Nervennahrung – welche Nährstoffe Dein Körper bei Stress braucht

Nerve food - which nutrients your body needs when stressed

Stress - a feeling that everyone probably knows today. For more and more people, however, stress is not the occasional kick with a sporty or mental performance, but a professional and private long -running favorite. Stress has many effects on the body. Several hundred biochemical reactions are initiated. Stress also has consequences for brain performance. Stress can bring the brain at full speed - or block. Many stressed people use unhealthy foods because they lack the time for cooking, for example, or they have desires in stress phases for unhealthy or sweets. But a nutrient diet is particularly important in stressful phases, because stress increases the need of the body enormously. What background and effects have stress, why there is an increased need for nutrients in stressful phases, which nutrients you can use to support your body and which juices & shots from livefresh are particularly suitable for this.

Evolutionary background of stress & its effects on the body

As a stress response, all physical, mental and emotional answers from the body can be described that run on special requirements. So it is about adaptation and resilience with external or inner pressure.

Already our ancestors, the hunters and collectors, did not secure their survival in threatening situations with long considerations, but with a "combat or flight reaction" automatically in seconds. It is still the same today: As soon as a situation is perceived as threatening or challenging, the body's stress reactions start automatically and at lightning speed. The stress hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline are released, which ride the blood pressure, breathing and circulation up. At the same time, other body systems, such as immune defense or digestion, are blocked. We cannot consciously control these processes in the event of stress. Once the stressful situation has survived, relaxation begins, the stress messenger substances are broken down, the reward messenger dopamine and the serotonin's lucky messenger are released. With permanent stress, another stress hormone, the cortisol, is released, which further increases the other stress hormones and lowers the happiness hormone. This leads to weight problems, digestive and sleep disorders as well as a bad mood. Persistent stress also hinders the gap and causes memory gaps.

What nutrients you should support your body with stress

The optimal nerve food contains all the nutrients that the brain needs for best performance and regeneration. Our body cannot provide many of these nutrients themselves and we have to absorb them with food. Therefore, these nutrients are also referred to as "essential", i.e. survival emergency.

Your body needs the following 10 nutrients for the formation of brain messenger dopamine, noradreananaline, adrenaline, serotonin and melatonin:

  • Amino acids: Tryptophan and tyrosine or the forerunners amino acid phenylalanine
  • Vitamins: B6, B12, C, folic acid
  • Minerals: Zinc, magnesium, copper, iron

Dopamine is created from tyrosine, iron and vitamin B6. Dopamine is then formed with vitamin C, copper and magnesium noradrenaline and noradrenaline is finally adrenaline with the participation of folic acid and vitamin B12. These 3 brain messengers enable you to react to acute stress and increase your brain performance.

The happiness hormone serotonin arises from tryptophan, vitamin B6, zinc and iron. The sleep hormone melatonin is formed under the influence of daylight. Your brain is relaxed and sleepy in the optimal creative and performance state. In addition, foods with high omega-3 fatty acid content, especially DHA (Docasahexaenic acid), are important for brain function.

Healthy and powerful nerve cells also need antioxidants to protect against stress damage and aging. These are mainly in deep oranges, dark red and intensely green fruit and vegetable varieties, tea, coffee, cocoa and many spices.

Finally, your so -called “abdominal brain” should also be in top form, as it is directly connected to your brain and influences the meal. For this purpose, you should avoid food industrially processed and, on the other hand, fermented (fermented) foods, such as fresh sauerkraut or yogurt, into your menu. As an alternative to fermented foods, the intestinal flora and the intestinal barrier can be supported with pre- and probiotics. Both a healthy intestinal flora and an intact intestinal barrier have a decisive influence on the performance of the brain, since the vagus nerve has a direct connection between the nervous system of the gastrointestinal tract and the brain.

In addition, there are some spices that can support you in stressful times, for example by supporting the formation of the brain messenger, reducing stress damage to nerve cells or, based on the aroma substances it contains, have an effect directly into the brain emotion center and thus have a relaxing or activating effect.

Vegetarian foods as nerve food

Don't worry, you don't have to study food tables now and see what and how many amino acids, vitamins or minerals contain. We have put together various vegetarian foods that are important for optimal brain performance in stressful times:

  • Seeds and nuts: Cocoa, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, cashew nuts, flax seeds, peanuts, chia seeds, ramparts
  • Legumes: Chickpeas, thick beans, lentils, peas
  • Hard cheese: Parmesan and other long-mature cheese types such as mountain cheese and Pecorina, ideally from raw or pasture milk of cows, goats or sheep
  • Microalgae: Chlorella, schizochytrium and Ulkenia
  • Vegetables: Kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, spinach, paprika, asparagus, fennel and lamb's lettuce
  • Banana, berries (black currant), as well as vitamin C-rich fruits: rose hips, acerola, sanddorn
  • Fermented food (with still living cultures): sauerkraut and other fermented cabbage or kimchi, fermented carrots, kombucha, kefir/yogurt made of nut milk or coconut milk
  • Water, Green and black tea
  • Spices: Bockshorn clover, chili, Nelke, ginger, garlic, coriander, turmeric, pepper, saffron, mustard grains or cinnamon

Essential oil made of rosemary is also suitable for the little break at the desk, from which you verrite and inhale a drop in your hands - it relaxes and activates at the same time and lets you work with a clear head again.

Start a new stress -free everyday life with our cold -pressed juices & shots. They supply your body with important nutrients and are ideal as a nerve food:

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