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New Year's resolutions

The start of the new year 2024 is the perfect time for a change. New year, new happiness, new life. New Year's resolutions, this small but powerful tradition, allows us to consciously reflect on our habits and focus our attention on areas we want to improve. Whether more exercisea healthier diet or a lose a few kilosThese are usually not very different from one another. This article focuses on New Year's resolutions: healthier eating and losing weight. We'll explore together how you can eat healthily and deliciously without sacrificing too much and still lose weight. We will also look at the best way to approach your resolutions and how to keep them. achieve them in the end. You will find a few tips in our article that can help you with this.

How to keep your failed New Year's resolutions realized

The first step to setting successful New Year's resolutions is to realistic to be realistic. We often tend to set resolutions that are too high and then end up disappointed when we don't achieve them. Instead, we should focus on achievable goals that are measurable and achievable for us. An example would be: don't set yourself the goal of eating a completely healthy diet this year. Instead, start by saying I'll try to eat healthier for the most part this year. Or don't set yourself the goal 10kg to lose, but divide it up and set yourself the goal of 3kg to lose. By doing this, we are already sticking to our New Year's resolutions much more positive and achieve them much more quickly, which in turn helps us to more satisfied us more satisfied.

The plan for your New Year's resolutions 2024

Another aspect you should consider is the development of a plan. Developing a plan is crucial to achieving your goals because, after all, we shouldn't just wish for things, we should actually do them. tackle things with structure. For example, if your goal is to eat healthier, you could create a meal plan, learn about healthy recipes and plan your meals in advance. We have the perfect place for you to start. Our LiveFresh food cleanse gives you the perfect introduction to a healthier diet and also brings you the success of the losing weight.

Giving up is not an option!

If you fail once, it's important that you don't give up on yourself and keep going anyway! Life is full of ups and downs and it is normal to experience setbacks. However, the most important thing is to be patient and understanding with ourselves and to get up again and againwhen we fall. Progress takes time and commitment, be it in terms of fitness goals, professional development or personal relationships.

Healthier living in the new year

New Year's resolutions are a great opportunityto make us reflectto improve and bring about change in our lives. By realistic goals setting a structure and not giving up, even if we fall, we can lay the foundations for positive change. Every day offers us new opportunities and chances to get closer to our goals. So what are you waiting for? Let's start taking control of our lives now and see every day as an opportunity for self-improvement and to fulfill our goals, dreams and desires. Because you don't actually need the new year, do you? Now is the moment, now is your moment.

Example of your New Year's resolutions plan

Creating New Year's resolutions is extremely personal and individual. They can vary depending on your lifestyle, stage of life and personal goals. Here is an example of how you can approach setting your New Year's resolutions.
  1. Set priorities: Be aware of what is important and what resolutions you are pursuing. Above all, it is important to focus so that you don't end up with a long list of resolutions that are far too many for you in the end

  2. Planning: The plan is half the battle. If you approach the implementation of your resolutions with structure and a plan, you are more likely to achieve them.

  3. Putting the plan into action: Making plans is one thing, but when it comes to implementation, most people struggle. It is important that you approach your goals step by step and implement them.

  4. Celebrate yourself and your success! You have managed to take a small step towards fulfilling your resolutions. Then see this step and celebrate yourself! Because you are the person for whom you are doing it and who also needs to recognize their own successes!

Frequently asked questions about New Year's resolutions:

What are typical New Year's resolutions?

The most popular New Year's resolutions are: lose weight (have a look at our website for the food cleanse), eating healthier (we can recommend our juice cleanse ), exercise more, save money, spend more time with family and friends, etc.

What are the three most common New Year's resolutions that people make?

The three most common resolutions are in first place: to do more sport, in second place: to take more time for yourself and in third place: to eat more healthily.

How can I implement my resolutions?

  • Set yourself small goals

  • Formulate your goals concretely

  • Reward yourself

  • Don't let yourself get down, even if it's hard

  • Start early with your realization

  • Don't set too many resolutions

What can you resolve for the new year 2024?

  • Healthier diet

  • Drink more water

  • Focus on the little things in life

  • Quit smoking

  • Exercise regularly

  • Achieve your dream weight

  • more self-love

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Healthy food to lose weight

You know that feeling when you're trying to lose weight but keep coming across diet hype and quick fixes? There is a proven way to lose weight sustainably and improve your health at the same time: healthy eating. In this article, we will explore why healthy eating is so important for your weight loss success, which foods can help you and how you can integrate a balanced diet into your everyday life. Healthy eating for weight loss is not a torture, but an opportunity to support your body and your well-being. Ready to find out more? Let's go!

Why is healthy eating important when losing weight?

Eating a healthy diet has health benefits and also promotes long-term, sustainable weight loss.

