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Grüner Tee und sein Potenzial als natürlicher Gewichtsverlust-Helfer


Green tea and its potential as a natural weight loss aid

Are you interested in how green tea can help you lose weight? That's a great idea! Green tea has been used for centuries in many cultures as a remedy for health and also has some weight loss benefits. positive properties. In this article, we will give you an overview and a number of tips on the most important questions and aspects of green tea and weight loss . You'll learn how green tea can help you lose weight, how often and how much you should drink and what the potential risks and side effects are. Read on to find out how healthy green tea is and how it naturally supports your diet, but also how best to incorporate it into your diet. weight loss strategy strategy.

Effect of green tea on weight loss

Green tea contains several compounds that can help you lose weight. Caffeine is one of these key compoundsas it stimulates the metabolism and increases fat burning. Another important compound in green tea is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which promotes fat burning and increases the metabolism. Due to the caffeine it contains, it is the tip as an alternative to coffee in the morning.

But green tea has even more to offer than just caffeine and EGCG. Other ingredients such as catechins, theanine and chlorophyll also have positive effects on the health and the metabolism and can help to curb appetite and the reduce the craving for unhealthy snacks.

In addition, green tea can also influence the the feeling of hunger and satiety have. Studies have shown that these teas can influence the production of hormones that are responsible for the feeling of hunger. A higher production of these hormones can make you feel full faster, eat less and thus improve the effect of a diet and weight loss.

In order to perceive your feelings of hunger and satiety more clearly again, a 3, 5 or 7 days juice cleanse. It is the ideal reset for your diet and the start of a successful diet.

A simple solution for nutrition after the juice cleanseis the food cleanse. This provides you with all the meals you need for a healthy everyday life for 7, 14 or 21 days. From delicious porridge for breakfast over healthy snacks for in-between meals to shakes and vegan bowls you are supplied with many important nutrients and vitamins every day. The cure is also fully guided and accompanied. The focus is on high-protein and low carb - the ideal conditions for losing weight. You will also be accompanied by sport and exercise sessions and receive delicious recipes for afterwards, so that the often dreaded yo-yo effect doesn't stand a chance.

How much green tea do you need to lose weight?

If you want to drink green tea to improve your diet success, there are a few things you should bear in mind.

  • Recommended amount for daily consumption: First of all, it is recommended to drink about 2-3 cups of green tea per day. But make sure you don't drink too much, as too much caffeine can cause an undesirable effect such as insomnia, headaches or nausea.

  • Optimal times for tea consumption: There are also optimal times for tea consumption. For example, drink a cup of green tea in the morning as a substitute for coffee or as an afternoon snack. However, avoid drinking it in the evening as it can affect your sleep patterns.

  • Avoid unwanted additives: It is also important to pay attention to the quality of your green tea and avoid unwanted additives. Look for organic quality and buy tea from trusted sources. Avoid sugary additives or flavored variants, as these can impair the positive effect on weight loss.

Remember that green tea alone is not a miracle cure for weight loss. It is important that you also incorporate a healthy diet and regular exercise into your daily routine.

We recommend that you plenty of daily high-quality food such as vegetables - they are filling, have few calories, but provide important vitamins and fiber. Do you generally want to lose weight vegan and avoid animal products? Here you can find our Tips for a vegan diet and a variety of recipes. Don't have time to cook everything yourself? Then the food cleanse from LiveFresh is perfect for you. No shopping, all meals are prepared in less than 9 minutes and are vegan, delicious and ideal for healthy weight loss.

Health benefits of green tea for the body and mind

Green tea not only has benefits for weight loss, but is generally considered healthy for body and mind. Here are some of the health benefits:

  1. Antioxidants: Green tea contains antioxidants such as EGCG, which can fight free radicals in the body and reduce damage to cells and tissues.

  2. Heart health: Studies have shown that green tea can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by lowering blood pressure and reducing bad cholesterol in the blood.

  3. Brain and nervous system: Green tea can also have positive effects on the brain and nervous system. It can help improve mood, increase mental performance and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

  4. Anti-inflammatory: Green tea also contains anti-inflammatory compounds that can reduce inflammation in the body, reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as arthritis and cancer.

  5. Weight control: Aside from its role in weight loss, green tea can also help keep weight in balance and boost metabolism.

  6. Relaxation: The amino acid L-theanine in green tea can also help you relax better.

All these health benefits show that green tea is a valuable addition to a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Tips for making the most of green tea for weight loss

  1. Choose a high quality variety: When buying green tea, make sure you choose a high-quality variety. Organically grown teas are often of better quality and contain fewer pesticides or other harmful substances.

  2. Drink the tea before your workout: A cup of green tea before your workout can help boost your metabolism and burn more calories. The tea can also help to increase stamina and reduce fatigue. It can also be used as a very good alternative to coffee.

  3. Drink the tea between meals or instead of coffee: If you get hungry between meals, a cup of green tea can help curb your appetite. The catechins contained in tea can help reduce hunger pangs and keep you fuller for longer.

  4. Avoid additives: To maximize the weight loss benefits of green tea, you should avoid additives such as sugar or milk. If you want to sweeten the tea, it is best to use stevia or honey.

  5. Drink the tea regularly: To take advantage of the weight loss and health benefits of green tea, you should drink it regularly. One cup of green tea a day can make a difference, but it's even better if you drink two or three cups.

  6. Combine the tea with a balanced diet and regular exercise: Green tea is not a miracle cure for weight loss. To lose weight successfully, it is important to combine it with a balanced diet and regular exercise. The quality of the food also plays an important role. Tips for a vegan diet and healthy recipes support you with your goals.

Potential risks and side effects of excessive consumption

Although green tea has many health benefits, excessive consumption can also carry risks and side effects. Here are some potential risks and side effects:

  1. Caffeine overdose: Green tea contains caffeine, and when consumed in large amounts, it can lead to overdose symptoms, such as insomnia, headaches, nausea and heart palpitations.

  2. Interaction with medications: Green tea can also interact with some medications, especially blood-thinning medications or high blood pressure medications. If you are taking medication, you should consult your doctor.

  3. Oxalate stones: Green tea contains oxalates, which can lead to the formation of kidney stones if consumed in high quantities.

  4. Gastrointestinal problems: Excessive consumption can also lead to gastrointestinal problems such as nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.

  5. Pregnancy and breastfeeding: It is recommended that pregnant or breastfeeding women do not drink too much green tea, as caffeine and other ingredients in tea can affect the unborn child or baby.

It is important that you do not drink too much of the tea and pay attention to how your body reacts to the tea. If you have any concerns or side effects, you should consult your doctor.


To summarize, green tea can be a natural and healthy option can be a natural and healthy option to lose weight. The active ingredients contained in tea, such as caffeine and EGCG, can boost the metabolism, increase reduce hunger and promote fat burning. Other health benefits of green tea include a Improvement of cognitive functionssupport for the immune system and a reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease.

If you want to use green tea to lose weight, it is recommended to drink about 2-3 cups per day. The tea should preferably be between meals be drunk between meals in order to boost metabolism and reduce hunger. You should also make sure to drink natural tea without unwanted additives such as sugar or artificial flavors.

