (Mumijo) - The mysterious wonder from the mountains

Have you ever heard of Shilajit or Mumijo heard of it? It is a fascinating, resinous material from the mountainous regions of Asia and the Himalayas. It has been used in traditional medicine for ages. highly valued and as "elixir of life". But what is really behind it?

In this journey we will unravel the mystery of Mumijo. We will explore its composition, traditional uses, health benefits and current research. You will learn, how to use it and where you can find it. By the end, you'll understand why shilajit is so sought after in the world of holistic health. So let's dive in and discover this fascinating natural product!

Composition of Mumijo

Mumijo is an amazing substance that is characterized by its complex chemical composition. Here we take a closer look at the different elements that make up mumijo:

  1. Minerals and trace elements Mumijo is rich in minerals such as iron, copper, zinc, magnesium and many others. These minerals are crucial for various bodily functions and can contribute to overall health.
  2. Humic substances (humic acid and fulvic acid) An outstanding feature of shilajit is the humic and fulvic acids it contains. These organic compounds play a key role in nutrient absorption and contribute to detoxification.
It is therefore also very suitable as a supplement to juice cleanse from LiveFresh. Give your body a break.
  1. Bioactive compounds and phytonutrients Shilajit is also rich in bioactive compounds and phytonutrients such as flavonoids and resins. These can have anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties and contribute to overall health.

Want to support your immune system? Then the LiveFresh 4-week shot cure is ideal. You need vitamin D and vitamin C for your immune system to function properly.

  1. Antioxidant properties Another remarkable property of shilajit is its strong antioxidant effect. Antioxidants in mumijo can help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body and reduce cell damage.

The chemical composition makes it a unique and versatile substance that is used in various health applications. In the following sections, we will take a closer look at the effects of these components on health and the traditional uses of mumijo.

Traditional uses of mumijo

Shilajit has a long and rich history of traditional use in various cultures. Here are some of the most significant traditional uses of mumijo:

  • Ayurvedic uses and teachings: In Ayurvedic medicine, an ancient Indian healing system, shilajit is considered a "rasayana" or tonic for overall health. It is used to increase vitality, strengthen the immune system and treat various diseases. Ayurvedic practitioners also recommend mumijo to improve mental clarity and to promote the balance of the doshas, the energetic principles in Ayurveda.
  • Used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM): In traditional Chinese medicine, shilajit is known as "mummy" and is often used in the form of herbal preparations. TCM experts use it to strengthen kidney function, increase energy and treat diseases of the digestive and urinary systems. It is also considered a tonic for vitality.
  • Other cultural uses and rituals: In addition to Ayurveda and TCM, shilajit is used in various other cultures and societies. It is also used by locals in the mountain regions of the Himalayas for health care.

The diverse uses of Mumijo in various traditional systems testify to its deep roots in history and culture. These traditional uses have significantly influenced modern research and application of mumijo and are an important part of its fascinating history. In the next section, we will explore the potential health benefits of shilajit in more detail.


Health benefits of shilajit

Mumijo has been prized for centuries for its potential health benefits. Here are some of the prominent health benefits of mumijo:

Adaptogenic properties: Shilajit is often used as ashwagandha is considered an adaptogen, a substance that helps the body adapt to stress and change. It can help to increase resistance to physical, emotional and environmental stress. In addition, your body needs more nutrients during stress, which you can obtain via nerve food.

Improve energy and stamina: One of the most striking properties of mumijo is its ability to increase energy and stamina. It can improve physical performance and help to reduce tiredness and fatigue. This is particularly interesting in sports, as it is a natural remedy and has no side effects.

Immune system support: Mumijo can boost the immune system by promoting the production of immune cells and supporting the body's defense responses against infection. This can help to reduce susceptibility to disease. You can find out what you need, especially in the dark season, in the blog post: Why your body absolutely needs vitamin C & vitamin D in the fall & winter season.

Anti-inflammatory effect: An anti-inflammatory effect of mumijo has been observed in some studies. It can help reduce inflammation associated with various health problems.

Improvement of cognitive functions: Shilajit may also improve cognitive function. There is evidence that it can promote mental clarity, increase concentration and support memory. Studies have also shown that it can slow down the ageing process.

Anticonvulsant effect: Studies show an antispasmodic effect in both gastrointestinal disorders and bronchial complaints.

Effect on the hormone system in men: Regular intake of Mumijo has been shown to significantly increase testosterone levels in men. In this context, erectile dysfunction and fertility (sperm quality and number) improved.