Health benefits of a balanced diet

  • Reduces the risk of heart disease: Eating a healthy diet with a focus on fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease. Reducing saturated fats and salt in the diet also contributes to this.
  • Improves metabolic health: Choosing nutrient-dense foods optimizes metabolism. A balanced diet supports the regulation of blood sugar levels and insulin, which is very important for weight loss.
  • Increases well-being and energy: Healthy eating provides the body with the nutrients it needs to function optimally. This can lead to an increased sense of well-being and increased energy, making it easier to be more active.

Long-term weight loss

  • Avoiding the yo-yo effect: Crash diets and extremely restrictive eating plans often lead to short-term weight loss, followed by a yo-yo effect where the lost weight is quickly gained back. Healthy eating promotes slow and steady weight loss, which is more sustainable and minimizes the yo-yo effect.
  • Promoting a sustainable lifestyle: Healthy eating is not a short-term endeavor, but a permanent change in eating habits. It teaches you to eat more consciously and make better choices, leading to a sustainable lifestyle that improves your weight and health in the long term.


The basics of a healthy diet

Understanding calorie balance

To lose weight, it's crucial to understand the basic principles of calorie balance is crucial. This depends on the relationship between energy intake and energy consumption is important. Your energy intake, i.e. the amount of calories you consume through your diet, must be lower than your energy expenditure. This creates a so-called negative calorie balance.

The negative calorie balance is the key to successful weight loss. It occurs when you burn more calories than you consume through your diet. In this state, your body draws on its fat reserves to meet its energy needs. This process is essential if you want to lose weight and achieve healthy weight loss.

Choosing the right foods

  • Whole foods vs. processed foods: Whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, meat, fish, eggs and legumes are rich in nutrients and fiber. They should make up the majority of your diet, while processed foods high in sugar and fat should be avoided.
  • Portion control: Even healthy foods should be eaten in moderation. Controlling your portions will help to keep your calorie intake in balance and avoid overeating.
  • A balanced diet with proteins, carbohydrates and fats: A balanced diet includes an appropriate balance of proteins, moderate amounts of carbohydrates and healthy fats. Proteins support muscle health, carbohydrates from vegetables provide energy and fiber, and healthy fats are important for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and satiety. The low carb diet is therefore ideal for losing weight.

Foods that help you lose weight

One balanced diet is the key to successful weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Certain foods play a crucial role in this, as they provide you with important nutrients that feeling of satiety and promote your support your health. Here are some food categories that can help you lose weight:

Fruit and vegetables

Fruit and vegetables are true superstars in a healthy diet. Their high fiber contentwhich is particularly pronounced in varieties such as broccoli, spinach and berries, helps you, longer full stay full longer and prevent food cravings.

In addition, fruit and vegetables are rich in Antioxidants and vitaminsthat not only protect your protect your cellsbut also your general health. You strengthen your immune system and can contribute to it, prevent chronic diseases.


Including protein in your diet is essential for the muscle maintenance and a long-lasting feeling of satiety are of crucial importance. Proteins make you feel fuller for longer, which can lead to you eating less overall. At the same time, they protect your muscles during weight loss by minimizing the loss of muscle mass. Whether you choose chicken, beef, fish, eggs or pulses is entirely up to you. However, make sure you eat a sufficient amount of protein and the quality. How much protein you need per dayyou can read in our article.

Healthy fats

Healthy fats are another important part of a balanced diet. Sources like Avocado, nuts and olive oil are rich in unsaturated fatty acidswhich are crucial for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. It is best to use coconut oil or ghee for frying.

In addition, these fats can support fat burning by boosting the metabolism and providing a lasting feeling of satiety. This helps to reduce calorie intake and promote weight loss.

Consciously incorporating these foods into your diet can make a significant difference in your weight loss success and overall health. Remember that variety and moderation are key principles to ensure you get all the nutrients you need while losing weight.

Both protein and high quality fats will spread your energy over a longer period of time, helping to prevent uncontrolled binge eating and ensure the stability of your blood sugar levels. These are the benefits of a low carb diet.


To make it as easy as possible for you to get started, we havefor you healthy recipes that will give you the best help you lose weight and are delicious: 

  • Breakfast: The vegan baked oats, refined with berries and peanut butter, let you start your day with a delicious breakfast. Just like the vegan apple and cinnamon porridge: If you like, you can reduce the amount of oat drink and increase the amount of water. This will save you even more carbohydrates.
  • Light soups & stewsThese recipes are easy to prepare, low in calories and varied. The soups and stews are not only easy to digest, but also quick to cook. Why not try our vegan carrot orange ginger soup or our vegan pumpkin carrot potato soup.
  • Vegetarian and vegan dishesColorful salad or recipes for pan-fried and baked vegetables are ideal as a low-calorie dinner to lose weight and are super easy and delicious. Why not try our healthy stuffed bell pepper halves. With our Oven Brussels sprouts with cauliflower rice recipe, you can create the perfect alternative to conventional, carbohydrate-rich rice. And thanks to our vegan pumpkin fries you don't have to do without anything, even when losing weight. Why not also try our Mexican-style stuffed peppers.
  • Healthy bowls: LiveFresh offers vegan bowls in many different flavors - with a focus on low carb and high protein. These dishes create the ideal basis for losing weight and can be prepared in just a few minutes. Want to try a recipe for yourself? Then try our healthy Buddha Bowl
  • Alternatives to classic bread & toast: You should avoid bread and toast when losing weight. Instead, try our Avocado toast made from sweet potatoes or make yourself some delicious and healthy wraps. We also have the right low carb wrap recipes for you.