However, it is important to note that green tea alone is not enough to lose weight. A balanced diet and regular exercise are also important factors for successful weight loss.

Overall, green tea can be a healthy and effective addition to a healthy lifestyle.

Frequently asked questions about green tea and losing weight:

Does green tea really help you lose weight?

Green tea can help you lose weight as it contains several compounds that can boost metabolism and fat burning in the body. One of these compounds is caffeine, which can boost metabolism, and another is epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), which can increase fat burning and calorie consumption. However, make sure you eat a healthy diet at the same time. Delicious recipes are the basis for the success of the diet.

How much and how often should I drink green tea to lose weight?

There is no set amount of green tea that you need to drink to lose weight. However, it is recommended to drink at least 2-3 cups a day to reap the health benefits. However, it is important to make sure that the tea is not sweetened with sugar or other high-calorie additives, as this increases the calorie content of the drink and can therefore impair weight loss.

When should I drink green tea to lose weight?

Green tea can be drunk at any time to lose weight, but some studies have shown that drinking it before exercise or physical activity can be particularly beneficial. The reason for this is that the tea can stimulate the body and boost the metabolism, which can lead to a higher calorie consumption. However, to get a healthy and restful night's sleep, you should avoid green tea in the evening.

What happens if you drink green tea every day?

Drinking this tea every day can have a number of benefits and be healthy, such as improving brain function, lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease and supporting the immune system. However, you should also be careful not to drink too much tea, as excessive consumption can lead to unwanted side effects such as insomnia, stomach problems and nervousness.

What are the disadvantages of green tea?

Green tea can also have a negative effect on health, especially if consumed in large quantities. Possible side effects include insomnia, stomach problems, nervousness, flatulence and headaches. The tea can also impair iron absorption in the body, which can lead to a deficiency, especially in people who already suffer from iron deficiency. It is therefore important to consume this type of tea in moderation and to consult a doctor if you have any concerns.

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Ernährungsplan zum Abnehmen


Diet plan for losing weight

When it comes to losing weight, a balanced diet is an important factor for long-term success. A individually created nutrition plan can help you to bring the necessary structure to your diet and promote healthy eating habits. After all, successful weight loss requires not only a reduction in calorie intake, but also a a sufficient supply of nutrients and an adaptation to your individual calorie requirement.

In this article you will find out which factors you should consider when create a diet plan for losing weight and which foods can be helpful. With a good plan, you can achieve your weight loss goals quickly.

Why a diet plan makes sense for losing weight

Most diets fail because of unstructured meal planning, a too large calorie deficitdeficiency symptoms and food cravings. Without a concrete plan, it is easy to fall back into old eating habits: A sweet muesli for breakfast today, perhaps a glass of lemonade for refreshment as an exception and the small unhealthy snacks in between don't really count. Or do they? It is precisely these behaviors that cause a lot of excess calories in your diet and keep you from losing weight.

If, on the other hand, you have a nutrition plan drawn up, this can help you to lose weight in a healthy way. Through a targeted selection of foods and a balanced distribution of meals your body is supplied with all the important nutrients without consuming too many calories. In addition Avoid cravings cravings can be avoided, as regular and sufficient meals constant feeling of satiety provide. A nutrition plan can therefore not only positive contribution to losing weight but also improve your well-being and health.

Lose 10 kilos - nutrition plan

You will often find such offers in magazines or online advertising posts that promise quick results within 14 days. However, it is important that your goal is realistic and not just based on short-term success. It is also helpful to set yourself other goals that go beyond losing weight, such as a a healthier diet or more exercise in your everyday life into your everyday life.

But always remember this: Short-term and big weight loss goals in a few weeks are neither realistic nor good for your health and can even have the opposite effect.

A permanent change in diet is clearly the better choice here. A weight loss of 0.5 to 1 kg per week is a realistic range. We'll give you some tips on how you can lose weight in a healthy way and get the most out of your diet - effectively, quickly and without hunger.

In the implementation - nutrition plan for losing weight

Step 1: Calculate your energy requirements

  • Basal metabolic rate: Your basal metabolic rate describes the energy your body needs to function at rest. It depends on your age, gender, height and weight. To calculate your basal metabolic rate, you can use a formula or a Online calculator use.

  • Performance turnover: Your energy expenditure describes the energy you need for physical activities. This includes sport, for example, but also everyday activities such as climbing stairs or shopping. Here, too, you can use a formula or calculate a online calculator to calculate your energy expenditure.

  • Total energy requirement: Your total energy requirement results from the Sum of basal metabolic rate and power metabolic rate. If you want to lose weight, you should reduce your total energy requirement by eating fewer calories. It is important that you do not lose weight too quickly and give your body enough time to get used to the changes.

If you know your energy requirements, you can better plan how many calories you should consume and how you need to adjust your diet and exercise to achieve your goal. A calorie deficit of around 500 kcal per day is ideal for a sustainable and healthy diet.

Step 2: Change your diet

One healthy diet is the basis for a successful weight loss plan. This includes a balanced diet that provides sufficient nutrients and fiber and fiber. Avoid highly processed convenience products and fast food and instead choose natural foods. For weight loss, a low carb diet has proven to be ideal, as you can eat your fill without going hungry and still lose weight. It works very simply and according to plan with the food cleanse. All low carb, high protein meals are included and can be prepared in less than 9 minutes. Through the optimal composition of the meals and accompanied by light exercise and yoga, a yo-yo effect is prevented so that you can enjoy your feel-good weight.

Plan your meals in advanceto ensure that you enough and balanced meals meals. Use an app or a diary to keep track of your calories and nutrients at a glance and nutrients. For many, the easiest way to do this is to plan the recipes for the coming week at the weekend and go shopping accordingly. We have some super tasty ones for you here low carb recipe ideas for your everyday life, so that you can easily create your own nutrition plan plan. More recipes you can also find on our blog and on our Instagram channel. 

Whether you're looking for ideas for your vegan breakfast or are looking for savory dishes we have the recipe ideas for you 

Step 3: Drinking regime

One sufficient fluid intake is important for health and the weight loss process. Water supports the metabolism and helps to flush toxins out of the body. Sufficient water also plays an important role in burning fat. An effect that you certainly don't want to miss out on.

The recommendations for The recommended amount to drink varies depending on age, gender, body weight and physical activity. However, as a rule of thumb, you should drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters of fluid per day preferably in the form of water or unsweetened tea. If you exercise or sweat a lot, you may need to drink more.

Step 4: Keep a food log

A food log can help you to overview of your eating habits and find out which foods and meals help you lose weight or have the opposite effect. A food log can also motivate you by tracking your progress.

To keep a food log, you should note down all meals and snacks you eat, including the time and quantity. Also make a note of drinks and any feelings of hunger or cravings. You can make a notebook or an app to keep your food log. Find out what makes you feel full or what triggers cravings.

When evaluating your food log, you should look for trends, for example whether you eat more or less at certain times of the day, or which foods you eat more often. Use the findings from your food log to make changes to your diet that will help you achieve your goals.

