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10 Tipps, wie du dich nachhaltig gesünder ernähren kannst


10 tips on how to eat healthier

Never before have sustainability, environmental awareness and healthy eating have been such important elements of our society. Anyone who deals a little more intensely with these topics realize that it is often not so easy to link the wishes for sustainability with healthy nutrition. We have looked at which points in various regions of the world are responsible for particularly high life expectancy. Based on this, we have put together ten tips for you on how you can eat healthier.

1: vegetable food

No matter whether Asia, Central America or in some parts of Africa. Wherever people get particularly old, a strong focus on plant -based nutrition can be observed. This does not mean that the consumption of meat automatically results in negative consequences for health. As so often in life, it is important to find the right balance. If you want to eat as healthy as possible, you should obtain 80 to 90 percent of your food from vegetable products. This predominantly vegetarian food also complements excellently with sustainability and environmental protection. If you also make sure to obtain regional and seasonal products as possible, a huge step towards environmentally conscious and healthy nutrition is already taken.

Vegetable livefresh

2: fish in front of meat

Meat and sausage products are considered the largest CO2 producers in the field of food production. Fish, on the other hand, is associated with a significantly lower burden on the environment. However, you should make sure to choose the right fish. This should be untreated and pesticide -free. You can also make sure to purchase certified fish. For example, the MSC seal for wildfish shows that the fish does not come from large fishing fleets and is thus set a sign against overfishing. The Naturland seal, on the other hand, is characterized by products from organic fish breeding. The Bioland seal and the ASC certificate also characterize sustainable fish products.

3: whole grain products

This point has been known for a long time. Whole grain products create a greater feeling of satiety and deliver important fiber. For a long time they were considered less tasty. Nowadays, many whole grain products can no longer be distinguished in terms of taste. The enjoyment of whole grain also has a particularly positive effect on the environment. Because individual work steps can be dispensed with, which is why significantly less energy and resources are used. In addition to whole grain bread and whole grain pasta, buckwheat and quinoa are particularly noteworthy. Brown rice is a good alternative to conventional rice, but a lot of water is used for production.


4: Enjoy dairy products only in moderation

Milk and milk products are considered one of the most important sources of proteins. The high proportion as calcium and some essential amino acids also make milk an important part of healthy nutrition. However, the keeping of cows is particularly harmful to the environment. We therefore recommend reducing the consumption of dairy products to a minimum, but not necessarily to do without it. If you want to bend milk from your diet, you should choose the appropriate vegetable replacement products instead in order to cover your need for proteins and calcium.

5: Regionality scores!

On the way to a more sustainable diet, regionality is one of the most important keywords. In the past few years, the trend has been increasing more and more cheap products from all over the world. The burden on the environment by long transport routes is immense. We recommend that we do without products that have not been produced in the EU. Of course, products from the immediate vicinity must be particularly preferred. A good way to support regional companies is to visit farmers markets. You can buy fruit and vegetables from the region. This is usually also provided with particularly few pollutants and pesticides. If prices are too high, we have more good news for you. Since middlemen are eliminated, it is usually possible for farmers to offer many products at the same price (or even cheaper) than in large supermarkets.

6: seasonality

In addition to regionality, seasonality should be emphasized. We are used to being able to acquire the complete variety of fruit and vegetables in every season. However, this freedom is at the expense of the environment. Products that do not have season must either be transported across the world or bred in glass houses. These glass houses bring high energy and water consumption. The balance is particularly negative when products are neither regionally nor seasonal. The popular strawberries from Spain are the example of this. Of course, it is pleasant to be able to buy fresh, sweet strawberries for Christmas. However, a lot of water is used for the strawberry industry in southern Spain that the reservoirs dry out and long -term damage to the entire Spanish agriculture and nature cannot be ruled out.

7: Organic products and ecological cultivation

Fruit and vegetables are usually treated with all sorts of pesticides and toxins to keep pests away and to appear optically as attractive as possible. However, these substances not only harm the environment by intervene in the balance of the ecosystem, but can also have an impact on your body. We therefore recommend using organic products from organic cultivation. It is best to recognize this by the corresponding seals of approval.

8: Drink sustainable

We can count ourselves lucky in Central Europe that we have very good drinking water in large quantities. Instead of buying water and limos in bottles, you can drink water from the line. If you still feel like a refreshing drink, we recommend that you buy products made of recycled material. Glass bottles or products made of 100 percent recycled PET are preferred here.

9: Food healthy by giving up

Every healthy diet is also associated with a certain waiver. This is most common in the area of ​​small snacks and delicacies. A small piece of chocolate here, a gummy bear there and finally a delicious ice cream with cream. Of course, sweets and snacks are extremely satisfactory and can be true soul balm. However, they are as unhealthy and harmful to the body as for the environment. So if you occasionally do without the sweets in between, you do a big favor to yourself and our world.

10: Avoid food waste

Countless tons of food are thrown away in this country every day. In the private sector, poor planning is primarily responsible for the waste. If you think about which products you actually need in the coming days and you go shopping with a list, you can simply counteract this point. If you still get into the situation that you have bought too much food, we recommend that you process and freeze it. If this is not possible, many shops and clubs now offer the opportunity to absorb food in a distributor. The needy can come here at any time and receive food at any time at no cost, which would otherwise have ended up in the garbage can.