Many clinical studies with humans show promising results in terms of energy, cognitive improvements and hormone regulation. Shilajit is also being studied in modern medicine for conditions such as diabetes, Alzheimer's and arthritis, but further studies are needed to confirm its safety and efficacy. These health benefits of mumijo have led to its use in various wellness and health applications.

Dosage and use of Mumijo

Shilajit can be taken in a variety of ways, and it is important to understand the correct dosage and application to achieve the best possible results and minimize potential risks.

Different dosage forms (resin, capsules, powder) Mumijo is available in different dosage forms:

  1. Shilajit resin: This is the natural form of shilajit and is often sold as a resinous substance. It can be dissolved in water or milk and taken.
  2. Shilajit capsules: Mumijo is also available in capsules, which is a convenient way to dose and take it.
  3. Shilajit powder: Some prefer Mumijo in powder form, which can be easily mixed into drinks or smoothies.

The choice of dosage form depends on personal preferences and needs.

Recommended dosages: The recommended dosage of shilajit may vary depending on the product and manufacturer. It is important to read the instructions on the product packaging carefully and follow the manufacturer's dosage recommendations. Generally, the recommended daily dose is around 300 mg to 500 mg, but may vary depending on individual factors.

It is advisable to start with a lower dose and observe the effect on the body before increasing the dose. Mumijo should always be taken on an empty stomach.

Possible side effects and precautions: Although shilajit is considered safe, some people may experience side effects, especially if they take it in excessive amounts. Possible side effects include stomach problems, headaches or sleep disturbances.

It is important to observe the following precautions:

  • Mumijo should not be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women.
  • People with certain conditions such as gout should consult their doctor before taking it.
  • If you are taking medication, you should talk to your doctor, as interactions are possible.
  • Make sure you purchase shilajit from a trusted source to ensure quality.

Overall, Mumijo can be a valuable health supplement when dosed and used responsibly. However, it is always advisable to speak to a qualified health professional before taking it, especially if you have any health concerns or are taking medication.

Availability and sourcing of shilajit

If you are interested in using Mumijo, it is important to know how to obtain it and what to look for when choosing a product.

Regional origin and extraction methods Shilajit is mainly found in the mountainous regions of the Himalayas, Altai, Caucasus and other parts of Asia. It is formed over thousands of years through the decomposition of organic plant and animal remains in the mountains. The extraction of mumijo is a laborious process involving the collection of resin from rock crevices and subsequent purification and processing.

The quality of mumijo can vary greatly depending on the geographical origin and extraction methods. Shilajit from different regions can have different chemical profiles and properties.

Certification and quality assurance: Before you buy mumijo, you should make sure that the product meets quality standards. Look for products that are certified and come from reputable manufacturers. Some certifications you can look out for are ISO, GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and USDA Organic. These certificates can indicate the quality and purity of the product.

Where to buy and where to buy from: Mumijo is available on the market in various forms and brands. You can find it in pharmacies, health food stores, online stores and from Ayurvedic or naturopathic practitioners. When buying shilajit, it is advisable to read customer reviews and check the manufacturer's reputation.

Overall, it is important to purchase Mumijo from trusted sources and look for quality and certifications to ensure you are getting a high-quality product that meets your health needs.

Frequently asked questions about Shilajit:

What is Shilajit?

Shilajit is a dark, resinous, vegan natural product that is found in the mountainous regions of Asia and the Himalayas. It is produced over thousands of years by the decomposition of organic plant and animal remains in the mountains.

What are the health benefits of shilajit?

Shilajit is associated with a variety of health benefits, including boosting energy and stamina, supporting the immune system, anti-inflammatory effects and improving cognitive function. Scientific research in this area is ongoing.

How is shilajit traditionally used?

In various cultures, shilajit is traditionally used as a tonic for health and to treat various ailments. It has a long history of use in Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

How should shilajit be taken?

Shilajit is available in various dosage forms, including resin, capsules and powder. The dosage varies depending on the product and manufacturer. It is important to follow the recommended dosages on the product packaging and consult a healthcare professional if necessary.

Are there any side effects of shilajit?

In general, shilajit is considered safe when taken in appropriate amounts. However, some people may experience stomach problems, headaches or sleep disturbances. Pregnant women, breastfeeding women and people with certain health conditions should consult their doctor before taking it.

Where can I buy shilajit?

Shilajit is available in health food stores, pharmacies, online stores and from Ayurvedic or naturopathic practitioners. It is important to buy products from trustworthy sources and to pay attention to certifications and quality assurance.

Are there any scientific studies on shilajit?

Yes, there are a growing number of scientific studies on shilajit examining various aspects of its health benefits. These studies range from laboratory experiments to clinical trials. However, research in this area is still ongoing and further studies are needed to confirm the efficacy and safety of shilajit.