Healthy eating for weight loss: The LiveFresh food cleanse makes it possible

For all those who do not want to spend a lot of time creating their own nutrition plan, the LiveFresh offers the perfect solution. The Low Carb & High Protein food cleanse with different vegan bowlslow carb porridge, juices, healthy snacks and protein shakes ensures variety in your nutrition plan. The focus of the weight loss program is on low carb & high protein - the cure is also 100% vegan.

The advantage is not only that the food tastes delicious, but that you can also lose weight easily. The enclosed free Diet plan accompanies you on your weight loss journey and ensures that you transition to a long-term healthy diet in the long term. You can choose whether you want to follow the diet for 7, 14 or 21 days. You will see: The food cleanse does not feel like a classic diet. You feel like you are eating normally: Without starving yourself, but with fewer calories and fewer carbohydrates - but with all the more protein and fiber.

Free diet plan for long-term success included

The included diet plan for losing weight prepares you perfectly for the diet. It includes, among other things Tasty and healthy recipes and important tipshow you can best prepare for the food cleanse prepare for the

The food cleanse includes a all-round carefree package for maximum success in losing weight - the free nutrition plan accompanies you through every day. Both before and after the cure you will not be left alone. There are all meals are included, you need every day. The concept is very well thought out so that the food for a a long-lasting feeling of satiety feeling. The additional tips and tricks in the guide ensure that you achieve your goals in the long term.

Your nutrition plan could look like this: What you can expect

Every day of the week you have the choice between various quick and above all healthy dishesthat you can prepare and eat. With the well thought-out diet plan from LiveFresh you can save up to 7000kcal per week and lose 1kg of fat.

  • Breakfast: At around 8:00 am you start your day with a Happy Lemon juice and a high protein porridge in your favorite flavor, which you can prepare and vary according to your mood. The day starts low in calories but high in fiber and valuable vitamins.
  • LunchLunch: At around 12:00 you can eat a vegan protein shake and a low carb & high protein snack made from soy flakes to fill you up again.
  • DinnerAt around 18:00, you will then have a different vegan bowl every day of the week (7 different flavors). We recommend the healthy Sunshine Berry shot.
  • In between: You can drink another protein shake at any time of the day to satisfy your hunger in between meals.

Important to know: The order of the meals can of course be varied. Do you prefer to eat a main meal at lunchtime? No problem, just change the order of the dishes. vegan ready meals with the protein shake.

Frequently asked questions about diet plans for losing weight:

How do I create a weight loss plan?

There are a few steps you can follow to create a weight loss plan:

  1. Determine your energy requirements: Calculate your basal metabolic rate and power metabolic rate to determine your total energy requirements.
  2. Set realistic goals: Think about how much weight you want to lose and in what time frame this is realistic.
  3. Create a meal plan: Plan your meals and recipes for the week in advance to ensure that you eat balanced and healthy meals each day that meet your energy needs.
  4. Choose healthy food: Make sure you include enough vegetables, protein and healthy fat in your diet.
  5. Reduce saturated fat and carbohydrates: Limit your consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates as well as saturated fats.
  6. Increase your protein intake: Protein-rich foods can help increase satiety and support muscle maintenance during weight loss.
  7. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption: Alcohol contains a lot of empty calories and can interfere with the weight loss process.
  8. Keep a food log: Keep track of what you eat to motivate yourself and to determine which foods fill you up well throughout the day and which ones trigger cravings.
  9. Stay motivated: Find a strategy to keep you motivated, such as sharing your progress with friends or rewarding small successes.

By following these steps, you can achieve a create a sound weight loss planthat will help you achieve your goals. If you are looking for vegan recipes with few calories, you will surely find what you are looking for on our blog and on our Instagram channel find what you are looking for. Be it for Recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner or in between. So you have almost everything you need to lose weight. If you don't want to plan, shop or cook, then the food cleanse is just right.

Do I really need a diet plan to lose weight?

A diet plan can be very helpful for people who want to lose weight. By planning what you eat in advance, you can ensure that you get enough nutrients and that you do not consume too many calories. A nutrition plan can also help you to avoid unhealthy foods and reduce uncontrolled eating. Only with the right plan can you succeed introduction of a balanced and calorie-reduced diet in everyday life very easily.

In our blog you will find numerous healthy and vegan recipes for losing weightthat you should definitely try out and incorporate into your diet. In addition to a healthy diet, it is also recommended, moderate sport to practiceto stay fit and accelerate fat burning.

How many meals should I plan per day?

The number of meals you should plan for when losing weight depends on various factors, such as your individual calorie requirements and your personal eating habits. As a rule, however, we recommend Three main meals and two small snacks if necessary to maintain the metabolism and prevent cravings. As healthy snacks are for example Fruit and vegetable juices and various nuts. Our delicious organic protein snacks - Low carb and high protein. A main meal can also be replaced by a protein shake in order to save additional calories

Which foods should I avoid when losing weight?

There are some foods that should be avoided when losing weight. These include, for example highly processed foods such as potato chips, ready meals and sweets that high in sugar, salt and fat and fat. Also Alcohol and sugary drinks such as soft drinks should also be avoided, as they contain a lot of calories and cause blood sugar levels to rise quickly. You should also Foods with a high carbohydrate content such as white bread and pasta should only be eaten in moderation.

Healthy recipes with few calories can also be found on our blog and on our Instagram channel

Which foods should I definitely include in my diet?

There are some foods that are particularly good for losing weight. These include, for example Vegetables and fruitas they are low in calories and at the same time many important nutrients at the same time. Also protein-rich foods such as pulses, lean meat or fish are also useful, as they fill you up for a long time and counteract the breakdown of your muscles. When eating fatty foods, make sure you choose healthy fats such as nuts or avocados. Make sure that your nutrition plan is based on a a balanced diet that high in protein, nutrients and fiber to lose weight in the long term without going hungry or losing muscle mass.

  1. Fruit: Apples, bananas, berries, oranges, grapefruits and other fruits provide important nutrients and fiber, but should be eaten in moderation as they contain a lot of fructose
  2. Vegetables: Green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, carrots, peppers, broccoli, zucchinis and other vegetables
  3. Whole grain products: Wholemeal bread, oatmeal, wholegrain rice, quinoa and other wholegrain products
  4. Proteins:Chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, tempeh, tofu, beans and lentils are good sources of protein
  5. Healthy fat: Nuts, seeds, avocado and olive oil contain healthy fats that are important for a healthy diet

If you prefer to rely on experts, you are better off with the LiveFresh food cleanse is the best advice: Low carb, high protein, low calorie and 100% vegan this slimming diet provides you with all the nutrients you need. And best of all: the cure is completely guided and accompanied and ensures with the enclosed nutrition plan for an all-round carefree package.

Why should protein be part of the diet plan for losing weight?

Protein is a important component of a balanced dietespecially when it comes to losing weight. Protein-rich foods ensure that you feel feel fuller for longer longer and therefore consume fewer calories. Protein is also important for building and maintaining musclewhich is particularly beneficial when losing weight to keep the body toned. Sources of protein such as lean meat, fish, pulses, nuts and dairy products should therefore be included in your diet. regularly integrated into the diet be regularly integrated into the diet.