At LiveFresh we take the future in hand today and try to make our products and our processes even more sustainable every day. You can find what we do to protect our environment here➤ Live 

Our juice cure supports you to get started with a long -term healthier diet. Place your body on reset with a juice cure, start a more conscious lifestyle and feel better in the long term.➤ 3.5 or 7 days of juice cure

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Das Hunger- & Sättigungsgefühl - Die Fakten


The feeling of hunger and satiety - the facts

What nutrients does your body need and how do you affect the feeling of hunger and satiety? To understand how our feeling of hunger and satiety works at all, we first have to get to know the nutrients. Proteins, carbohydrates and fats are among the macronutrients because they make up most of our food and are the largest energy suppliers. Micronutrients, on the other hand, are vitamins and minerals that our metabolism needs to work. Our body needs all of these important substances in sufficient quantities so that the metabolism works optimally and less hungry occurs. If there is a lack of one of the indispensable (essential) substances, the body switches to hunger as long as there was enough of the missing. The optimal supply of our body with nutrients is therefore essential for our feeling of hunger and satiety. 


Carbohydrates consist of sugar molecules. Depending on how many sugar molecules are connected, one speaks of simple sugar (monosaccharides), double sugar (disaccharides) or multiple sugar (polysaccharides).A simple sugar is a single sugar molecule such as glucose, fructose or galactose. When two simple sugar is connected, a double sugar such as the household sugar (sucrose) and milk sugar (lactose) are created. The variety of carbohydrates is very large. Strength made of rice or potatoes consists of a large number of glucosemolecules and is a very long carbohydrate. During digestion, the carbohydrates are separated into their individual sugar modules so that they can be absorbed into the blood. The longer a carbohydrate molecule, the longer it takes for it to be broken down by the digestive enzymes into its individual parts. That is why glucose or sucrose go into the blood very quickly. However, more complex carbohydrates from starchy foods such as rice, on the other hand, are broken down and the energy is gradually provided.How quickly carbohydrates are split up and the simple sugar glucose gets into the blood, plays a major role in the release of insulin (we will go into it later). However, there are also carbohydrates that our digestive system cannot split, these are fiber. They get undigested into the large intestine and ensure a good consistency of the bowel movement. Sometimes bacteria can split up and feed on the indigestible carbohydrates, which is why fiber has an important meaning for a healthy intestinal flora. 


Proteins are composed of several individual parts, such as carbohydrates. These single modules are amino acids here, which are broken down into their individual building blocks during digestion as well as carbohydrates. After disassembly, the individual amino acids are included in the cells. Our body needs different amino acids in different quantities. If we absorb proteins from meat, fish, eggs or protein -rich vegetables, it is therefore particularly important to our body which amino acids are in it. Protein sources are more valuable the better they meet the body's needs. Some amino acids can convert the body into each other itself. Others are not, these are the 8 essential amino acids that we have to supply our body through food. Our body needs proteins for preservation and its structure. 


Among the fats there are unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids that have special tasks in the body. For example, Omega 3 fatty acids contribute to a healthy brain and good eyesight and can have a positive effect on the blood lipid levels. Our body cannot produce these unsaturated omega 3 fatty acids themselves, they have to be absorbed. Unsaturated fatty acids can be compared with vitamins because our metabolism needs it to work. However, unsaturated fatty acids are quite unstable and should not be heated too much when cooking. 

How do I recognize where saturated and unsaturated fats are in? 

The more unsaturated fatty acids contain food, the more fluid they are in cold. For example, cold water fish contain many unsaturated omega 3 fatty acids so that they also remain mobile in the cold. If you had unsaturated fatty acids in your cell membranes, you would be rigid. 

Vitamins and minerals 

Vitamins and minerals are essential tools that enzymes need to do their work. Vitamins play a role in the recycling of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, because they ensure that these substances are also correctly broken down or converted. 

Each vitamin has a unique function at a certain point in the complex system of our metabolism. If one of these important tools is missing, what is colloquially referred to as "the metabolism falls asleep". Work steps then no longer take place at the right speed. Some vitamins are not involved in metabolic processes, but important for building certain body structures - bones, teeth and all of our cells. 

How does hunger arise and what do the nutrients have to do with it? 

Hunger arises in our brain, in the hypothalamus, an area of ​​the intermediate brain. The signals "hunger" or "full" are forwarded via hormones and nerve pathways. Others signal when a nutrient is missing. 

As soon as the body's reserves slowly go out, stomach cells produce the appetizing Ghrelin, for example. This is the strongest hunger hormone, but at the same time it also slows down the metabolism by falling a little and you have less desire to move. After all, the body does not know when it gets something to eat again. After the meal, the body checks whether the stomach is really filled with the right one and it can put all the signals on "full", only then does the Ghrelin concentration sink. Special sensory cells in the stomach measure how strongly the stomach wall stretches. In the intestine, on the other hand, receptors check whether the right nutrients also arrive. Only if all of this is correct can the brain finally switch to "full". A large portion of vegetables delivers many vitamins and minerals and also a lot of volume, but this is not enough. Your meal must also contain high -quality protein sources and important fatty acids. Only then does the meal provide the right combination of volume and nutritional value and your body puts the signals on "full". 

What influences the feeling of hunger and satiety? 