Can shilajit be taken as a substitute for medication?

Shilajit should not be used as a substitute for prescribed medication. If you are taking medication or have health concerns, you should always consult your doctor before taking shilajit. However, it can be used as a supplement to a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet.

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Kaffee beim Fasten – Die Tabus einer Saftkur


Coffee while fasting - The taboos of a juice cleanse

In everyday life, we are all too happy to turn to luxury foods such as coffee, sugar, chocolate, alcohol or nicotineto recharge our batteries or recover from stressful periods. Coffee in the early morning wakes us up and makes us feel ready for the day. So why is it so important to give up certain stimulants such as coffee when fasting? We'll tell you in this article.

Coffee during juice fasting - yes or no?

Coffee machine on and the day can begin - that's probably how many people feel in the morning. However, when fasting - you should whether intermittent fasting or the juice cleanse - rather refrain from drinking coffee.

Basically, it depends on how you drink your coffee - black or preferably with milk and sugar. While milk and sugar are not recommended during a juice cleanse are absolutely taboo, there is not much to be said against a cup of black coffee. Nevertheless, we advise you, during fasting to give up your usual coffee routine. We'll tell you the reasons why now.

Coffee while fasting - pros and cons



Coffee can reduce appetite and counteract the feeling of hunger

Those who see Lent as a conscious time of abstinence should not drink coffee

Coffee can boost the metabolism and circulation

Without coffee in between, you allow your body and intestines a well-deserved break

Without milk and sugar, coffee is relatively low in calories and can be drunk while fasting

Sugar and milk are not allowed during the juice cleanse taboo

Possible headaches due to caffeine withdrawal do not occur

Caffeine has a negative effect on your stress level and your sleep

Coffee can counteract low blood sugar and give the body an energy boost

After fasting, 1 small cup of espresso is usually enough to feel the invigorating effect of caffeine

Why you shouldn't drink coffee while fasting

Even if there are no health concerns with a cup of black coffee a day, you should refrain from drinking it during a juice fast. With a juice cleanse you are consciously putting yourself and your body to the test. During this time, you abstain from solid foods and also leave out all stimulants to give your body a break. You practise mindfulness and get to know your feelings of hunger and satiety in a new way.

The caffeine abstinence associated with the fasting cure is certainly a challenge for your body. But only those who fast properly can achieve the desired positive results:

  • Your body is set to zero and gets the well-deserved break it needs.
  • You will gain a better sense of hunger, satiety and your body.
  • After fasting, it is easier to break bad eating habits and introduce healthier habits.
  • Juice fasting is the ideal way to make a fresh start with a more conscious diet or even lifestyle.

Did you fast before the juice cleanse drank several cups of coffee a day, after the cure, one espresso is usually enough to feel the invigorating effect of the caffeine. Sleep disorders can also disappear into thin air as a result of caffeine withdrawal. And did you know that Caffeine has a negative effect on your stress levels? If your stress levels are permanently high, this can increase your susceptibility to illness. Also the speaks in favor of abstaining from coffee while fasting.

LiveFresh Tip against tiredness in the morning

It's not just coffee that wakes you up in the morning! Have you already tried one of our Shots tried?

  • Ingwer SturmWith lots of vitamin C, it provides a freshness kick in the morning.
  • Kurkuma PowerWith its high vitamin C content, this shot is the perfect companion for your everyday life.
  • Sunshine BerryOur fruity shot covers your daily vitamin D requirement in a natural way.
  • Hey Wach: The cold-pressed1 with natural caffeine from guarana awakens your spirits in the morning.

If you can't do without caffeine, we recommend a cup of green tea instead of coffee. Green tea contains small amounts of caffeine, which is often enough to give you a invigorating effect. This should make it easier for you to give up coffee.

What should I look for in a juice cleanse better do without?

In general, during a juice cleanse only fruit and vegetable juices from LiveFresh as well as water and unsweetened tea. To balance your electrolyte levels, you can also have vegetable broth from time to time. But coffee is not the only stimulant that you should avoid when fasting.

Avoid alcohol

When it comes to alcohol, one thing is clear: Alcohol is not allowed during a juice cleanse absolutely taboo! By abstaining from alcoholic beverages you protect your liverwhich is normally responsible for breaking down alcohol. If you abstain from alcohol for a longer period of time, you may notice positive changes:

  • Your ability to concentrate increases
  • Your complexion refines
  • Your blood pressure drops
  • Sleep disorders can improve

Abstain from nicotine

It should be no news that smoking is harmful to your health. Would you like to quit during the juice cleanse want to do without any toxins, it is also important not to smoke cigarettes. In this way, you give your body and above all your lungs a break from nicotine and give them the opportunity to regenerate.