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Dishes to lose weight

One balanced diet is the key to a healthy weight loss. However, when trying to lose weight, it can be difficult to find the right balance between healthy ingredients and delicious dishes. Luckily, there are many dishes that are not only delicious, but also low in calories and high in nutrients. Some of the best dishes to lose weight are those that are rich in protein, fiber and healthy fats. Protein and fiber make you feel fuller for longer, while healthy fats can help keep you feeling fuller. boost the metabolism and put the body into fat-burning mode.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to this, dishes to lose weight dishes. It is important to eat a balanced diet and avoid ingredients such as sugar, refined flour and saturated fats. However, if you are creative and healthy ingredients you can prepare delicious dishes that help you lose weight. Below you can find out more about healthy weight loss with helpful tips and tricks. We have also put together some of our favorite recipes for weight loss dishes.

Healthy weight loss - how it works!

Healthy weight loss is a topic that concerns many people. The desire for a slimmer body and a healthier lifestyle drives many people to try diets and change their eating habits. However, there are numerous myths and false promises that can often lead to disappointment. The goal with healthy weight loss is, to lose weight in the long term and at the same time supply the body with all the important nutrients. Healthy weight loss is not a sprint, but a marathon. It requires patience, discipline and perseverance. But the reward is a a healthier, happier life with a body that is fit and vital. For quick results, check out our blog posts lose weight quickly or Tips for losing weight important information on the subject of losing weight.

The recipe for success for a healthy and long-lasting weight loss is to restrict your daily calorie intake. By consuming fewer calories than your body uses, you lose weight. In order to lose weight healthily, you need to maintain a a balanced diet in the long term - without sacrifice! 

Our top tips for long-term and healthy weight loss success:

Avoid highly processed products

For your change your diet you should definitely reduce your consumption of highly processed foods and concentrate on fresh ingredients, whole grain products, sources of protein and healthy fats. Foods with a large volume, such as vegetables or salad, are particularly suitable as they keep you full for a long time and are rich in protein. protein-containing products can be supplemented.

Highly processed foods are not only responsible for weight gain. The artificial additives they contain can make you ill in the long term by increasing the risk of inflammation, diabetes and bowel cancer and weakening the immune system.

Here is a list of processed foods that you should only consume in moderation:

  • Ready mealsReady meals often contain large amounts of salt, sugar and fat to improve the taste and increase the shelf life. They should therefore only be consumed occasionally and in small quantities. However, there are now many healthy ready mealsthat support a balanced diet. With no added sugar or artificial additives, these meals are rich in nutritious ingredients such as vegetables, wholegrain products and lean protein.

  • Sugary drinksSugary drinks such as sodas, iced teas and energy drinks contain large amounts of sugar and calories, which can quickly raise blood sugar levels and lead to weight gain. It is best to replace them with water, unsweetened tea or other low-calorie drinks.

  • CheeseCheese often contains large amounts of fat and calories. It is best to choose low-fat cheeses and enjoy them in moderation.

  • Ready-made sauces and dressingsReady-made sauces and dressings often contain high amounts of sugar, salt and fat. It is best to replace them with homemade versions using fresh ingredients.

It is important to note that not all processed foods are unhealthy. Some can be part of a balanced diet when consumed in moderation and in combination with fresh, unprocessed foods. It's all about finding a balance and maintaining a healthy diet.

Do you already know our food cleanse? With the all-round carefree package, your start to changing your diet will be child's play! The vegan and protein-rich pan meals are super tasty and provide a healthy food cleanse a quick and healthy dinner. The porridge for breakfast provides you with a high protein content and is ideal for an energy-rich start to the day. All meals of the cure are low carb and are therefore ideal for losing weight.

Don't do without certain foods

It is a common myth that you have to avoid certain foods in order to be healthy or lose weight. However, the truth is that it is not necessary to completely avoid certain foods in order to achieve a healthy diet. Rather, it's about maintaining a balanced diet rich in nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. By focusing on a wide variety of foods and paying attention to appropriate portion sizes, you can achieve a a balanced diet that provides sufficient nutrients and energy.

Another important aspect is moderation. It's okay to eat something that is considered "unhealthy" from time to time, such as sweets, fast food or high-fat foods. As long as you consume these foods in moderation and they are part of an otherwise balanced diet, they can be enjoyed without having a negative impact on your health. It is also important not to become too fixated on or restricted by certain foods. Restricting yourself to a certain type of food can cause you to miss out on important nutrients or find yourself in a diet trap that is not sustainable. Instead, focus on a variety of foods and make sure you're getting an adequate amount of nutrients. A diet based on moderation and variety is a sustainable approach that supports good health and a healthy weight. The best way to do this is to follow the food pyramidwhich divides foods into different groups and shows you which foods you should eat more often and which foods you should only consume in moderation. For a long-term change in diet, it is best to follow the 80/20 rule rule. This means that 80% of your diet should be healthy and 20% of your diet can be less healthy. This way you can treat yourself to something or go out to eat.

Overall, it is important to maintain a balanced diet that is rich in nutrient-dense foods and focuses on moderation and variety. By focusing on a balanced diet and avoiding dietary myths, one can achieve a healthy and sustainable diet that allows for long-term success. More Tips for fast weight loss can be found in our blog posts lose weight fast and Tips for losing weight.

Cooking varied dishes

When it comes to healthy weight loss many people automatically think of abstinence and boring meals. But that doesn't have to be the case! Varied dishes can not only be healthy, but also delicious. By combining different food groups and flavors, you can conjure up a variety of delicious dishes. One balanced diet with plenty of vegetables, fruit, whole grains and lean protein such as chicken, can help you feel full and satisfied without consuming too many calories.

There are numerous ways to add variety to your diet, such as using spices and herbs, experimenting with new recipes and incorporating seasonal vegetables and fruit. Trying out dishes from other cultures can also be a great way to discover new flavors. The aim is to find a balanced diet that is not only healthy, but also varied and delicious. Because only then can you lose weight healthily in the long termwithout getting bored. For healthy and varied dishes you don't always have to spend hours in the kitchen. There are also lots of quick recipes that are easy to cook but still tasty and healthy. Pan-fried dishes or casseroles with broccoli, spinach or lean chicken, for example, are perfect for a low carb dinner that is also super tasty.

Our delicious recipes to lose weight help you to make your diet richer and more varied without the hassle of cooking: 

Vegan spaghetti pumpkin with lentil bolo

Need a quick meal today or just don't feel like cooking? Then take a look at our quick, healthy and easy-to-prepare vegan bowls for you! The bowls can be prepared in just 9 minutes in a pan, are low carb and packed with important nutrients. With a variety of vegetables, vegan chicken, chickpeas and beans, the different bowls are perfect for a quick low carb meal to lose weight.

Healthy snacks

For weight loss, it would be ideal if your main meals are so filling that you don't need any snacks. You can achieve this with sufficient protein and high-quality fats. However avoid food cravings you should healthy snacks that provide your body with additional important nutrients.