On our blog and our Instagram channel you will find simple, tasty and easy low carb recipes to lose weight. The dishes are not only healthy, but can usually be prepared in just a few minutes. 


Meal planning and preparation

Planning and preparing your meals is a crucial step on the road to successful, healthy eating. It allows you to stay in control of your diet, make healthy choices and resist temptation.

Weekly meal prep

Weekly meal prep is a time- and money-saving habit that helps you make healthy choices even when you're short on time. Here are some benefits:

  • Time savings: You can plan and prepare your meals in advance, which saves you time during the week.
  • Portion control: You can control the size of your portions and prevent yourself from eating too much.
  • Healthy ingredients: You can use high-quality, nutrient-rich ingredients and avoid unhealthy options.

Planning balanced meals

Planning balanced meals ensures you get all the nutrients you need and avoid cravings. Here are some steps:

  • Protein, carbohydrates, fats: Make sure each meal contains protein, healthy carbohydrates and healthy fats. This promotes satiety and provides a wide range of nutrients.
  • Variety: Vary your meals to ensure you are taking in a variety of nutrients. This also prevents boredom and cravings for certain foods.
  • Healthy snacks: Also plan healthy snacks between meals to avoid cravings.

Do you have little time or desire to put together a nutrition plan and recipes and buy the ingredients individually? That's perfectly understandable, especially in an often stressful working day. For this very reason LiveFresh the food cleanse has developed. This cure is low carb, rich in protein and 100% vegan. You can prepare the meals in just a few minutes using a pan or microwave.

With our weight loss diet, you don't have to worry about putting meals together because it contains everything you need - from breakfast to dinner and even some healthy snacks. A ready-made nutrition plan guides you step by step through the entire diet, so you don't have to worry about anything else.


Avoid temptations and cravings

Avoiding temptations and cravings can be crucial to keeping your diet on track:

  • Shopping list: Create a shopping list and stick to it to prevent unhealthy foods from getting into your cart.
  • Healthy alternatives: Find healthy alternatives to your favorite snacks so you don't get tempted.
  • Stress management: Learn to deal with stress and emotional triggers for cravings without resorting to unhealthy foods. When you're stressed, your body needs extra healthy Nerve food.

The Meal planning and preparation are Key components for a successful and sustainable healthy diet when losing weight. They help you to establish healthy habits and stay in control of your diet. Here you will find 10 simple tips & tricks to get you started with meal prep.

Drinks and hydration

Choosing the right drinks and drinking enough fluids is crucial for a healthy diet and losing weight. Here are some important aspects:

Importance of adequate water intake

Water is vital for the body and plays a key role in weight loss:

  • Hydration: Adequate water intake keeps your body hydrated, which is important for metabolism and digestion.
  • Satiety: Sometimes thirst is mistaken for hunger. If you drink enough water, you can avoid cravings.
  • Detoxification: Water helps the body to eliminate toxins, which can support weight loss.

To find out how much water you need, see in the article: How much water a day? .

Avoiding sugary drinks

Sugary drinks have some detrimental effects on health. These drinks, often referred to as "empty calories", contain a significant amount of calories but provide no essential nutrients. Consuming them can cause you to consume a lot of calories without getting the vitamins and minerals you need.

Another problem with sugary drinks is that they can lead to blood sugar spikes and drops. The high sugar content in these drinks often causes a rapid rise in blood sugar levels, followed by an equally rapid drop. This can lead to food cravings and sudden energy pangs.

Finally, regular consumption of sugary drinks can lead to unwanted weight gain. The extra calories consumed through these drinks can accumulate over time and increase the risk of obesity and related health problems. It is therefore advisable to reduce the consumption of these drinks or replace them with healthier alternatives.

Tea and coffee as helpful drinks

Tea and coffee can be useful additions to your diet. On the one hand, they are rich in health-promoting antioxidants, whereby Green tea particularly stands out. These antioxidants can help support your health and weight management. On the other hand, coffee has the ability to boost your metabolism and increase your energy levels. If you enjoy coffee in moderate amounts, it can even help with your weight loss efforts.