  • Your blood pressure and heart rate will neutralize
  • Your blood circulation is stimulated
  • Your sense of smell and taste improves
  • Your lungs regenerate
  • Your condition improves

Omitting nicotine during fasting could Your starting signal for a smoke-free life be!

How can I prepare myself for giving up stimulants?

Of course, you shouldn't give up all these stimulants overnight - for one juice cleanse involves extensive preparation. Due to the major change in diet during this phase, you should avoid hearty meals for a few days before the cure and reduce your consumption of stimulants such as coffee, alcohol and cigarettes on a daily basis.

We explain how you can best prepare for fasting in our blog post: Tips for juice cleanse preparation.


Frequently asked questions about coffee during fasting:

Is drinking coffee allowed during fasting?

Whether intermittent fasting or juice cleanse - fasting is about conscious renunciation. For this reason to avoid stimulants such as coffee, sugar, chocolate, alcohol and nicotineto give your body a well-deserved break. Only those who follow through with fasting and everything that goes with it will achieve the desired positive results for their own health and give their body a break. body completely to zero during this time.

What can you drink when you're fasting?

During a LiveFresh juice cleanse you only eat fruit and vegetable juices and shots. In addition to the juices and shots, it is important during this phase to drink 2.5-3 liters of water and it is allowed, resort to unsweetened teato keep the body hydrated. To provide a little variety, you can also drink a vegetable broth - to balance the electrolyte levels.

What side effects can I expect if I give up caffeine?

During a juice cleansewhere you abstain from solid foods and familiar stimulants such as coffee, may cause side effects in addition to the symptoms of the metabolic change. Typical symptoms include Headaches, aching limbs, dizziness, feeling cold, tiredness and lack of concentration. However, if you know what to expect when fasting and prepare yourself accordingly, it is easier to deal with the symptoms. In addition good preparation makes the changeover easier for the body and you will feel better during the juice cleanse better during the fast. Want to find out more about the side effects of fasting? Then take a look at our blog: juice cleanse Side effects.

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Die verschiedenen Säfte der LiveFresh Winter-Saftkur im Fokus


The different juices of the LiveFresh winterjuice cleanse in focus

If you have a classicjuice cleanse from LiveFresh you can expect 7 different juices plus 3 additional shots on top per day. This means you never drink the same juice several times in one day. This juice variation is perfect thanks to our nutritionist Dr. Ulrike Fischer to the reset of your body. Each individual juice has been deliberately developed and selected to relieve your body in an innovative and unique way and provide it with many important nutrients. nutrients and vitamins and vitamins. The different combinations of fruit and vegetables in the classic juice cleanse yellow, golden, green, red or even purple juices. The colors of our LiveFresh juices have not been chosen simply to offer colorful juices. On the contrary, the vegetable and fruit juices each support your body in a different special way. Find out more in this blog post - enjoy!

What is in the juices of a juice cleanse contain?

The juices of our juice cleanse are made from naturally cold-pressed fruit and vegetables¹. All juices from LiveFresh are vegan and contain no artificial additives. This means that all juices are 100% vegan & natural. We pay attention to high-quality raw materials for all our juices, because we only want the best for you and our juices.

In addition, the juices are produced daily in our own juice factory near Lake Constance¹. This means that, from the raw materials to the production of our juices everything in our own hands and can offer juices of unparalleled quality. Our pressing method uses only pressure and no conventional centrifugal presses, which generate heat when crushing fruit and vegetables. Our innovative high-pressure processthanks to which our juices can be kept for at least 4 weeks after arrival at your home, runs without heat generation and only with very high water pressure. This means that many important nutrients can be preserved throughout the juice production process. vitamins and nutrients from the fruit and vegetables are preserved. When you buy fruit and vegetables, they vary in shape, color or flavor intensity, because no two vegetables or fruits are identical. In the same way, our juices can also vary slightly in color or consistency.

The functions and benefits of the different juices in the juice cleanse

All cold-pressed¹ juices in the juice cleanse are designed for natural functionality for your body. With their functions, the juices are true all-rounders.

Happy Lemon, Hey Wach & gold rush - the benefits of the yellow & golden juices in the juice cleanse

Lemon water in the morning dispels sorrow and worries - the light yellow infused water Happy Lemon in the morning Perfect basis for the metabolism is. You can start the day with more energy and focus thanks to a sufficient supply of water and the kick of a dash of lemon.