As soon as carbohydrates are split into their individual parts and the simple sugar glucose gets into the blood, the pancreas releases insulin. This hormone ensures that both glucose and amino acids can be brought into the cells. When these were delivered in the cell, the insulin and blood sugar levels drop again. If the blood sugar level drops, hunger arises again. If a lot of glucose gets into the blood at once, a lot of insulin is released, which means that the blood sugar level sinks very quickly and hunger arises again. If sugar is now constantly delivered, we are in a constant up and down. The insulin level literally runs roller coaster. We fall from one concentration hole to the next and save and from it again with a quick snack.Not only carbohydrates increase insulin levels, proteins or amino acids also promote insulin release. If amino acids are absorbed, the glucagon level also increases with the insulin level. The hormone glucagon is in terms of fat burning of the opponent of the insulin. While insulin is in the way of burning fat, Glukagon drives it. The mixture of glucagon and insulin, which is released after a moderate amount of protein, is ideal for good saturation and active fat burning. However, if too much protein is absorbed and a lot of amino acids get into the blood, some of the amino acids are converted into glucose. As a result, the blood sugar level increases as if you had eaten carbohydrates. So it depends on the right amount of protein. 

Tips for supporting the balanced hunger and satiety feeling 

  • Eat a maximum of 3 times a day (no snacks) 
  • Take 4-6 hours of break between meals 
  • Avoid quick carbohydrates (sweets, white flour) 
  • Eat a portion of protein for every meal 
  • There should always be a large portion of vegetables on your plate 
  • Give multiple fats over your vegetables after cooking (e.g. olive oil, algae oil) 

Our juice cure supports you to get to know your feeling of hunger and satiety and to be able to distinguish again when you are really hungry and when only appetite.Place your body on reset with a juice cure, start a more conscious lifestyle and feel better in the long term.➤ 3.5 or 7 days of juice cure

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Saftfasten Anleitung: 10 Tipps für die Vorbereitung einer Saftkur


Juice fasting guide: 10 tips for preparing a juice fast juice cleanse

Recharge your batteries and start everyday life with fresh energy - this is the promise of a juice cleanse. Sounds great so far, doesn't it? How you can do your best prepare for this time and what tips you can use to combat your hunger pangs during Lent, you can find out in this juice cleanse guide.

The right preparation for juice fasting

#1 Write down your goals

During the cure, it is quite possible that you will ask yourself, why you are doing the whole thing at all. Therefore it is it makes sense to write down your goals before the cure. Do you want to achieve a new body image? Or change your eating habits? Do you want fasting to be a time of reflection? Write your goals on a piece of paper and hang it up clearly. clearly visible in a place that you can see. This could be the bathroom mirror at home or the pinboard at work.

#2 Clean out the fridge

Out of sight, out of mind - out of sight, out of mind. If there is nothing in your fridge, you will be less temptedto want to eat something. Of course, you shouldn't throw away the food you still have at home because of this. But try anyway, remove as much food as possible from the kitchen cupboards and fridgethat develop a particularly strong attraction during therapeutic fasting. Perhaps you can store your stash of sweets at your best friend's house.

#3 Prepare physically

As banal as it may sound, physical preparation is something that most people neglect. They start directly with a fasting cure, which means the body has to undergo a major change. It is gentler if you eat a balanced diet of liquids, vegetables and raw food 1-2 days beforehand and abstain from alcohol to keep your your body optimally to the liquid food. But not only physically, but the preparation also makes a difference mentally. If you know what to expect and how you can act, for example, if the ravenous appetite overcomes you, it will be easier for you. So you're already on the right track with this blog article!

With the LiveFresh juice cleanse you will receive a 30-page guide, that accompanies you during the juice fast: From Recipe ideas for the optimal preparation up to Tips for a healthy finish.

#4 Choose quiet days

If this is your first juice cleanse is, choose quiet days for this time. Holidays or the weekend are perfect for this. Experienced juice fasters already know their bodies better and can better assess their energy levels. However, the general rule is: Avoid stressful phases and strenuous activitiesas your energy level will be lowered overall due to the reduction in calories and liquid food. Your physical performance is impaired and you should give your give your body as much rest as possiblethat it needs during this changeover. Further tips on the topic Sport during the juice cleanse can be found here.

Juice fasting guide: these tips will help you survive the juice cleanse

#1 Consciously deal with hunger pangs

Let's be honest - if you don't eat solid food, you may feel hungry. We don't want to deny that either - but with a juice cleanse this feeling of hunger is significantly less than with other fasting cures. The fruit and vegetable juices at least provide you with a few calories and fructose. But if you do get hungry: have a water bottle or teapot ready. Also Vegetable broth is an excellent alternative and replenishes your enzyme balance. In everyday life, hunger is often confused with thirst, as the feeling of hunger is mediated by many mechanisms. These include receptors in the stomach. When the stomach is full, these receptors register the stretching and a feeling of satiety sets in. This is why to combat the feeling of hunger with fluids.

#2 The juice cleanse do together with someone

It is much easier to fast when you the juice cleanse together with a friend with a friend. If you can only think about food, she/he will probably feel the same way and you can exchange ideas. That's worth its weight in gold and gives you both a shared experience, that welds you together. And who knows, maybe your health journey won't even end after the cure, but you will begin a fitter lifestyle together with a healthier diet and continue to support each other?