Choosing the right drinks and staying hydrated are essential factors in achieving your weight loss goals. It is therefore important to drink enough water, avoid sugary drinks and enjoy tea and coffee in moderation to keep your diet as balanced as possible.


The role of exercise

The role of exercise in weight loss and general health should not be underestimated. Here are some important considerations:

Complementary importance of physical activity

Physical activity
is a important supplement to a healthy diet and offers a variety of benefits. Firstly, it contributes to calorie burning as it increases the body's energy expenditure, which can be helpful in achieving a negative energy balance for weight loss. In addition, regular exercise plays a crucial role in the Maintaining muscle mass during weight loss, which in turn helps to maintain the metabolism maintain the metabolism.

Exercise also has positive effects on the cardiovascular healthas it can reduce the risk of heart disease and other health problems. In addition to this, physical activity can be an effective method of stress management and reduce the increase general well-being. It therefore not only complements a balanced diet, but also helps to promote overall health and well-being.

Integrating sport into everyday life

Sporting activity should be integrated into your everyday lifeto achieve sustainable results:

  • Choose activities that you enjoy: You're more likely to exercise regularly if it's fun. Find sports or activities that you enjoy.
  • Everyday exercise: Increase your daily physical activity, for example by using your bike for short distances or taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Planning: Plan fixed times for exercise in your daily routine so that it becomes a habit.
  • Variation: Vary your exercise routine to avoid plateaus and maintain your motivation.

Combining a healthy diet with regular physical activity is a proven way to lose weight and improve your overall health. It is important to choose a form of exercise that suits your lifestyle and that you can maintain in the long term.


Psychological aspects of losing weight through healthy eating

The psychological aspect plays a crucial role in losing weight and maintaining a healthy diet. Here are some important considerations:

Self-control and motivation

Self-control and motivation play a crucial role in the weight loss process. The ability to resist temptation and long-term goals over short-term needs is of the utmost importance. Strategies such as Mindfulness and conscious eating can be helpful in strengthening this self-control.

It is helpful to maintain your motivation, clear and achievable goals to set clear and achievable goals. It is also important, sources of motivation that drive you forward. This can include support from friends and family, sticking to your progress or visualizing your goals. Strong self-control and continuous motivation are key components to a successful weight loss process.

Dealing with setbacks and stress

Setbacks and stress are inevitable parts of losing weight and changing your lifestyle. It is important to recognize that there will be setbacks on the road to weight loss success. In these moments, it is crucial not to give up, but to learn from your mistakes and continue on your path.

Stress is another factor that can influence success, as it often leads to emotional eating leads to emotional eating. To deal with stress, it is advisable to learn healthy coping strategies such as meditation, exercise or talking to a therapist. These measures can help to improve the way you deal with stress and support the long-term achievement of your weight loss goals.

The psychological aspects of losing weight are just as important as the physical ones. Self-control, motivation and dealing with setbacks and stress are skills that are developed over time and help to achieve long-term success. It is important to be patient with yourself and seek support when you need it.


Frequently asked questions about healthy eating for weight loss:

What are the best foods for weight loss?

The best foods include fruit and vegetables, protein such as chicken or fish, whole grains, healthy fats such as avocado and nuts. The keys are variety and balance and a moderate approach to carbohydrates.

Do I have to avoid certain foods completely to lose weight?

You don't have to avoid foods completely, but it is advisable to reduce your intake of sugary drinks, processed foods and saturated fats. Everything in moderation is a sensible approach.

How much water should I drink daily to help me lose weight?

The recommended daily amount of water varies, but about 8 glasses (about 2 liters) of water per day is a good starting point. However, your needs may vary depending on your activity level and climate.

How often should I weigh myself if I want to lose weight?

This depends on personal preference. Some people weigh themselves daily, while others do it weekly. The most important thing is that you don't become too obsessed with the number on the scales, as body weight naturally fluctuates. Women in particular experience water retention during their menstrual cycle, so it may make more sense to weigh yourself only once a month on a particular day.

How can I maintain my motivation to lose weight?

Keep clear goals, reward yourself for progress, seek support from friends or a community and remember the long-term benefits to your health and wellbeing.

How do I deal with cravings?

Cravings can be reduced by eating balanced meals, healthy snacks and eating protein-rich foods. Stress management and mindfulness can also help to manage cravings.

Is it necessary to exercise to lose weight?

Exercise is helpful, but not essential. Weight loss depends mainly on calorie balance. However, exercise helps to burn calories, improve fitness and well-being.

How can I integrate healthy eating into my everyday life?

Plan meals in advance, prepare healthy snacks, avoid unhealthy foods in the house, and choose restaurants with healthy options. Step by step, you can establish healthy habits.

Are there any special diets that are particularly effective for losing weight?

There are many diets, but not all of them are effective or healthy in the long term. A balanced diet based on your individual needs is often more sustainable than extreme diets.

What can I do if I am stuck on a weight plateau after a while?