Our yellow juice Hey Wach and our golden juice Gold rush are true mood enhancers and stimulantsas they contain the juice of various citrus fruits. This makes the juices rich in natural vitamin C. The yellow juice Hey Wach is due to the combination of cold-pressed orange juice and guarana the perfect, natural stimulant. Thanks to its stimulating and energizing effect, the superfood guarana can also be used as a gentle alternative to coffee known. Guarana contains around 3-4% caffeine, which is about twice as much as a coffee bean. The caffeine is bound to tannins (plant tannins), which means that the effect lasts longer in the body. Guarana was traditionally used by the indigenous people of the Amazon rainforests in food and drink to increase alertness and combat fatigue. The juice Hey Wach also contains particularly high levels of vitamin C thanks to the cold-pressed orange and ginger juice. Our Gold Rauschexotic multi-juice with (natural) biotin and exotic fruits such as pineapple and lime, is just the thing for anyone who loves fruit juices and wants to support the metabolism of macronutrients.

The vitamin C from the fruits orange, ginger, pineapple or lime in the yellow and golden juices helps to reduce tiredness and fatigue and to the protects cells from oxidative stress. Vitamin C also contributes to normal collagen formation for the normal function of blood vessels, bones, skin, teeth and gums. Other very important functions of vitamin C are the support of normal function of the immune system and the energy metabolism.

Green love & Grüne Gefühle - our green juices are optimal for your body in the cold season

The local superfood kale, spinach and moringa in juice Grüne Gefühle support your body with vitamin Kwhich contributes to normal blood clotting and maintenance of normal bones contributes to the maintenance of normal bones. All in all, green vegetables are often far too rare on the table. That's why our green juice is the ideal way to eat healthy green vegetables such as spinach and kale in a way that tastes good. Spinach is like many other vegetables in itself very healthy. In former times one used spinach was also used as a medicinal plant.

The juice Green love is, with kale and cucumber, the greenest among the LiveFresh juices. The combination with lime and apple gives it a delicious, sweet and sour note. It also contains zinc from a plant source, which is particularly for your immune system and your fatty acid metabolism important functions has. Zinc is an indispensable trace element in the metabolism, as it is involved in almost all metabolic processes as a component of enzymes. This includes the function of the immune system, the fatty acid metabolism, the metabolism of macronutrients, but also the acid-base metabolism.

Beautiful skin, healthy hair and strong fingernails depend on a good supply of zinc. Our juice Green love is a delicious winter juice and at the same time offers you the all-round carefree package for your well-being in the cold season. 

Rote Rakete & Keep Calm - the red and purple juices in the juice cleanse

With the red juice Rote Rakete you get 100% natural red plant power based on the superfood beet. Among other things, beet contains potassiumwhich contributes to Maintaining normal blood pressure and the normal function of the muscles supports normal muscle function. Carrots contain relatively few calories, but are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.

Our purple juice Keep Calm contains ashwagandhawhich has been used as a sedative in Ayurvedic medicine for many years. As a result, the juice provides relaxation. The combination with exotic ingredients such as spirulina, pitaya and pineapple make the juice a healthy and perfect end to the day, which provides your body with additional vitamin C and thus strengthens the immune system, the immune system and the immune system. normal function of your nervous system and your normal psychological function is supported.

The shots in the juice cleanse - full power with a full load of vitamins

The shots in the juice cleanse cover the daily requirement of vitamin C and vitamin D in a natural way and also provide your body with important nutrients.

The shot Ingwer Sturm contains a high vitamin C content thanks to acerola extract and lime. This shot alone covers your daily requirement of vitamin C in a natural way and can support your immune system. It is also packed with nutrients and spiciness thanks to its high ginger content. Ginger is highly valued for its anti-inflammatory and digestive properties and is used for chronic nausea, stomach and intestinal complaints, weakness and listlessness or cold conditions.

The shot Kurkuma Power in the juice cleanse also contains a high vitamin C content thanks to orange, lemon and acerola. This shot also provides the body with many nutrients through ginger and turmeric. Turmeric is also the "spice of life" as the tuber has been used as a remedy in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. The turmeric tuber is very popular due to its anti-inflammatory and digestive potential.

The shot Sunshine Berry of the juice cleanse gets its berry taste from strawberry, redcurrant and cranberry. The shot also has a high vitamin D3 content from natural reindeer lichen. Vitamin D is required by almost all cells in our body. The sun vitamin supports the function of your skin and hair as well as your bones, muscles and teeth and plays an important role in the immune system. In addition, the Sunshine Berry shot has been enhanced with vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 contributes to normal blood clotting and the maintenance of normal bones. 

What should you do during the juice cleanse drink other than the juices?