#3 Take it slow

Try to eat slowly during the juice cleanse avoid heavy physical work and hard sport. Use these days for this instead, live more consciously and listen to your body. Are you really hungry or just hungry? How often would you have grabbed a snack by now? Of course, you don't have to give up exercise completely, light movements are even very digestible. Go for a walk and move slowly in the fresh air. Also yoga is also an excellent sport during the juice cleanse.

#4 Dilute juices

As delicious as cold-pressed juices are - in the long run they can become a little too monotonous for some people, especially over several days. A great tip for this is to simply dilute the juices with water. Turn your Rote Raketejuice into a rocket-like spritzer or simply convert your ginger shot into a ginger tea. So you get during your fasting time quite simply a little variety and at the same time consume additional liquid. If that's not the epitome of "killing two birds with one stone"...

#5 Drink vegetable broth

With our juices you take a lot of vitamins and micronutrients from cold-pressed fruit and vegetables. However, your body lacks electrolytes. To replenish the electrolyte balance, vegetable broth is a good option. Ideally organic and with little iodine and little or no sugar. Incidentally, this also helps if you feel weaker.

#6 Don't be too hard on yourself

Last but not least, it is important to realize that you are doing this voluntarily to treat your body and therefore yourself to something good. If the cravings get the better of you, it is it's okay to reach for an emergency snack. We recommend a banana, vegetable broth, nuts or avocado. However, it is also no drama to stop the cure if you feel unwell with the juice fast is not going well. So don't be too hard on yourself and listen to your body. The great thing about a LiveFresh juice cleanse is that the delicious fruit and vegetable juices still taste great even after a cure.

These juice cleanse instructions have helped you and you're already in the starting blocks? Click here for your juice cleanse for 3, 5 or 7 days.

Daily schedule juice cleanse: This is what your day looks like during the juice fast

8:00 am: You start with a refreshing lemon-orange water - the ideal basis for your metabolism. You will also receive a vitamin D shot to cover your daily requirements. This combination gives you energy and motivation for the day.

10:00 a.m.The LiveFresh Hey Wach serves as a second breakfast and gets you going naturally with orange juice and guarana. The juice contains plenty of vitamin C and natural caffeine.

12:00 pm: Our all-round package Sommer Gefühle with zinc, copper and manganese supports your well-being. The turmeric shot serves as a healthy dessert and rounds off your lunch perfectly.

14:00: The Rote Rakete from the local superfood beet with vitamin B12 keeps you on track and provides extra energy. Its natural sweetness provides a refreshing energy boost.

16:00: No chance of an afternoon slump: the gentle green juice "Grüne Gefühle" with kale and spinach will get you going again.

18:00: In the evening you can look forward to Gold Rausch an exotic multi-juice that provides you with biotin. As a supplement, you can either have a Rote Kraft Shot or our Ingwer Sturm Shot - depending on the season.

20:00: Relaxation and night-time regeneration: the gentle, tropical Keep Calm juice prepares you for the day ahead.

Frequently asked questions about the juice fasting guide:

How to do a juice cleanse fast correctly?

During a juice cleanse you take basically only liquid to you. Our LiveFresh juices and shots made from fruit and vegetables are on the menu every day, as are sufficient water. We recommend an additional fluid intake of 2.5-3 liters per day. With our juice cleanse you take many important vitamins and micronutrients from cold-pressed fruit and vegetable juice. For a bit of variety, you can also enjoy a little unsweetened tea. Should you ever feel weaker, you can eat vegetable broth to balance your electrolyte levelsPreferably with little iodine and little or no sugar. Solid food is not recommended during a juice cleanse is dispensed with. However, if you get too hungry, you can reach for healthy snacks such as bananas, nuts or avocado in an emergency.

More answers to frequently asked questions about juice cleanse can be found here: The 11 most frequently asked questions about juice cleanse.

What is the best way to prepare for a juice cleanse prepare?

Both a good preparation and follow-up are essential for a successful juice cleanse crucial. To prepare you optimally for a juice cleanse prepare your body a few days before the treatment, you should adjust to the change in diet.

  • Avoid fatty foods and rich foods during this time.
  • You will receive a 30-page brochure with tips and tricks on how to behave before, during and after a juice cure. juice cleanse. In it you will also find delicious recipes for light meals.

Why is the preparation for a juice cleanse useful?

The body is used to digesting solid food. An abrupt switch to a liquid diet means a major change for the body and can be overwhelming without preparation. The body is sometimes downright dependent on certain foods such as sugar or flavor enhancers - the absence of these substances can put a strain on the body. Just two preparation days with a light diet can help the body to adjust to the change in diet and the juice cleanse successfully.

How often can I juice fast?

How often you can juice cleanse should do, can only be said individually: The duration of the juice cleanseyour schedule and your health are decisive factors. We recommend a fixed juice cleanse-routine into your everyday lifeto give your body and mind a regular break. The exact rhythm of juice fasting depends on your personal preferences. Experts recommend two to four times a year juice cleanse to do - ideally in spring and fall. In general, the longer the fasting cure lasts, the more intensive it is. You should therefore bear the following in mind: A 3-day juice cleanse more times a year than an intensive 5-day or 7-day fast. juice cleanse. Important for every juice cleanse is that that you give your body some time in between.