Healthy snacks should be balanced and contain a combination of protein, fiber and healthy fats to keep blood sugar levels stable and prolong the feeling of satiety. Some examples of healthy snacks are

  • Fresh fruit: Apples, berries or bananas, combined with nuts or almond butter

  • Vegetable sticksCarrots, peppers or celery with hummus or guacamole

  • Crackers: Wholemeal crackers or rice cakes with low-fat cheese or tuna

  • Yogurt: Greek yogurt with fruit and nuts or seeds

It's important to avoid processed snacks such as potato chips, sweets and fast food as these are often high in sugar, fat and salt and don't provide the body with essential nutrients. However, paying attention to a balanced diet and healthy snacks can help you feel full and satisfied while you're on your way to healthy weight loss.

Tips against cravings for unhealthy snacks and quick, healthy fillers for those little hunger pangs in between meals can be found in our blog post healthy snacks.

Sufficient exercise

To lose weight successfully and healthily, it is important not only to eat a balanced diet, but also to get enough exercise. exercise in your everyday life everyday life. A combination of a healthy diet and regular physical activity is the key to successful weight loss and long-term health. Through regular exercise you can not only burn calories, but also improve your cardiovascular health, improve your metabolism and build muscle. A combination of cardio and strength training can help you burn fat and build muscle mass at the same time, resulting in a leaner, fitter body.

But how much exercise do you actually need to lose weight healthily? The American Heart Association recommends getting at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week, which amounts to about 30 minutes of exercise five days a week. Moderate-intensity physical activity includes activities such as brisk walking, swimming or cycling that work the cardiovascular system but do not require excessive exertion. It is also important to include regular strength training in your exercise routine to build muscle and improve metabolism. By building muscle mass, you increase your basal metabolic rate and burn more calories, even at rest.

However, it is important to listen to your body and increase physical activity slowly to avoid injury. If you are just starting to exercise, you can begin with short training sessions and gradually increase them over time.

In summary, sufficient exercise is an important part of a successful and healthy diet. healthy weight loss. A combination of cardio and strength training can help burn calories, build muscle and improve metabolism. By exercising regularly and listening to your body, you can develop a healthy and sustainable exercise routine that supports weight loss and improves your overall health.

Frequently asked questions about healthy weight loss:

What dishes to eat to lose weight?

When it comes to losing weight, it's important that you eat a balanced and healthy diet. One balanced diet includes a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats.

When it comes to Dishes to lose weight there are many healthy options. Here are some examples:

  • Salads: Salads are a great choice to provide your body with nutrients while supporting weight management. You can make salads with a variety of vegetables, lean protein and a healthy dressing. A Beet and couscous salad or a vegan feta salad are ideal for a varied and delicious low carb dish during your diet.

  • Soups: Soups are another great choice to keep you feeling full while getting a variety of nutrients. With only a few calories, a vegan carrot-orange-ginger soup or a simple tomato soup perfect for your healthy everyday life.

  • Vegetables: Vegetables, such as broccoli or spinach, are a great source of nutrients and fiber. Vegetables are extremely filling and should be part of your daily diet. You can easily prepare vegetables on the grill, in the oven or as a casserole and serve them with a lean protein source such as grilled chicken or fish.

  • Baked chickenChicken is an excellent source of protein and can be a great option to help with weight loss. Cooked in the oven, chicken is a healthy and filling meal.

  • Fish: Fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and will help you lose weight. You can prepare fish in different ways, e.g. steamed, grilled or baked, and serve it with vegetables such as broccoli, spinach or zucchinis.

These are just a few examples of Dishes to lose weight. For more recipe ideas you can check out our blog for inspiration. The important thing is that you a balanced diet and stay away from highly processed and high-calorie foods.

Which foods to avoid to lose weight?

When it comes to losing weight, there are certain foods that are best avoided. Here are some examples:

  • Highly processed foods: Foods that are highly processed often contain high amounts of sugar, salt and unhealthy fats. Examples include potato chips, sweets and fast food.

  • Sugary drinks: Sugary drinks such as Coca-Cola, Fanta or Sprite contain a lot of sugar and empty calories. During your diet, it is better to drink water or unsweetened tea.

  • Fried foods: Fried foods often contain a lot of fat and calories and can therefore contribute to you gaining weight. It is better to steam, roast or grill food.

  • Refined carbohydratesRefined carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta and rice contain little fiber and can cause blood sugar levels to rise quickly. In contrast, whole grain products contain more fibre and stabilize blood sugar levels.

  • Alcohol: Alcohol contains a lot of empty calories and can cause you to gain weight. If you drink alcohol, you should do so in moderation and choose low-calorie options such as wine or beer.

These foods should not be cut out of your diet completely, but it is important to limit your intake and focus on a low-calorie diet. balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats.

Low carb to lose weight?

Meals for weight loss don't have to be boring and tasteless. A low carb diet can help reduce body weight by reducing carbohydrates and focusing on protein-rich foods and healthy fats.

Some examples of Low carb dishes for losing weight are:

  • Roasted chicken with green vegetables such as broccoli or spinach

  • Vegetable omelette with avocado and wholemeal bread

  • Vegetable casserole

  • Grilled fish with roasted asparagus and lemon

  • Grilled chicken skewers with peppers and onions

  • Zucchini pasta with tomato sauce and minced chicken

By reducing carbohydrates and increasing protein and healthy fats, a low carb diet can help reduce cravings for snacks and unhealthy foods. However, it is important to still have a balanced diet and not consume too many calories.

If you are looking for more low carb recipes to lose weight, you can find them on our blog numerous ideas for low-carb dishes that fill you up and provide your body with important nutrients. Try them out and find the perfect dishes for your diet!

When to eat to lose weight?

There are many theories about when it's best to eat for successful weight loss. Here are some of the most common recommendations:

  • BreakfastIt is important to eat a healthy breakfast to boost your metabolism and provide your body with energy for the day. A healthy breakfast should contain a balanced mix of carbohydrates, protein and fat. Breakfast recipes with oatmeal such as a Apple and cinnamon porridge or vegan baked oats are particularly suitable for a balanced, low carb breakfast. If you're in a hurry, you should definitely try our delicious low carb and high protein porridge try.

  • Snacks between meals: Some experts recommend having small snacks between meals to boost metabolism and keep blood sugar levels stable. Healthy snack options include nuts, vegetable sticks with hummus or Greek yogurt with berries.

  • Dinner: Late meals should be light and balanced. Grilled chicken with steamed vegetables such as broccoli or spinach and a salad is perfect for a light low carb dinner.

  • Intermittent fasting: Intermittent fasting describes a method in which you fast for a certain period of time and then eat normally within a set period of time. For example, you can fast for 16 hours and eat normally within 8 hours. Some studies suggest that intermittent fasting can help you lose weight, but it is important to maintain a balanced diet and listen to your body.

There is no magic formula for the best timing of eating to help you lose weight. The important thing is to maintain a balanced diet and eat regularly to keep your metabolism up. It is also important to listen to your body and find out what eating times and patterns suit you best.

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Abendessen zum Abnehmen: Ernährungstipps & Rezept-Ideen


Dinner to lose weight: Nutrition tips & recipe ideas

Dinner plays an important role when it comes to this, lose weight sustainably. However, it can be difficult to find suitable meals that are not only low in calories but also fill you up and are tasty at the same time. In this blog post you will find various Low carb dinner that helps you lose weightwithout you having to sacrifice enjoyment. We have for you simple recipes and tips for the preparation, so that you too can be a healthy dinner to lose weight for weight loss.