As you have already experienced, our juices provide you with lots of vitamins and nutrients to give you the energy you need on your fasting days. Drink during the juice cleanse nevertheless plenty of water in between. Water contributes to normal physical and cognitive function. In addition to water unsweetened teas that give you a warm, comforting feeling. Our organic LiveFresh tea Green herbs is the perfect complement to the juices of the juice cleanse. In addition, you can enjoy juice cleanse a vegetable broth if required to prevent possible headaches, dizziness or weakness. The broth helps you to maintain your balance your electrolyte level and stabilize your body and energy levels. We recommend a total of about 2.5 to 3 liters of fluid throughout the day. This will make it easier for your body during the juice cleanse. Drinking plenty of fluids also helps combat tiredness and promotes concentration.

Your options - the various juice cures from LiveFresh

Do you have a favorite among our juice cures? We offer you a wide range of options through juice fasting to pursue certain goals for your body. What all cures have in common is the unique production process of the cold-pressed juices in our juice factory. No matter which juice cleanse you choose, all juices are vegan, natural and produced gently and without the use of heat.

In addition to our popular classic juice cleanse for 3, 5 or 7 dayswhere you consume about 1.3 liters of cold-pressed juice per day and completely abstain from solid food, you can choose the following juice cures:

  • The full-fledged juice cleansewhich focuses on optimally nourishing the body while simultaneously relieving the digestive system by adding plant-based proteins and healthy fats and is suitable for athletes and professional athletes, for example.
  • The shot cure specially developed for your immune system. The shots provide you with the daily requirement of vitamin C & vitamin D over several weeks and, unlike juice cures, you don't have to go without your normal diet
  • The celery cleanse  for your healthy morning routine, where you start the day with 500ml cold-pressed celery juice every day for up to 4 weeks

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    Saftkur Test: Die LiveFresh Saftkuren im Vergleich


    Juice cure test: the live fresh juice cures in comparison

    There are always days when we don't feel completely comfortable in our bodies. There can be many reasons for this. Usually we have been eating an unhealthy diet for a long period of time, have slept too little or are constantly battling recurring infections. Then comes the time when we completely reset our body and supply it with a concentrated load of valuable nutrients and vitamins and vitamins. The most common solution for this: A juice cleanse start. For this reason juice fasting is also particularly popular outside the traditional fasting period. We explain what a juice cleanse actually brings and test which LiveFresh juice cleanse is the best and compare the juices with each other. Find out which juice cleanse is our test winner.

    The LiveFresh Juice cures in the test: what to expect

    Would you like to take a juice cure for a few days soon? juice cleanse start one? Then we have one for you here overview of what you can expect from the classic juice cures of LiveFresh awaits you.

    This is included in the package - enjoyment from natural superfoods

    Depending on the duration of the juice cleanse you can expect 7 different juices and 3 fruit and vegetable shots per day. Accompanied by the LiveFresh cure is accompanied by a 30-page guidewhich is included. In it you will find a wealth of information on the subject of juice cleansehow you can prepare yourself properly and how you can make the days after the juice cleanse are best organized. The package also contains many inspiring recipes for the start into a more conscious life.

    How the juice is made - cold-pressed and 100% natural

    Juices from other manufacturers on the market are often pasteurized. As a result, the fruit juices lose their important vitamins and also some of their taste. In contrast, the LiveFresh juices are cold-pressed1 - i.e. they are not exposed to harmful heat. This way all nutrients & vitamins are preserved.

    How juice cures work - juice fasting made easy

    As already mentioned 7 different juices and 3 shots per day made from delicious fruit and vegetables. The juices of 250 ml each are drunk at two-hour intervals. In the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening there is an additional 60 ml shot. Solid food is avoided during this time. However, it is important, drink enough water in addition - preferably 2.5 to 3 liters a day. You are also welcome to unsweetened teas and vegetable broth to provide some variety.

    The composition of the juices has been developed by a nutritionist and is therefore Perfectly matched to the reset of the body. The sequence is also well thought out - depending on the time of day, the juice either provides energy through natural caffeine or ensures regeneration in the evening.

    juice cleanse Comparison: Which is the best juice cleanse?

    Which is the best juice cleanse is the best and most suitable for you cannot be answered in general terms. It depends entirely on the situation, what goals you have set yourself and what expectations you have of the juice cleanse have. Here you will find a comparison of our juice cures for 3, 5 and 7 days.

    The classic 3 days juice cleanse - Juice fasting for beginners

    Want to start a fitter and healthier life? It's easy with our 3-dayjuice cleanse for beginnerswith which you give your body a break. This cure is ideal if you are still unsure whether a juice cleanse is right for you. You can relax and find out, how the juices taste to you and how you feel with this change in diet. Nevertheless, you can do it in this short period of time, reset your body - perfect for beginners.