Our LiveFresh tip: When it comes to how often you juice cleanse you can do, you should always pay attention to your well-being. Do you feel ready for the next juice cleanse-experience - go for it! Reach for the juice cleansewhenever you have the feeling that your body needs a reset.

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Cranberry und ihre Wirkung: 4 Gründe, warum Du Cranberries essen solltest


Cranberries and their effects: 4 reasons why you should eat cranberries

"Cranberry? That's what you take for bladder infections, right?" Was that your first thought when you clicked on this blog post? You're probably not the only one. However, the small cranberry has a lot more to offer than that. The cranberry's ingredients include organic acids and fiber. Compared to other types of fruit, its vitamin and mineral content is rather average - approx. 14 mg of vitamin C per 100 g - but it does contain a lot more. however, it scores with valuable antibacterial components. These properties make the cranberry a practical helper for the prevention of various diseases such as cancer or high blood pressure. We'll now tell you a few hot facts about the little red berry.

#1 Support for urinary tract infections

As this is probably the best-known fact about the cranberry, it should of course not be omitted here. The sweet and sour berry has a supportive effect for the prevention and treatment of urinary tract infections on the body. But do you know why that is? You're about to find out! Although there are only a few studies that provide precise evidence of this effect, cranberries are said to have a healing effect, especially in the case of recurring bladder infections. Instead of just fighting the recurring bacteria like antibiotics, cranberries are said to cranberries actively prevent pathogens from adhering to the mucous membranes of the urinary tract in the first place. This process is due to the anthocyanidins and proanthocyanidins contained in the sweet and sour cranberry. So if you are prone to urinary tract infections, cranberries could be the solution to this problem.

#2 Boost for your immune system

Especially during the windy cold season, cranberries are a welcome little helper. As soon as you notice that you're coming down with another cold, you should give your boost your immune system and supply it with vitamin C. Conveniently, one cup of cranberry provides you with around 22% of the recommended daily requirement. But don't just rely on taking cranberries! Sufficient sleep, regular exercise and a healthy diet are even more importantto stay fit and healthy.

#3 Positive effect for the intestines & digestion

Not only love goes through the stomach, but also health. For many people it is still a taboo subject, but digestion is of central importance when it comes to general well-being. That's why it's important to eat the right nutrients and support your gut as much as you can. For example, the fiber contained in cranberries stimulates digestion. You've probably heard of this before, right? These fiber-rich food components are mainly found in plant-based foods and bind in the stomach. This results in a longer-lasting feeling of satiety and gets digestion moving. 100g of cranberries contain around 4.6g of fiber - This has a positive effect on your general intestinal health, especially if you have an unbalanced diet that is low in fiber. The antibacterial effect of cranberries also prevents Helicobacter pylori bacteria from settling in the stomach and intestines - this reduces the risk of inflammation of the stomach lining.

#4 Growth inhibitor of cancer cells

Unbelievable, but true. Various studies have already looked at the the growth-inhibiting effect of cranberries on cancer cells. are used. The dyes pro-anthocyanins (PAC) have proven to be particularly effective. Due to their distorted metabolism, tumor cells produce free radicals. If there is an excess, they destroy themselves. For this reason, antioxidants are counterproductive within the tumor cell. Instead, the tumor cell should produce more free radicals, which is caused by chemotherapy, for example. Vitamin C within the tumor cell also has a paradoxical effect. It produces even more toxic free radicals, whereas ascorbic acid has an antioxidant effect in healthy cells. The PAC of the cranberry also has this paradoxical pro-oxidative effect in the cancer cell.

How can I integrate cranberries into my diet?

So, now you've got a lot of information. If you haven't yet included cranberries in your diet, you may be wondering how you can incorporate them. You can Eat cranberries in their natural form, e.g. as a snack between meals. According to nutritionists, this is definitely the best way to absorb all the nutrients and antioxidants it contains. However, as some people are put off by the tart taste of the berry, here are a few suggestions on how you can incorporate the berry into your sweet routine: 

  • Muesli: You can easily add your cranberries to your muesli. Whether fresh or dried, they bring a delicious sweetness and spice up your morning breakfast. But be careful: dried fruit already contains more sugar than fresh fruit. So make sure they don't contain any additional sugar.
  • Rice pan: Yes, you read that right. Also the little berries give a simple rice pan a real kick. The sweet component gives a great flavor to the otherwise savory dish. A great idea for preparing your next rice dish in a different way.
  • Cranberry booster: A very simple method of integrating healthy cranberries into your everyday life is offered by the Vitamin D Shot Sunshine Berry from LiveFresh. The berry-flavored shot from the Booster family attracts with its interplay of apple, strawberry, cranberry and redcurrant. These ingredients make the perfect little power drink for your everyday life.

Cranberry side effects & interactions: What you should watch out for

Cranberries are known for their health benefits and are often referred to as a superfood. In most cases, cranberries are also well toleratedwhen consumed in moderation. However, some people may experience side effects, especially if consumed in excess.

One possible side effect of excessive consumption of cranberries is increased stomach acid production. This can cause discomfort such as heartburn or stomach irritation in people with sensitive stomachs. stomach irritation. Cranberries also contain oxalic acid, which in large quantities can promote the formation of kidney stones. People who already suffer from kidney stones or have an increased risk of developing them are best advised to limit their consumption. Pregnant women should also take care when eating cranberries. Although they are generally safe, large amounts of cranberries can cause the affect blood sugar levelswhich is a concern for pregnant women with existing risk of diabetes can be problematic.