Simply skip dinner to lose weight: Why this is not a good idea

Of course you save calories by skipping dinner, but going to bed with a growling stomach is anything but pleasant. Not only can it make affect your sleepbut also the inhibit muscle building. If the calorie deficit is too high, it can even counterproductive for the weight loss project as the body can lose its basal metabolic rate in order to consume less energy.

Skipping a meal therefore has nothing to do with healthy eating habits. Instead, it is recommended, choose healthy food in the evening - preferably low carb & high protein. With the right foods, you can boost your fat metabolism, build muscle and improve your sleep.

The right time for dinner: Adapt your eating behavior to your daily rhythm

There are no fixed timethat is considered the "right" time for dinner. The time can vary from person to person person and depends on various factors, such as the individual daily routine and the personal eating habits. However, it is recommended to eat dinner at least two to three hours before going to bed in order to have a good digestion and restful sleep and restful sleep. Dinner should also not be too heavy or high in calories so as not to put too much strain on the metabolism. Rather focus on light low carb dishes with few carbohydrates and few calories.

LiveFresh Tip: Give your body at least 12 hours rest between dinner and the next breakfast.

The best foods for dinner to lose weight

These low carb foods are ideal for a light and healthy dinner that boosts your fat metabolism and helps you lose weight:

  • Salad & vegetablesSeasonal vegetables such as asparagus, spinach, zucchinis, tomatoes, fennel, broccoli, eggplant and peppers contain lots of water, are low in calories and provide valuable vitamins and nutrients.
  • PulsesChickpeas, lentils, beans, etc. round off any vegetable dish and are also full of fiber and vegetable proteins that keep you full for a long time.
  • FishFish contains lots of important protein and valuable omega-3 fatty acids. Seafood and low-fat fish such as prawns, cod, tuna or pollack are therefore always a good choice.
  • MeatLean chicken or turkey is ideal for a healthy dinner to lose weight.
  • Dairy productsDairy products such as quark, cottage cheese or yoghurt keep you full for a long time and are rich in protein. However, you should only eat these foods in small quantities when losing weight.
  • FruitFruit should of course not be missing from your healthy and balanced diet. Choose fruit such as berries, melon, oranges, kiwis etc. These are low in calories and rich in vitamins due to their high water content. However, only eat a maximum of one portion of fruit, especially in the evening, as the sugar content can otherwise inhibit fat burning during the night.
  • Nuts & seedsAs healthy snack Nuts and seeds such as pumpkin seeds, cashew nuts or sunflower seeds are particularly suitable as a healthy snack between meals or in front of the TV in the evening.

You should avoid these foods in the evening

Certain foods are best avoided in the evening, as they increase the affect fat metabolism and sleep and sleep:

  • Carbohydrate-rich foods made from white flour such as rice, bread and pasta
  • Fried or breaded foods such as chips or schnitzel
  • Heavy and rich sauces such as hollandaise or béarnaise
  • Cheese and other high-fat dairy products such as cream or butter
  • Sweets and desserts with lots of sugar and fat
  • Alcoholic drinks

One stable blood sugar level is crucial for a a smooth metabolism. This enables the body, process nutrients effectively and absorb them. A constant blood sugar level not only keeps your weight stable, but also improves your sleep.

Delicious recipe ideas for your healthy dinner to lose weight

Here we have for you delicious and healthy recipes for your dinner that will give you the best support you in losing weight:

  • Light soups & stewsThese recipes are very easy to prepare, low in calories and varied. The soups and stews are not only easy to digest, but also quick to cook. Why not try our vegan carrot orange ginger soup or our vegan pumpkin carrot potato soup.
  • Vegetarian and vegan dishes: Colorful salads or tasty recipes for stir-fried and baked vegetables are ideal as a low-calorie dinner to lose weight. Why not try our healthy stuffed bell pepper halves. With our Oven Brussels sprouts with cauliflower rice recipe, you can create the perfect alternative to conventional, carbohydrate-rich rice. And thanks to our vegan pumpkin fries you don't have to do without anything, even when losing weight.
  • Healthy bowls: LiveFresh offers vegan bowls in many different flavors - with a focus on low carb and high protein. These dishes create the ideal basis for losing weight and can be prepared in just a few minutes. Want to try a recipe for yourself? Then try our healthy Buddha Bowl.


Frequently asked questions about dinner to lose weight:

What should I eat for dinner if I want to lose weight?

When you lose weight healthily you can eat protein and fiber-rich foods in the evening in the evening, which fill you up for a long time and are low in calories at the same time. These include, for example lean meat, fish, vegetables, pulses or salad. Carbohydrates, especially simple sugars, should be avoided. High-fat foods or large portions are also not ideal in the evening, as the body needs less energy at this time of day and stores excess energy as fat reserves.

On our blog and our Instagram channel you will find easy low carb recipes to lose weight. The dishes are not only healthy, but can usually be prepared in just a few minutes.

What can I eat after 6 p.m. without gaining weight?

There are some foods that you can safely eat in the evening without putting on weight. These include, for example Vegetables, lean protein such as chicken breast or fish, salad, soups and stews without potatoes or pasta, and Quark or yogurt with fruit. However, it is important to avoid large portions and sugary foods, as they increase insulin levels and can inhibit fat burning.

What fills you up in the evening and is low in calories?

Foods that fill you up in the evening and at the same time few calories containare for example:

  • Vegetables (e.g. broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, zucchinis)
  • Legumes (e.g. lentils, chickpeas)
  • lean protein (e.g. chicken breast, fish, tofu)
  • salad with low-sugar dressings

You can also High-fiber foods such as wholegrain rice or pasta, quinoa and oatmeal can also help you to feel full while consuming fewer calories. It is important to keep an eye on portion size and to eat balanced composition of the meal and a balanced composition of the meal.

What can I eat for dinner instead of bread?

Instead of bread, you can also eat other low-carbohydrate alternatives such as vegetable sticks with hummus or guacamole, a salad with protein-rich ingredients such as chicken, fish or tofu, an omelette filled with vegetables or a homemade sushi roll with vegetables and fish. Also a quark or yogurt with fruit or nuts can also be a tasty and healthy alternative to bread. If you still want bread, it is advisable to choose a low carb Bread based on seeds, kernels and nut flours to reach for.

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Low Carb Diät: Ernährungstipps & Rezept-Ideen


Low carb diet: nutrition tips & recipe ideas

The low carb diet is a type of diet that has become increasingly popular in recent years. With this form of diet, the carbohydrate content in the diet is drastically reduced and replaced by a higher intake of proteins and healthy fats and healthy fats. In this article, we will take a closer look at the low carb diet and its effects on the body.

What is a low carb diet?

Low carb stands for "low carbohydrates" and the idea behind this diet is to reduce the keep blood sugar levels stable and to encourage the body to use more fat as an energy source. On the one hand, this allows you to lose weight and on the other hand positive effects on health health. There are different variants of the low carb diet, which differ in the permitted amount of carbohydrates and other details. The low carb diet is therefore not just a method for losing weightbut is also often used for treatment of certain diseases such as diabetes.