    ConclusionThe 3 days juice cleanse is perfect for beginners who want to juice cleanse and want to find out how the body reacts to the cure or for all those who want to take a longer cure. juice cleanse is not compatible with everyday life.

    The classic 5 days juice cleanse - Time to recharge your batteries

    Do you want to make lasting changes to your life? Then the 5-dayjuice cleanse for the brave just made for you. During these 5 days, you give your body a well-deserved break and take the pressure off. During this time you will Awareness of a balanced diet and you will easier to get rid of bad eating habits. The important thing is to prepare yourself well for this challenge. Therefore, a few days before the juice cleanse fatty foods, rich foods and alcohol in order to make the changeover easier for your body.

    ConclusionThe 5 days juice cleanse is best suited if you want to develop a better feeling for your body and your digestion. This cure will give you a well-deserved break.

    The classic 7 days juice cleanse - One week break from stress and strain in everyday life

    The LiveFresh 7-dayjuice cleanse is suitable for courageous beginners as well as for connoisseurs and advanced riders. This cure is the optimal possibility for a new start. This could prove to be start to a healthier diet or even a more holistically conscious lifestyle. more conscious lifestyle. These challenging days can help you to feel fitter and better in the long term. But the juice cleanse can also help you to recover from everyday stress and strain.

    ConclusionThe 7 days juice cleanse offers the best opportunity for a new start and facilitates the start of a generally healthier and more conscious lifestyle.

    Conclusion of the juice cleanse test: Our juice cleanse test winner

    Whether you use the juice cleanse 3, 5 or 7 days is entirely up to you. Depending on your own motivation and willpower another one is suitable juice cleanse better for you. If you want to, you can juice cleanse in any case. Basically: The longer you embark on this experience, the more you can learn about your body and the more likely you are to benefit from a healthier and more conscious lifestyle.

    Our juice cleanse test winner: The 5-day juice cleanse. This is suitable for both beginners and advanced users. Of course, it takes willpower and stamina, but then you and your body will benefit from the reset. In these 5 days you have the opportunity to get to know your hunger and satiety in a completely new way and to draw conclusions for your future diet.

    The LiveFresh Juices & shots in comparison

    Juices and shots exist 100% natural fruit and vegetables and are available with every juice cleanse the same - no matter whether 3, 5 or 7 days. Every day 7 different juices and 3 different shots are available. Here you can find all the juice cleanse juices and shots in comparison.

    The 7 LiveFresh Juices made from fruit and vegetables

    1. Happy LemonThe refreshing lemon-orange water forms the ideal basis for your metabolism.
    2. Hey WachThis juice serves as a second breakfast and gets you going naturally with orange juice and guarana. The juice contains plenty of vitamin C and natural caffeine.
    3. Sommer GefühleThis juice is a real all-round package. It supports your well-being with zinc, copper and manganese.
    4. Rote RaketeThis juice consists of the local superfood beet with vitamin B12. It keeps you on track and provides extra energy. The natural sweetness provides a refreshing energy boost.
    5. Grüne GefühleWith this juice, the afternoon slump doesn't stand a chance. The gentle green juice with kale and spinach will get you going again.
    6. Gold RauschIn the evening, an exotic multi-juice that provides you with biotin awaits you.
    7. Keep Calm: Relaxation and night-time regeneration: the gentle, tropical juice prepares you for the day ahead.

    The 3 LiveFresh shots for an extra portion of vitamins

    1. Sunshine BerryThis vitamin D shot covers your daily requirement and gives you energy and motivation for the day.
    2. Kurkuma PowerThe turmeric shot serves as a healthy dessert and covers the daily requirement of vitamin C in a natural way. The perfect way to round off your lunch.
    3. Ingwer Sturm or Red PowerDepending on the season, the juice cleanse contains a Rote Kraft Shot with magnesium or the Ingwer Sturm shot with vitamin C.


    Frequently asked questions about the juice cleanse test:

    What does a juice cleanse?

    Why you need a juice cleanse should do? With one juice cleanse you set your body to zero and thus also relieve your intestines. Depending on the chosen cure, you will abstain from solid food for three to seven days. During this period, the juices provide you with all the necessary nutrients & vitamins. One juice cleanse is often the start to a healthier and fitter life - because with it you set the foundation for a better diet in the long term.

    6 reasons why you should juice cleanse should start:

    • Get rid of bad eating habits
    • Reset your body
    • Get to know your feeling of hunger & satiety
    • Challenge yourself
    • Relieve your body and gut
    • Take the opportunity for a long-term change in diet

    Who should think about a juice cleanse think about it?

