Install sport in everyday life - tips and exercises

Sport in den Alltag einbauen - Tipps und Übungen
Sport in den Alltag einbauen - Tipps und Übungen

Gehörst Du zu den Leuten, die keine Zeit (oder Lust) an einem regelmäßigen Training im Fitnessstudio haben? Joggen und andere Sportarten reizen Dich auch nicht wirklich? Dein Arbeitsalltag ist anstrengend genug? Dann probiere es doch mal damit, Sport in Deinen Alltag einzubauen! Sportliche Aktivitäten im alltäglichen Leben halten fit und gesund und beflügeln Deinen Körper und Geist. Hier findest Du 4 Tipps und Tricks für Sport im Alltag sowie 5 Sport Übungen, die Du einfach in Deinen Alltag integrieren kannst.


  • Alltagssport fördert Fitness und Wohlbefinden, ohne viel Zeit zu beanspruchen.
  • Tipps: 10.000 Schritte täglich, Bewegungspausen, Treppen steigen, und „Me-Time“ für Bewegung einplanen.
  • Übungen wie Planks, Kniebeugen und Wandsitz lassen sich einfach einbauen und erfordern kein Equipment.
  • Kombiniert mit gesunder Ernährung und ausreichend Hydration ergibt sich ein ganzheitlicher Ansatz.

4 tips and tricks for sport in everyday life

Tip 1: Incorporate more exercise into your everyday life

The first and most important tip: try to incorporate exercise into your everyday life. Exercise gets your circulation going, is fun and burns calories. Approximately 12,000 steps a day are equivalent to one hour of jogging. It is not for nothing that 10,000 steps a day is considered to be the approximate amount you should walk. According to various studies, taking at least 10,000 steps a day can improve sleep quality and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Another plus point is that exercise, e.g. in the form of 10,000 steps a day, can be easily integrated into everyday life. You don't need any sportswear, just a little motivation.

You can now implement the following tricks for more exercise in your everyday life:

  1. How often do you take the car for short journeys? Think about whether you can also walk these distances. As a nice side effect, you will also save money.
  2. If you drive longer distances by car and look for a parking space when you arrive at your destination, choose a parking space that is far away from the actual meeting point or entrance.
  3. Are you traveling by public transport? Then get off one stop earlier next time and walk the rest.
  4. Try going for a walk during your (lunch) break. Walking also clears your head and gets your circulation going.
  5. Climb stairs. Elevators and escalators are taboo from now on.
  6. Make a date with your friends to go for a walk instead of going to the nearest café or having a beer after work. Walking together is a great way to chat and the time and kilometers will fly by.
  7. The same goes for talking on the phone: Walk around while you're on the phone. This often makes your voice sound more powerful.

These tips are a minimal change in everyday life with a big impact. Almost unnoticed, you can easily collect steps and promote your health and well-being.

Tip 2: Every unit counts

The second tip is that every session counts. Even if you don't feel like it, don't have the time or don't have the energy, at least try to get up for an exercise session or a walk. Any session is better than no session. Thinking about doing just one exercise or just one walk makes it easier to get started and you can always take five minutes in between. Once you've started, the motivation often comes naturally and you won't want to stop.

Tip 3: Plan your sport as "me-time"

The third tip is: see your sport as important "me-time" and plan it into your calendar. Your sport in everyday life is just as important as appointments or work appointments. If you are better able to make sport part of your daily routine thanks to fixed times, use these times and defend them against other appointments.

Tip 4: Enjoy what you do

Last but not least: enjoy what you do. When you enjoy sport, motivation comes naturally. If you enjoy sport in your everyday life, you will usually work harder at the exercises. This in turn benefits your body, because the more intensively you do the sporting activities, the more the so-called afterburn effect is activated. The afterburn effect means that your metabolism runs at full speed for up to 48 hours after an intensive workout, even if you relax. So find your personal sports activities for everyday life that you enjoy the most.