If you are stuck on a weight plateau, try to vary your diet and exercise routine to stimulate your metabolism.



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Schale voll mit dunklen Shilajit-Kristallen, auch bekannt als Mumijo, ein natürliches Harz, das in der ayurvedischen Medizin verwendet wird, auf einem grauen Hintergrund.


Shilajit (Mumijo) - The mysterious wonder from the mountains

Have you ever heard of Shilajit or Mumijo heard of it? It is a fascinating, resinous material from the mountainous regions of Asia and the Himalayas. It has been used in traditional medicine for ages. highly valued and as "elixir of life". But what is really behind it?

In this journey we will unravel the mystery of Mumijo. We will explore its composition, traditional uses, health benefits and current research. You will learn, how to use it and where you can find it. By the end, you'll understand why shilajit is so sought after in the world of holistic health. So let's dive in and discover this fascinating natural product!

Composition of Mumijo

Mumijo is an amazing substance that is characterized by its complex chemical composition. Here we take a closer look at the different elements that make up mumijo:

  1. Minerals and trace elements Mumijo is rich in minerals such as iron, copper, zinc, magnesium and many others. These minerals are crucial for various bodily functions and can contribute to overall health.
  2. Humic substances (humic acid and fulvic acid) An outstanding feature of shilajit is the humic and fulvic acids it contains. These organic compounds play a key role in nutrient absorption and contribute to detoxification.
It is therefore also very suitable as a supplement to juice cleanse from LiveFresh. Give your body a break.
  1. Bioactive compounds and phytonutrients Shilajit is also rich in bioactive compounds and phytonutrients such as flavonoids and resins. These can have anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties and contribute to overall health.

Want to support your immune system? Then the LiveFresh 4-week shot cure is ideal. You need vitamin D and vitamin C for your immune system to function properly.

  1. Antioxidant properties Another remarkable property of shilajit is its strong antioxidant effect. Antioxidants in mumijo can help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body and reduce cell damage.

The chemical composition makes it a unique and versatile substance that is used in various health applications. In the following sections, we will take a closer look at the effects of these components on health and the traditional uses of mumijo.

Traditional uses of mumijo

Shilajit has a long and rich history of traditional use in various cultures. Here are some of the most significant traditional uses of mumijo:

  • Ayurvedic uses and teachings: In Ayurvedic medicine, an ancient Indian healing system, shilajit is considered a "rasayana" or tonic for overall health. It is used to increase vitality, strengthen the immune system and treat various diseases. Ayurvedic practitioners also recommend mumijo to improve mental clarity and to promote the balance of the doshas, the energetic principles in Ayurveda.
  • Used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM): In traditional Chinese medicine, shilajit is known as "mummy" and is often used in the form of herbal preparations. TCM experts use it to strengthen kidney function, increase energy and treat diseases of the digestive and urinary systems. It is also considered a tonic for vitality.
  • Other cultural uses and rituals: In addition to Ayurveda and TCM, shilajit is used in various other cultures and societies. It is also used by locals in the mountain regions of the Himalayas for health care.

The diverse uses of Mumijo in various traditional systems testify to its deep roots in history and culture. These traditional uses have significantly influenced modern research and application of mumijo and are an important part of its fascinating history. In the next section, we will explore the potential health benefits of shilajit in more detail.


Health benefits of shilajit

Mumijo has been prized for centuries for its potential health benefits. Here are some of the prominent health benefits of mumijo:

Adaptogenic properties: Shilajit is often used as ashwagandha is considered an adaptogen, a substance that helps the body adapt to stress and change. It can help to increase resistance to physical, emotional and environmental stress. In addition, your body needs more nutrients during stress, which you can obtain via nerve food.

Improve energy and stamina: One of the most striking properties of mumijo is its ability to increase energy and stamina. It can improve physical performance and help to reduce tiredness and fatigue. This is particularly interesting in sports, as it is a natural remedy and has no side effects.

Immune system support: Mumijo can boost the immune system by promoting the production of immune cells and supporting the body's defense responses against infection. This can help to reduce susceptibility to disease. You can find out what you need, especially in the dark season, in the blog post: Why your body absolutely needs vitamin C & vitamin D in the fall & winter season.

Anti-inflammatory effect: An anti-inflammatory effect of mumijo has been observed in some studies. It can help reduce inflammation associated with various health problems.

Improvement of cognitive functions: Shilajit may also improve cognitive function. There is evidence that it can promote mental clarity, increase concentration and support memory. Studies have also shown that it can slow down the ageing process.

Anticonvulsant effect: Studies show an antispasmodic effect in both gastrointestinal disorders and bronchial complaints.

Effect on the hormone system in men: Regular intake of Mumijo has been shown to significantly increase testosterone levels in men. In this context, erectile dysfunction and fertility (sperm quality and number) improved.