The principle behind this diet is called ketosisIf the body has fewer carbohydrates available than it needs for energy, the metabolism changes and after a few days enters ketosis. state of ketosis. In this state, the fat loss is stimulated.

Advantages of a low carb diet

  • Long-lasting feeling of satietyProteins and high-quality fats keep you full for a long time, which means that you eat less with a low carb diet. feeling of hunger
  • Helps you lose weightWith the low carb diet, the body draws energy from fat cells, which burns fat. This diet also saves calories, which is an advantage when losing weight. In addition, protein promotes muscle building, which in turn burns more carbohydrates at rest.
  • No cravings: Since only little sugar or only foods with a lower glycemic index are eaten, the insulin level remains relatively constant. This counteracts cravings and performance is also more constant.
  • Promotes healthA low-carbohydrate diet ensures that fat molecules are minimized. Blood pressure stabilizes and the risk of heart attack decreases.
  • Less water retention in the body: The glycogen stores are virtually empty with this type of diet, which means that no water can be bound and stored in the body.
  • No loss of muscle mass: Due to the increased protein intake in the low carb diet, muscle breakdown is counteracted.

Types of low carb diets

There are different types of low carb diets. One of the best known is the classic Atkins diet, in which carbohydrates are almost completely eliminated. Another variant is the ketogenic diet, in which very few carbohydrates and more fat are consumed in order to put the body into a state of ketosis. The paleo diet is also a form of low carb diet, which also has its own focus has its own focus. There is therefore no single low carb diet, but rather different approaches and variations. Here is an excerpt of the best-known low carb diets:

LOGI diet

The LOGI diet is a moderate low carb dietwhich allows up to 130 grams of carbohydrates per day. LOGI stands for "Low Glycemic and Insulinemic Diet" and aims to reduce the keep blood sugar and insulin levels low. When eating carbohydrate-rich foods, it is particularly important to ensure that they only cause blood sugar levels to rise slowly. Wholemeal products and pulses can therefore be eaten in moderation.

Paleo diet

With the Paleo diet only Foods that were already present in the Paleolithic Age (Paleolithic) are eaten. This mainly includes meat, fish, fruit, nuts and vegetables. Cereals, pulses, milk and dairy products are avoided. The daily carbohydrate intake is around 50 to 100 grams.

Keto diet

Also the keto diet is one of the strictest low carb diets and allows a maximum of 30 grams of carbohydrates per day. Carbohydrate-rich foods are taboo on this diet. Instead foods rich in fat and protein such as meat, fish, dairy products, nuts and seeds are preferred. Low-carbohydrate vegetables and fruit should be consumed in small quantities.

Low carb foods: what you should eat

With a low carb diet you can eat the following foods:

  • Vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, zucchini, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, asparagus
  • Fruit with low fructose such as berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries), avocado
  • Proteins such as meat, fish, eggs, tofu, pulses
  • Healthy fats such as avocado oil, olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, seeds
  • Dairy products such as cheese, yoghurt, quark, cream (in moderation)

It is important to hidden carbohydrates in processed foods and to avoid sugar and starchy foods in particular.

You should avoid these carbohydrate-rich foods on the low carb diet

On a low carb diet you should avoid the following foods or severely restrict their consumption:

  • Sugary foods such as soft drinks, sweets, cakes, pastries and ice cream
  • Highly processed foods such as fast food, ready meals and snacks
  • Cereal products such as bread, pasta and rice
  • Starchy vegetables such as potatoes and corn
  • Fruits with a high sugar content such as bananas, grapes and mangoes
  • Alcohol

Sustainable weight loss with a low carb diet: diet without carbohydrates

With the low carb diet, the body is not supplied with enough carbohydrates, which causes it to lose its energy supply from the fat reserves and you therefore lose weight quickly quickly. In addition to fat, the body also loses a lot of water. In addition, by avoiding simple carbohydrates can prevent cravings. However, it takes a few days for the body to get into the state of so-called ketosis state.

To keep the weight off permanently after a successful weight loss, you should not return to your old eating habitsotherwise you risk the yo-yo effect. Instead, it is advisable to gradually increase your carbohydrate intake a balanced diet and integrate sport into everyday life. You should also keep an eye on your nutrient supply, especially when following a strict low carb diet.

What should you look out for on a carbohydrate diet?

If you want to try a low carb diet, there are a few important things to consider to ensure that you get all the nutrients your body needs:

  1. Eat enough food: It is important to eat enough to avoid malnutrition. Especially with strict versions of the diet, you should keep a careful eye on your nutrient supply to avoid deficiencies.
  2. Choose healthy fatsChoose healthy fats such as avocado, nuts, seeds and cold-pressed oils. Avoid processed foods that are loaded with trans fats.
  3. Eat enough proteinProtein is important for building muscle and can help you feel fuller for longer. Choose proteins from lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy products and plant sources such as legumes and tofu.
  4. Choose low-carb vegetablesVegetables are an important source of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Choose vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, kale, asparagus, zucchini, eggplant and bell peppers.
  5. Avoid processed foodsProcessed foods often contain hidden sugars and carbohydrates that can harm your body. Choose whole foods instead.
  6. Monitor your carbohydrate intakeMonitor your carbohydrate intake to make sure you're sticking to your daily carbohydrate limit, especially avoiding refined sugars.
  7. Drink enough waterDrink at least 2-3 liters of water per day to keep your body hydrated and boost your metabolism.

Low carb diet plan: Recipe ideas for your everyday life

We have some super tasty recipes for you low carb recipe ideas for your everyday life so that you can easily put together your own nutrition plan. More recipes you can also find on our blog and on our Instagram channel.


  • Omelette with vegetables and cheese
  • Greek yogurt with berries and nuts
  • Scrambled eggs with bacon and avocado
  • Low carb pancakes made with almond flour
  • Breakfast salad with eggs, spinach and tomatoes
  • Smoothie with spinach, avocado and berries


  • Salad with chicken, avocado and peppers
  • Vegetable soup with chicken
  • Zucchini pasta with pesto and tomatoes
  • Tuna salad with cucumber and egg
  • Vegetable omelette with mushrooms and onions
  • Chicken curry with cauliflower rice

Snack for in between meals:

  • Nuts
  • Cheese
  • Vegetable sticks with quark or hummus dip
  • Protein bars
  • Protein shakes


  • Salmon fillet with asparagus and broccoli
  • Zucchini lasagne with minced meat and mozzarella
  • Chicken breast with vegetable pan
  • Fried tofu with broccoli and carrots
  • Fillet of beef with spinach leaves and peppers
  • Turkey steak with cauliflower and mashed potatoes

Don't want to go to the trouble of putting together a meal plan and recipes and having to buy the ingredients individually? This is totally understandable in an often stressful working day. For this reason LiveFresh the food cleanse developedLow carb, high protein and 100% vegan. The weight loss diet contains everything you need - from breakfast to dinner and a few snacks, you're all set. completely supplied every day. The ready-made nutrition plan guides you through the entire diet.

If you only want to replace individual meals with quick and above all healthy alternatives, then the vegan ready meals from LiveFresh are just the thing for you: All naturally low carb!