5 simple sports exercises for your everyday life

With the following 5 exercises, you can complete an effective full-body workout using only your own body weight. The good thing about the exercises is that you can do them regardless of time and place. Just twenty minutes is enough to see long-term success and progress. You can also do the exercises while watching TV, brushing your teeth or cooking. You don't need any equipment to do the exercises, just a mat if you prefer. It is recommended that you incorporate your sporting activities every other day to keep fit and at the same time have enough time for regeneration. Muscles grow during breaks. This means that your body can only build muscle if it can rest.

1st Plank

Planks are now very popular and well-known and can be found on social media or in various fitness challenges. No wonder, because the exercise is highly efficient. As a beginner, you can train your entire abdominal and back muscles in just 30 seconds. Your muscles in your shoulders and arms also benefit from the exercise. Here's how it works: lie flat on the floor with your face down. Place your forearms on the floor parallel to your body. Pull your stomach in and tense it. Place your feet on the floor and push yourself upwards with complete body tension so that you are supporting your body on your feet and forearms. Your head, shoulders, stomach, buttocks and legs form a line. Your gaze is directed downwards. Hold this position.

2nd wall sit

Do you remember this exercise from gym class? Place your feet about hip-width apart one step away from a wall and press your entire back against the wall. Your arms hang down loosely during the exercise. From this position, slide your back down the wall until your knees form a 90-degree angle. You may need to slide your feet a little further forward. Press your entire back and especially your lower back firmly against the wall. Your knees should be pointing forwards. Hold this position for as long as you can or want to. A great workout for your leg and gluteal muscles.

3. squats

Squats, also known as squats, are one of the basic exercises in weight training and are incredibly effective for training the muscles in your legs and buttocks. Here's how it works: Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Your weight is supported by your entire foot, which remains in full contact with the ground at all times. Tighten your stomach and back. Keep your back straight throughout the exercise. Now bend your knees and bring your buttocks down as if you were sitting on an imaginary chair. Hold this position for a short moment before using your leg strength to push yourself back up to the upright starting position. 

4. alternating leg raises while lying down

This exercise is essential for a simple yet efficient workout for the lower abdominal muscles. Lie on your back and hold your legs up at a 90-degree angle. Pull the tips of your toes towards your body and try to fully extend your legs. During the exercise, your arms should be stretched out parallel to your body or in a U-shape upwards next to your head. Press your entire back into the floor and tense your stomach. Slowly lower one leg to the floor in a controlled manner without putting it down completely and then raise it back to the starting position. The other leg remains at a right angle to your upper body. Repeat the lowering and lifting alternately with the right and left leg. Make sure that you don't perform the exercise with momentum, but with strength from your abdomen. It is also very important that there is no gap between your lower back and the floor when you lower your legs. Just before your back falls into a hollow back, you should stop the downward movement and raise your leg again.

5 Mountain Climber

The mountain climber exercise is an ideal full-body exercise. Similar to the plank exercise, you start in a lying position with your face down. Then push yourself up in a horizontal position so that only your palms and the tips of your feet touch the floor. The arms are stretched. This position is also known as a high plank. Your head should form an extension of your back. Place your feet about hip-width apart and now pull your knees alternately and as quickly as possible towards the center of your body, i.e. towards your elbows. Always keep one leg extended and the other bent. The exercise resembles a jumping movement. You determine the speed - the faster you pull your knees forward, the more strenuous, but also more intense and efficient the exercise is. Make sure that your back remains as straight as possible during the exercise.

Try out the tips & exercises straight away and incorporate them into your everyday life. Once you've started, you're guaranteed to find it easier! In addition to sufficient exercise, nutrition also plays a decisive role in your everyday well-being. Support your body with our cold-pressed juices & shots. You can also easily incorporate them into your everyday life and they provide you with many important nutrients and vitamins. Click here for the juices & shots!

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