Caution should also be exercised when taking anticoagulant medication. These blood-thinning agents could possibly lead to interactions in combination with cranberries. If you are taking such medications, you should check the following before consuming cranberry products Consult a doctor before consuming cranberry products.

Overall, cranberries are healthy berries with many positive properties. When consumed in moderation Side effects rare. Nevertheless, it is important, to consider individual sensitivities and risk factors.

What effect do cranberries have on health?

Cranberries impress with many health-promoting effects. The best known is probably their preventive effect for urinary tract infections. However, the proanthocyanidins and anthocyanins contained in the berries can also against heart and circulatory diseases prevent. The vitamin C contained in cranberries also strengthens the immune system. And even tumor cells can be inhibited in their growth by the berry's ingredients.

What vitamins are in cranberries?

100g of cranberries contain around 14mg of vitamin C. This is only average compared to other types of fruit, but the berry scores points for its antibacterial properties.

How many cranberries per day are recommended?

The dosage of cranberries depends on the type of intake. In the case of cystitis one glass of cranberry juice per day can work wonders. Cranberries are generally very well tolerated and cannot be overdosed so quickly.

With our Vitamin D Shot - Sunshine Berry with 10% cranberry, you can cover your daily vitamin D requirement with just one shot a day.

How can cranberry juice help with cystitis?

Cranberry juice can have a supportive effect, especially in the case of recurrent urinary tract infections. Cranberries actively prevent bacteria and other pathogens from adhering to the bladder wall thanks to their ingredients. This is mainly due to the anthocyanidins and proanthocyanidins they contain. This is why cranberries are often for the prevention of bladder and other urinary tract infections. recommended.

Which is better - fresh or dried cranberries?

Fresh cranberries taste sour and very tart, so many people don't like to enjoy them on their own. Dried cranberries, on the other hand, are sweeter and only slightly tart. This is why the fresh berries are mainly used for cooking savory dishes. Dried, they go particularly well with desserts and muesli. Whether fresh or dried, cranberries are a very good and above all natural source of vitamins, potassium, sodium and magnesium.

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Abnehmen mit Saftfasten: Fastenzeit ist Saftkurzeit


Lose weight with juice fasting: fasting time is juice cure time

Lent is just around the corner and many people use this time to get rid of bad habits. Some give up alcohol, others give up sweets. But what is juice fasting actually all about?

What is fasting?

But let's start from the beginning: many people are familiar with the term "fasting", but don't really know what it means. When fasting partially or completely abstaining from a food or stimulant for a certain period of time. Traditionally, this fasting period lasts 7 weeks - from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday. What is remembered by this Christian tradition commemorates the 40 days and nightsthat Jesus spent in the desert after his baptism, fasting to draw strength from his renunciation.

Nowadays, many people cut back on sweets, alcohol and meat during Lent. Hard-boiled people even skip solid food altogether and and only consume liquids. Although weight is lost, for most people fasting is not about losing weight. They want to calm down, harmonize body and mind and "tidy up" inside themselves again. No matter what your personal reasons are, Fasting means a change for the bodybecause it first has to get used to the lower calorie intake.

What is juice fasting?

During the fasting period, people resort to many different methods of fasting of fasting. One of these is the juice cleanse. These days you take exclusively cold-pressed juiceswater, unsweetened tea and vegetable broth in order to maintain the relieve the body and digestive system. Solid food, caffeine, nicotine and alcohol are avoided during the cure. The promise: Get through everyday life fit and full of energy again.

Because let's be honest: we put our bodies through a lot.

  • we often sleep less than the recommended 8 hours
  • we rarely eat enough fruit and vegetables
  • we probably don't exercise for 20 minutes a day either

Many find it difficult to integrate a healthy and fit lifestyle into their daily lives. As a result, our bodies become sluggish and our performance levels drop.

Juice fasting is a time of change, awareness and mindfulness. You have the opportunity to reflect on your own lifestyle and become aware of your eating habits. It is an intensive time in which you can come to terms with yourself and your body and get your digestion in shape. After the cure you can start your everyday life with a diet that suits you and more exercise. The juice cleanse offers you a super foundation for a fresh lifestyle!

Juice fasting guide: step-by-step to your well-being

A juice cleanse requires a certain amount of preparation and follow-upto provide the body with the best possible support and minimize possible side effects. In this juice fasting guide, you will learn how to prepare a juice cleanse correctly and we give you important tips on preparation and follow-up.

  • Step 1: The right preparation is the be-all and end-all

If you prepare 1-2 days before the start of the juice cleanse with sufficient fluids, vegetables and raw foods and abstain from alcohol, you will prepare your body optimally for the upcoming liquid diet. Avoid fatty foods and heavy meals in particular during this preparation period. With our juice cures, you will receive a 30-page brochure with useful tips and tricks for preparing, carrying out and following up the cure. You will also find delicious recipes for light meals. But mental preparation is also important - if you already know what to expect, it will be easier for you.