Many clinical studies with humans show promising results in terms of energy, cognitive improvements and hormone regulation. Shilajit is also being studied in modern medicine for conditions such as diabetes, Alzheimer's and arthritis, but further studies are needed to confirm its safety and efficacy. These health benefits of mumijo have led to its use in various wellness and health applications.

Dosage and use of Mumijo

Shilajit can be taken in a variety of ways, and it is important to understand the correct dosage and application to achieve the best possible results and minimize potential risks.

Different dosage forms (resin, capsules, powder) Mumijo is available in different dosage forms:

  1. Shilajit resin: This is the natural form of shilajit and is often sold as a resinous substance. It can be dissolved in water or milk and taken.
  2. Shilajit capsules: Mumijo is also available in capsules, which is a convenient way to dose and take it.
  3. Shilajit powder: Some prefer Mumijo in powder form, which can be easily mixed into drinks or smoothies.

The choice of dosage form depends on personal preferences and needs.

Recommended dosages: The recommended dosage of shilajit may vary depending on the product and manufacturer. It is important to read the instructions on the product packaging carefully and follow the manufacturer's dosage recommendations. Generally, the recommended daily dose is around 300 mg to 500 mg, but may vary depending on individual factors.

It is advisable to start with a lower dose and observe the effect on the body before increasing the dose. Mumijo should always be taken on an empty stomach.

Possible side effects and precautions: Although shilajit is considered safe, some people may experience side effects, especially if they take it in excessive amounts. Possible side effects include stomach problems, headaches or sleep disturbances.

It is important to observe the following precautions:

  • Mumijo should not be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women.
  • People with certain conditions such as gout should consult their doctor before taking it.
  • If you are taking medication, you should talk to your doctor, as interactions are possible.
  • Make sure you purchase shilajit from a trusted source to ensure quality.

Overall, Mumijo can be a valuable health supplement when dosed and used responsibly. However, it is always advisable to speak to a qualified health professional before taking it, especially if you have any health concerns or are taking medication.

Availability and sourcing of shilajit

If you are interested in using Mumijo, it is important to know how to obtain it and what to look for when choosing a product.

Regional origin and extraction methods Shilajit is mainly found in the mountainous regions of the Himalayas, Altai, Caucasus and other parts of Asia. It is formed over thousands of years through the decomposition of organic plant and animal remains in the mountains. The extraction of mumijo is a laborious process involving the collection of resin from rock crevices and subsequent purification and processing.

The quality of mumijo can vary greatly depending on the geographical origin and extraction methods. Shilajit from different regions can have different chemical profiles and properties.

Certification and quality assurance: Before you buy mumijo, you should make sure that the product meets quality standards. Look for products that are certified and come from reputable manufacturers. Some certifications you can look out for are ISO, GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and USDA Organic. These certificates can indicate the quality and purity of the product.

Where to buy and where to buy from: Mumijo is available on the market in various forms and brands. You can find it in pharmacies, health food stores, online stores and from Ayurvedic or naturopathic practitioners. When buying shilajit, it is advisable to read customer reviews and check the manufacturer's reputation.

Overall, it is important to purchase Mumijo from trusted sources and look for quality and certifications to ensure you are getting a high-quality product that meets your health needs.

Frequently asked questions about Shilajit:

What is Shilajit?

Shilajit is a dark, resinous, vegan natural product that is found in the mountainous regions of Asia and the Himalayas. It is produced over thousands of years by the decomposition of organic plant and animal remains in the mountains.

What are the health benefits of shilajit?

Shilajit is associated with a variety of health benefits, including boosting energy and stamina, supporting the immune system, anti-inflammatory effects and improving cognitive function. Scientific research in this area is ongoing.

How is shilajit traditionally used?

In various cultures, shilajit is traditionally used as a tonic for health and to treat various ailments. It has a long history of use in Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

How should shilajit be taken?

Shilajit is available in various dosage forms, including resin, capsules and powder. The dosage varies depending on the product and manufacturer. It is important to follow the recommended dosages on the product packaging and consult a healthcare professional if necessary.

Are there any side effects of shilajit?

In general, shilajit is considered safe when taken in appropriate amounts. However, some people may experience stomach problems, headaches or sleep disturbances. Pregnant women, breastfeeding women and people with certain health conditions should consult their doctor before taking it.

Where can I buy shilajit?

Shilajit is available in health food stores, pharmacies, online stores and from Ayurvedic or naturopathic practitioners. It is important to buy products from trustworthy sources and to pay attention to certifications and quality assurance.

Are there any scientific studies on shilajit?

Yes, there are a growing number of scientific studies on shilajit examining various aspects of its health benefits. These studies range from laboratory experiments to clinical trials. However, research in this area is still ongoing and further studies are needed to confirm the efficacy and safety of shilajit.

Can shilajit be taken as a substitute for medication?