Frequently asked questions about the low carb diet:

Who is the low carb diet suitable for?

The low carb diet is generally suitable for people who lose weight or have certain health problems that are aggravated by eating carbohydrates, such as diabetes or obesity. Also people who have problems with food cravings or blood sugar fluctuations can also benefit from the low carb diet. However, it is important to note that this diet is not suitable for everyone. is not suitable for everyone. People with certain pre-existing conditions or metabolic disorders should avoid the low carb diet or follow it under medical supervision. Especially if you have a pre-existing liver, kidney or heart condition, but also if you are pregnant, it is advisable to consult a doctor before starting such a dietary change. consult a doctor or nutritionist before starting such a diet.

What is the best way to start low carb?

If you want to start with the low carb diet, it is best to proceed slowly and graduallyrather than cutting out carbohydrates completely straight away. Start by reducing your carbohydrate intake by, for example replacing sugary drinks and snacks with healthier alternativesthat contain more protein and healthy fats. Then gradually eliminate foods high in carbohydrates, such as pasta and bread, from your diet and add more protein and healthy fats to your diet. more vegetables and protein-rich foods to your diet. It can also be helpful to create a list of low-carb foods and recipes to help you plan your meals.

Can you lose weight on a low carb diet?

Yes, the low carb diet can help you lose weight. By reducing the intake of carbohydrates, the body is forced to lose weight, stored fat reserves as an energy source instead of relying on carbohydrates. This can lead to a faster weight loss especially in the first few weeks of the diet. The low carb diet can also help to reduce the Stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce food cravingswhich can reduce overall calorie intake. One balanced diet with sufficient calories and regular exercise are just as important for achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight.

Which fruit is suitable for the low carb diet?

Fruit is an important source of nutrients and fiberbut some types of fruit also contain high amounts of carbohydrates. If you are following a low carb diet, you should pay attention to this, Fruit with a low carbohydrate content content. Here are some types of fruit that are well suited to a low carb diet:

  • Berries such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries
  • Grapefruit
  • peaches
  • Nectarines
  • Apples (in moderation)
  • Pears (in moderation)
  • Oranges (in moderation)
  • Watermelon (in moderation)

The sweeter the fruit, the less suitable it is for a low carb diet.

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Grundumsatz berechnen


Calculate basal metabolic rate

The daily calorie consumption and requirement of the body is influenced by various factors, including age, gender and height. These aspects determine the so-called basal metabolic rate. When the basal metabolic rate drops, the body needs fewer calories and therefore consumes less energy. So if you eat too little food, your body switches to "economy mode". Despite all your efforts and calorie counting, it can then be difficult to lose weight. This may seem complicated at first glance, but actually losing weight is not that difficult. You just need to know, what your basal metabolic rate is and how you can calculate it.

What is the basal metabolic rate?

The basal metabolic rate is also called referred to as the resting energy requirement. This is the amount of energy or calories that the body needs during the dayto perform its life-sustaining functions such as breathing and digestion. at complete rest at complete rest. In other words, the basal metabolic rate is the energy the body needs to function.

Together with the power metabolic rate, this results in the total energy requirement. The power metabolic rate refers to the calorie requirementthat the body needs for activities such as walking, work and physical activities such as sport.

How can I calculate my basal metabolic rate?

As every person is unique, there is no basic formula for calculating your basal metabolic rate quickly and accurately. The following are important for health Factors such as weight, height, age and gender of the person also play a role. A person's calorie requirement generally decreases over the years, while it increases with increasing height and body weight. However, the proportion of muscle also plays a role, as muscles consume a considerable amount of energy even when inactive. Furthermore, the ambient temperature has an influenceThe colder the temperature, the more energy you have to expend to maintain your ideal body temperature.

The basal metabolic rate is with the "Harris-Benedict formula" calculatedwhere there are differences for women and men depending on gender. This gives you a rough guide value, as muscle mass and fitness, for example, are not taken into account. For a very precise determination of this value, you would have to have the measurements carried out in a laboratory under defined conditions at complete rest over 24 hours. It is much easier to estimate your basal metabolic rate using a corresponding formula with our calculator.

What basal metabolic rate do women have?

Behind the basal metabolic rate calculator is the "Harris-Benedict formula". The formula for calculating the basal metabolic rate of women is as follows:

Basal metabolic rate (kcal/24 ) = 655.1 + (9.563 * body weight in kg) + (1.85 * height in cm) - (4.676 * age in years)

This is a relatively simple way of calculating your body's daily calorie consumption at absolute rest.

What is the basal metabolic rate for men?

The "Harris-Benedict formula" for calculating the basal metabolic rate of men is as follows:

Basal metabolic rate (kcal/24h) = 66.47 + (13.75 * body weight in kg) + (5 * height in cm) - (6.775 * age in years)

With this calculation you can easily determine how many calories your body needs per day in a state of absolute rest.

What is the basal metabolic rate of children and adolescents?

For children, a simpler formula is used in the corresponding calculator:

Basal metabolic rate (kcal/24h) = body weight * 24 (h)

This formula can be used until the body structure of teenagers has adapted to that of an adult.

Basal metabolic rate and losing weight: What to look out for?

Sport plays an important role in losing weight. Just a little more exercise in everyday life can help to burn calories and reduce fat. In particular, people who spend most of their time sitting at work should exercise regularly to lose weight.

Sport does not only influence your metabolic rate and therefore your calorie consumption, but also has an indirect influence on your basal metabolic rate. Because the more muscle mass you have, the higher your basal metabolic rate. This means that your muscles use more energy every day, even when you are completely at rest.


Frequently asked questions about basal metabolic rate:

What is a person's basal metabolic rate?

The basal metabolic rate is the amount of energy that a person needs for the basic functions of the body when lying down and at complete rest.such as breathing or metabolic functions.

How can I calculate my basal metabolic rate correctly?

The daily basal metabolic rate is calculated as follows:

  • Men: Basal metabolic rate = 66.47 + (13.75 * body weight in kg) + (5 * height in cm) - (6.775 * age in years)
  • Women: Basal metabolic rate = 655.1 + (9.563 * body weight in kg) + (1.85 * height in cm) - (4.676 * age in years)

Should you eat below your basal metabolic rate when losing weight?

For a short period of a few days, you can go below your basal metabolic rate, for example to lose weight with a juice cleanse from LiveFresh to change your diet and kick-start your weight loss. For your health, however, you should not eat less than your basal metabolic rate during a long-term dietbut always add your energy expenditure and then subtract around 500kcal. For a healthy diet you will find many tasty and healthy recipes and more information.

How many calories below the basal metabolic rate to lose weight?

For lasting success in losing weight, we recommend a calorie deficit of 300-500kcal per day.

What happens if you only eat your basal metabolic rate?

If your food intake is too low, there is a risk that ingesting too few vitamins and minerals are absorbed. This in turn is negative for your healthbecause some functions may no longer be able to run smoothly. In addition, the body will eventually use up its own muscle reserves with an under-caloric diet, which in turn will permanently reduce the basal metabolic rate and cause you to put on weight even faster in the long term.

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