  • Step 2: Carry out the actual juice fast for 3-7 days

During a juice cleanse the diet consists exclusively of liquids. In our LiveFresh juice cleanse diet includes daily juices and shots of cold-pressed fruit and vegetables as well as sufficient water. We also recommend a fluid intake of 2.5-3 liters per day. This ensures that you get plenty of important vitamins and micronutrients. You can also drink unsweetened tea in between for a change. If you ever feel weaker, you can eat vegetable broth to balance your electrolyte levels.

  • Step 3: The juice cleanse Follow-up for an easier start to a healthy diet

In order to get started after a juice cleanse and gently get your body used to solid foods again, we recommend eating gentle meals as the last step in our guide. In this way, you can get your body used to a new, more conscious and balanced diet and make the long-term transition to a healthy diet easier.

Use the fasting period for a fresh start

The chance for a fresh start: Lent is a wonderful opportunity to change your diet and lifestyle. With a juice cleanse you bring your inner self back into balance and allow your body to recoverthat it so richly deserves.

  • Press the reset button
  • learn to understand your body and your digestion better
  • take off with a healthier and more self-confident you

What juice cures are there?

We currently offer the following different juice cures:

The benefits of juice fasting are now clear. So that the precious vitamins of the juices - can be preserved as well as possible and absorbed by the body, the juices should be drunk cold-pressed. But instead of having to use an expensive juicer every two hours, we offer you a simpler solution: A high-quality juice cleanse with cold-pressed juices at a fair price and easy to go. Our juices are never heated and are ready to drink. 100 % natural and without additives.

Who should juice fast?

Basically any healthy personwho wants to eat more consciously and is perhaps even aiming to change their diet can do juice fasting. We strongly advise people with health problems to consult a doctor beforehand, as a period of fasting can be dangerous due to the unaccustomed avoidance of solid food. a challenge for the body is a challenge for the body.

We would expressly advise the following people against juice fasting:

  • Pregnant women
  • People with diabetes - the high fructose content is dangerous
  • People with an eating disorder
  • People with chronic diseases

    But: a juice cleanse cannot do everything

    As small start-up we have the ambition to provide honest and 100 % natural products to sell. That's why we don't want to advertise with false promises. Our claim is a sustainable healthy diet - not a crash diet.

    This can be a juice cleanse cannot - or at least not alone:

    • Crash diet: The juice cleanse is not intended to be a short diet to achieve a summer figure in the short term. The temporary low calorie intake will give you a flatter stomach. But to achieve this result in the long term, we would like to recommend that you follow the juice cleanse as the foundation for a permanent change in diet.
    • Holistic detoxification: A juice cleanse may help you leave bad eating habits in the past, but detoxification is not 100% scientifically proven. While holistic medicine swears by it, conventional medicine is divided. And so do we: detoxification is not done in two or three days. You have to do a little more yourself - ideally by making a sustainable change after the juice fast.
    • Automatically kick-start you into a better life - because that's what you need to do. With the juice cleanse you can find out what makes your body tick and understand it better. Do you feel comfortable with the cure? Are you really hungry or is it all in your head? Take your time to find out which healthy habits suit you and your life. Remember: what works for others doesn't necessarily have to be right for you.

    Frequently asked questions:

    How healthy is juice fasting?

    With a juice cleanse you will reset your body to zero within a few days and give your body and intestines a break. During the juice fast, the juices and shots from LiveFresh with all important nutrients & vitamins.

    • The natural cleansing of the body is promoted.
    • Juice fasting helps to remove harmful substances from the body.
    • Body and intestines with the help of juices from rich fruits and vegetables relieved.

    This experience is suitable for ideal for a new start. After fasting, it will be easier for you to give up bad eating habits and introduce healthier habits - a more conscious way of eating or even living is no longer an obstacle.

    Which juices are suitable for juice fasting?

    So that the regenerate in the long term and recharge its batteries, it is important to high-quality juices that provide the body with all the important nutrients. Conventional juices from the supermarket are often pasteurized and therefore lose many nutrients and flavours. The juices of the LiveFresh juice cures on the other hand cold-pressed and not exposed to harmful heat - Vitamins and even the taste are preserved. You can find our juice cures in our online store.

    Can a juice cleanse lose weight?

    Juice fasting is a diet that consists of a significant calorie deficitwhich means that there are actually people who lose some weight in the meantime. However, the decisive factor is time after the juice fastIf you return to your old eating habits, you will quickly regain your original weight. One juice cleanse should facilitate the change in diet. Are you looking for delicious recipes for light food after the cure? Or visit our blog and discover great recipe ideas such as Beet pasta, High protein chili sin carne, Frozen Yogurt Bites and much more.

    What can I eat during the juice fast?

    When fasting with a LiveFresh juice cleanse you take only liquids for a few days for a few days. Solid foods are avoided during the juice fast. Our juices and shots are on the daily menu, as is plenty of water. We recommend an additional fluid intake of 2.5-3 liters per day. With our Juices made from cold-pressed fruit & vegetables you take all important vitamins and nutrients to you. Unsweetened teas provide some variety between meals and if you feel weaker, you can reach for vegetable broth to balance your electrolyte levels.

    You can find more answers to frequently asked questions about juice fasting here: The 11 most frequently asked questions about juice cleanse.

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    Juice cure advantages: That's why you should take a juice cure

    What is a juice cure?

