Kleiner Käsekuchen ohne Boden, mit Pfirsichspalten belegt und mit Puderzucker bestäubt, auf einem schwarzen Teller serviert.

Low carb high protein breakfast cheesecake

Good morning, breakfast lovers! Today we have a very special recipe for you: a low carb high protein breakfast cheesecake with skyr and our delicious LiveFresh vanilla drinkable meal. This creamy cheesecake combines the protein power of skyr with the tempting taste of our vanilla drinkable meal - an unbeatable combination! Perfect for anyone who wants to start the day healthy and fit without having to give up something sweet. So, strap on your apron and let's conjure up this breakfast masterpiece together. Every morning will be a pleasure!

Preparation and cooking

Preparation: 2 minutes
Preparation: 10 minutes
Total time: 32-37 minutes

Ingredients (1 cake)


  1. Preheat the oven: First preheat the oven to 180 °C fan oven.
  2. Prepare the mixture: Place all the ingredients, except the fruit, in a bowl and mix until you have a creamy mixture.
  3. Prepare the fruit: Peel the mango and kiwi. Cut the mango into strips and the kiwi into small cubes.
  4. Spread the cheesecake mixture on top: Add the finely diced kiwi to the cheesecake mixture and mix well.
  5. Bake: Pour the mixture into small ramekins and bake for approx. 20-25 minutes.
  6. Serve: To finish, leave to cool briefly and sprinkle with erythritol powder. Enjoy!

Nutritional values (per portion)

  • Calories: 188 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 9.8 g
  • Protein: 24.6 g
  • Fat: 5.2 g

More delicious recipes

For even more inspiring and healthy recipes, visit our recipe page. Try our healthy low carb carrot cakewhich healthy pancakes or the High Protein Banana Pancakes to start your day full of energy and flavor.

This cheesecake is not only delicious and filling, but also an easy way to make your breakfast more exciting and healthier. Try it out and be inspired by this delicious, healthy start to the day!

Watch the recipe video:

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