    One juice cleanse is basically suitable for anyone who wants to improve their diet, give their body a break or make a fresh start. People who have recently been ill or are suffering from health problems should definitely try the consult a doctor beforehand. Children, pregnant women and breastfeeding women should also refrain from juice cleanse refrain from breastfeeding.

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    Saftkur Nebenwirkung: Kopfschmerzen beim Fasten


    Juice cure side effect: headache when fasting

    You have decided to make a juice cleanse to make one? The LiveFresh juice cleanse is ordered, you have the preparation days and are ready for a new experience? You are dreaming of a fasting highthat everyone talks about, where you feel fit and light and suddenly you experience unpleasant side effects such as headaches, circulatory problems and malaise? At these moments, many people begin to doubt whether a juice cleanse is actually right for them. We'll tell you, what the side effects are all about and what you can do about themto keep your juice cleanse successfully.

    Possible side effects of juice fasting

    It is not uncommon for negative side effects occur during a fasting cure. Above all at the beginning of the fasting days symptoms occur, which quickly give rise to doubts.

    Possible side effects of juice cleanse are

    • Headache
    • dizziness
    • Skin blemishes
    • Sensation of cold
    • Mood swings
    • aching limbs
    • fatigue
    • Lack of concentration

    You should know one thing in advance: You are not alone with these complaints. These side effects are definitely not a reason to LiveFresh juice cleanse and simply give up. Rather, you should signals as a change in your body, which is adjusting to the change in diet.

    Now that you know the possible side effects of a fasting cure, you can prepare yourself accordingly and you know what to expect. The following tips and tricks will help you, deal with the symptoms more easily and react correctly. Once you have overcome your personal low, you can the long-awaited fasting high and the positive effects after the juice cleanse look forward to.

    Why are headaches a common side effect of fasting?

    Headaches are one of the most common symptoms during a juice cleansethat especially at the beginning. It is not possible to give a general answer as to whether you will develop headaches and how severe the throbbing is.

    The headache is a sign that Your body is currently changing its metabolism. The Uric acid levels in your circulation rise for a short time and can be a reason for your unpleasant headache.

    Another reason for your discomfort may be withdrawal symptoms. Abstaining from certain foods and stimulants such as coffee, sweets or alcohol can trigger withdrawal symptoms. Your body is to some extent dependent on caffeine and short-chain carbohydrates and the absence of these substances can lead to headaches, discomfort and difficulty concentrating at first. When your body realizes that this need is not being met, your metabolism will also change.

    What can I do about headaches during fasting?

    To prevent headaches from developing in the first place, you should attach great importance to the right preparation place. It is best to start a few days before the juice cleanse to avoid caffeine and sweets. Try to keep your slowly get your body used to the change.

    If you are already experiencing pain, you should make sure you drink enough water. This is because the uric acid mentioned above is broken down by the kidneys. To support your organs, we therefore recommend that you in addition to the juice cleanse juices & shots 2.5-3 liters of liquid in addition to the juices & shots. For more variety, you are welcome to unsweetened tea and vegetable broth for more variety. It can also help to have a pinch of salt in a large glass of water and drink it - this balances the electrolytes.

    Depending on your well-being, you can also moderate exercise can have a positive effect on your juice cleanse-experience. You should avoid intensive training sessions so as not to overstrain your body. Please note: Every body is individual and reacts differently to a fasting cure. It is therefore very important that you pay attention to your body's signals and respond to its needs.

    In general, we recommend that you the juice cleanse shift down a gearso that your body can get used to the new situation. It is therefore best to try avoid any kind of source of stress.

    Here is a summary of our tips against headaches during fasting:

    • Wean your body off coffee and sweets before fasting
    • Drink enough water
    • The right amount of exercise
    • Avoid sources of stress

    Frequently asked questions about headaches during fasting:

    Why do I have a headache when fasting?

    Headaches often occur at the beginning of fasting because the body changes its metabolism and the uric acid levels in the circulation rise briefly. Another reason for the headache is often a withdrawal symptomwhich can be caused by abstaining from caffeine, sweets and alcohol.

    What to do about headaches during fasting?

    To avoid headaches during fasting, the the body gets used to the change in diet early and slowly. Therefore you should a few days before the juice cleanse avoid coffee and sweets. Also important: Drink plenty of water, unsweetened tea and vegetable brothto provide the body with sufficient fluids and support the organs. You should also try to reduce stress and to integrate the right amount of exercise into your fasting routine.

    What side effects can fasting have?

    Common side effects of fasting include headaches, aching limbs, dizziness, skin blemishes, feeling cold, mood swings, tiredness and lack of concentration. However, if you know what to expect and prepare yourself accordingly, it is easier to deal with these symptoms.



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