    Energy and fit through everyday life - this is the promise of a juice cure. During this Time of reflection If you treat your body one Break of toxic environmental influences. In this way he can regenerate and find new strength. During the juice cure you drink over a period of a few days Only juices from rich fruit and vegetables, Water, tea and vegetable broth to relieve your body. Fixed foods, caffeine, nicotine and alcohol are dispensed with during the cure.

    In short, you will find the reasons for a juice cure at the end of the article.

    How do you live now and what do you want to change?

    A juice cure is above all one Time of change, mindfulness and awareness. You can Reflect your own lifestyle and your eating habitsthen start with a suitable nutritional form and more movement in everyday life.

    Because we are honest: our body has to endure a lot.We sleep less than 7-8 hours, rarely eat fruit and vegetables five times every day and we probably don't do the recommended 20 minutes of sport a day. A healthy and fitter lifestyle is often difficult to integrate into everyday life. The result: our body becomes sluggish, our level of performance sinks. But also ours Health and our well -being suffer in the long term Under such a way of life.

    What Are the advantages of a juice cure?

    Time for a new beginning: With a LiveFresh juice cureDo you bring your inside back in shape. Set your body back, refuel new energy and start with one healthier and more self -confident me through.

    You want to change something, challenge yourself or take a restart - then a juice cure starts. In order to you relieve both the body and intestine. The break that you treat yourself and your body enables you to To get to know your feeling of hunger and satiety. The juice cure is like a break and you make it easier Conversion to a long -term more conscious diet - even after the juice cure.

    What kind of juice cures are there?

    We currently offer four different juice cures in our Online shop on:

    The advantages of a juice cure are obvious. To the Precious vitamins and nutrients of the juices To maintain, the juices should be pressed cold at such a fast time. Instead of putting yourself on the expensive juicers every two hours, we offer you one High quality juice cure at the fair price to-go on. Never heated, 100% natural and without additives. Here you will find more information about our various juice cure juices:LiveFresh juice cure juices in focus

    Short and sweet

    5 reasons why you should make a juice cure

    1. Healthier lifestyle- Use the juice cure as preparation for a sustainable change in diet. It supports you in breaking and restart with unhealthy eating behavior.
    2. More conscious nutrition  Get to know your own body better and to eat more consciously. When are I really hungry? When and what do I only eat out of appetite, habit or stress? Discover our delicious recipes for light food before and after the juice cure: Our recipes.
    3. Internal health- The intestinal flora can be improved by introducing natural food - an important basis for a long -term healthy body.
    4. More energy- Many convinced juice faster feel through oneCleanseSo revitalize that you take fasting several times a year to refuel again.
    5. The good feeling of having made it– You did your juice cure? Congratulations, now you can do everything! Also your first step in a healthier, fitter life. So that you feel good :)

    But: a juice cure cannot do that

    asSmall start-up With great demands we would like to be honest and 100% natural products to sell. Therefore, we don't want to promise false promises.sustainability is our claim-no crash diet or crash cleanse!

    That can't be juice fasting at least not alone

    • Crash diet- A diet with which you can get the summer figure at short notice should not be the cure. Due to the short -term low calorie intake, you will inevitably get a flatter belly. But in order to achieve such a result in the long term, we would like to recommend that you prefer to use the juice cure to start a long -term change in diet.
    • Holistic detoxification- even if a juiceCleanseIt helps you to leave bad eating habits behind you, the detoxification has not been scientifically proven 100%. Holistic medicine swears on it, conventional medicine is disagree. And we also: Detoxification is of course not done on one or three days. You have to do that yourself - preferably through a slow but sustainable change after theCleanse. So you can really effectively get rid of slag and poisons and have a say in your health yourself.
    • Kicking you automatically into a better life– It's your turn! Find out with a juice cure how your body ticks. Do you feel with thatCleanse probably? How much hunger is "a matter of the head"? How much do you often only snack out of habit? And what goals do you set yourself for the time after the cure? During and after the cure, take the time to find out which healthy habits fit you personally and what habits you want to replace with healthier alternatives. Remember: what works for everyone does not necessarily have to work for you.

    Common FAQs

    What does a juice cure bring?

    One Juice cure offers many advantages:

    • With a juice cure you put your body at zero and Treating body and intestine to take a break.
    • During the cure, the live fresh juices and shots provide you with all important nutrients & vitamins.
    • With this inserted break you get a better feeling for hunger, saturation and your body.
    • Juice cures are the ideals Possibility for a restart: It will be easier for you to take off bad eating habits and introduce healthier habits. So the juice cure can help you in one more conscious nutritional or even lifestyle to start.

    Is a juice cure effective?

    A juice cure supports the Natural cleaning of the bodyto eliminate pollutants. These days become Body and intestine With the help of juices from rich fruit and vegetables relieved. In this way he can regenerate and find new strength. A juice cure thus puts the start of a more conscious way of life and more balanced nutrition it. The longer you pull through a juice cure, the more you can learn about your own body and the more you decide to make a healthier lifestyle afterwards.

    Who is a juice cure for?

    Do you want to relieve your body and recover from stress in everyday life? Then a juice cure is just right for you! Basically, anyone who wants to change something, eat more consciously or want to start a restart can start a juice cure. However, we recommend pregnant or breastfeeding women from a juice cure. If you suffer from health impairments or severe allergies, you should definitely consult your doctor before starting your juice cure.

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