Shilajit should not be used as a substitute for prescribed medication. If you are taking medication or have health concerns, you should always consult your doctor before taking shilajit. However, it can be used as a supplement to a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet.

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Losing weight during pregnancy

You are facing an exciting time in your life - the pregnancy. It's a time full of changes, both physically and emotionally. The question of how to deal with your weight should deal withmay be buzzing around in your head. You may be wondering whether it is safe or even advisable to lose weight during pregnancy. This question is completely understandable and important for your health and the well-being of your child.

In this article, we will explore the topic of losing weight during pregnancy together. We will look at the health aspects aspects of pregnancy, the reasons for weight gain, the possible risks of losing weight and the best approaches to losing weight. healthy weight management during this special time. You'll learn when it might be appropriate to lose weight and how to make sure you and your baby are well looked after.

We will also look at alternative approaches to weight controlwill be discussed. By the end of this journey, you will hopefully be better informed and able to make informed decisions that will benefit your wellbeing and that of your child.

Let's dive into this important topic together and find out how you can get the best possible support and care during your pregnancy.

Health aspects of pregnancy

Changes in the body during pregnancy

During your pregnancy you will experience amazing transformation of your body. Your body adapts to make room for the growing baby and provide it with optimal care. Some of these changes may be obvious, others less so.

  • Your belly will gradually get bigger as the uterus expands to make room for the baby.
  • Your breasts will become more sensitive and larger as they prepare for breastfeeding.
  • Your blood volume increases to supply the baby and placenta, which can lead to an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.
  • You may notice water retention in your hands and feet, which is due to hormonal changes.
  • Your skin might change, which can lead to pigmentation changes or even rashes.
  • You produce hormones such as progesterone and relaxin, which can loosen the ligaments and joints to make room for the growing baby.

Weight gain during pregnancy

Weight gain during pregnancy is normal and necessary to ensure that your baby is adequately nourished. In the first few months, the weight gain be minimal, but it will increase as the pregnancy progresses. It is important to note that the recommended weight gain depends on your initial weight may vary. Your doctor will give you precise guidelines.

  • Weight gain in the first trimester may be low due to nausea and vomiting.
  • In the second and third trimester, weight gain usually increases as the baby grows faster.
  • A balanced diet and exercise are important to promote healthy weight gain.

Nutrition and nutrient requirements during pregnancy

During pregnancy you need additional nutrientsto support the baby's growth. A balanced diet is crucial to ensure that you and your baby get all the vitamins and minerals you need.

  • You need more folic acid, iron, calcium and other nutrients.
  • A variety of meals with fruit, vegetables, sufficient protein and healthy fats is advisable.
  • You should avoid raw meat, fish with a high mercury content and unpasteurized dairy products.
  • Drink enough water to keep your body hydrated.

The LiveFresh protein drink contains many important vitamins and minerals and provides you with an optimal supply of protein. Your gynaecologist or midwife can give you recommendations on your individual vitamin and mineral requirements.

Remember that it is important to eat healthily during pregnancy to ensure both your own wellbeing and that of your baby.

You can find a quick and healthy meal at the LiveFresh vegan bowls. In less than 9 minutes you have a wholesome meal that provides you with optimum nutrition.

Losing weight during pregnancy: risks and side effects

The Losing weight during pregnancy is generally not recommendedas it carries potential risks. During this time, the focus should be on protecting both your and your baby's wellbeing. Losing weight can be problematic for the following reasons:

  • You need extra energyto support your baby's growth and development. If you lose weight important nutrients missing.
  • Diets and excessive calorie restriction can lead to malnutrition which can increase the risk of developmental problems in the baby.
  • Extreme weight loss can increase the disturb the hormone balance and affect menstrual cycles, which can reduce the chances of a healthy pregnancy.
  • Underweight or malnutrition in the mother can reduce the risk of premature birth and a low birth weight for the baby.
  • Your body may try to obtain energy from stored fat reserves, which can lead to release of toxins which are normally stored in fatty tissue.
  • Mothers who lose weight during pregnancy could more susceptible to infections and other health problems.

If being overweight could affect the birth and your health, your gynecologist will point this out to you in good time during routine examinations and give you appropriate recommendations. Otherwise, you can take care of losing weight after your pregnancy and slowly return to your original figure. You can find more information on losing weight after pregnancy here.

Reasons for weight gain during pregnancy

Physiological reasons

During pregnancy, there are a number of physiological reasons why weight gain is unavoidable:

  • Increase in uterine sizeYour uterus grows to make room for the growing baby. This alone contributes to increased weight.
  • Placenta growthThe placenta, which supplies your baby with nutrients and oxygen, also grows and contributes to the extra weight.
  • Amniotic fluidThe amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby increases during pregnancy. This has an effect on your weight.
  • Fluid retention: During pregnancy, the body retains more fluid, which can lead to water retention.

Changes in metabolism

Your metabolism changes during pregnancy, which affects your weight gain:

  1. Hormonal changesHormones such as progesterone and oestrogen increase and influence your metabolism. This can lead to you storing calories more efficiently.
  2. Higher energy consumptionThe growing fetus, the placenta and the increased blood volume require more energy, which leads to increased calorie consumption.

Eating habits

Pregnancy also affects your eating habits, which can have an impact on your weight:

  1. CravingsMany women experience cravings for certain foods during pregnancy. This can lead to increased calorie consumption.
  2. Nausea and vomiting: In the early stages of pregnancy, nausea and vomiting can cause you to eat less. Later on, however, your appetite may increase.
  3. Slower digestionPregnancy hormones can slow down digestion, which can lead to digestive problems and bloating.

It is important to understand that weight gain during pregnancy is normal and is there to ensure that you and your baby are adequately nourished. Your doctor or midwife will monitor your weight gain during pregnancy and make sure it is within a healthy range. The right foods and exercise are key aspects of making sure you and your baby are well looked after during this important time.

Healthy weight management during pregnancy

Recommended weight gain during pregnancy

The recommended weight gain during pregnancy can vary depending on your initial weight. Generally, weight gain is divided into three categories: underweight, normal weight and overweight. Here are general guidelines:

  • Underweight womenIf you were underweight before pregnancy, it is recommended that you gain between 12.5 and 18 kg.
  • Normal weight womenWomen of normal weight should generally gain between 11.5 and 16 kg.
  • Overweight womenOverweight women should gain about 7 to 11.5 kg during pregnancy.

It is important to note that individual differences and medical factors may play a role. Your doctor or midwife will give you precise recommendations based on your medical condition.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy

Balanced meals are crucial to ensure that you and your baby get the nutrients you need:

  • Folic acidThis B vitamin is important for the development of the neural tube and should be taken before pregnancy.
  • IronIron deficiency anemia is common during pregnancy. Eat iron-rich foods such as red meat, legumes and green leafy vegetables.
  • CalciumCalcium is important for the development of the baby's bones and teeth. Dairy products and green vegetables are good sources.
  • ProteinProteins are building blocks for tissues and muscles. Meat, fish, eggs and pulses are protein-rich foods.
  • FiberFiber-rich foods help with digestive problems. Fruit, vegetables and wholegrain products should be included in your diet.

Exercise and sport during pregnancy

Regular physical activity can be of great benefit during pregnancy:

  • Suitable activitiesWalking, swimming, yoga and pregnancy exercises are often safe options. However, consult your gynecologist before starting a new exercise program.
  • PrecautionsAvoid sports with a high risk of injury or physical strain. Adapt your training to your individual needs.
  • Take a breathBreathe deeply and regularly during training and avoid overexerting yourself.

Alternative approaches to losing weight during pregnancy

Emphasize well-being and health instead of weight loss

During pregnancy, focusing on weight loss can be counterproductive. Instead, the main focus should be on well-being and health:

  • Accepting your bodyAccept the changes you are going through during pregnancy and recognize that these changes are normal and necessary.
  • Self-careFocus on self-care and self-love. Listen to your body and respond to its needs.
  • Healthy lifestyle: Strive for a healthy lifestyle that promotes both physical and mental health.

Practical tips for a healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle during pregnancy can help improve your well-being without aiming for weight loss:

  • A balanced dietEat a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, wholegrain products, lean protein and healthy fats.
  • Portion controlWatch portion sizes and eat when you are hungry. Avoid overeating.
  • HydrationDrink enough water to keep your body hydrated.
  • Exercise: Engage in regular, safe physical activity that suits your fitness level. Walking, swimming and special pregnancy exercises are good options.
  • Stress managementFind ways to reduce stress, such as meditation, yoga or autogenic training.

Support through professional counseling and therapy

It's important to know that you don't have to be alone if you are experiencing challenges during pregnancy:

  • Psychological supportIf you are experiencing emotional or psychological stress, seek help from a psychologist or psychiatrist who specializes in pregnancy issues.
  • Nutritional counselingConsult a nutritionist to receive individualized nutritional recommendations and promote healthy eating habits.
  • Group supportConsider joining groups for pregnant women or moms where you can share experiences and find support.

Remember that every pregnancy is unique, and there is no 'one-size-fits-all' approach. Emphasizing wellness, taking care of your health and seeking professional support when needed are key components to a healthy and happy pregnancy.

Frequently asked questions about losing weight during pregnancy:

Is it safe to lose weight during pregnancy?

As a rule, losing weight during pregnancy is not recommended unless there are medical reasons or you are very overweight. It is important to discuss this with your doctor.

How much weight should I gain during pregnancy?

The recommended weight gain depends on your initial weight. Your gynecologist will give you individual recommendations, but in general the gain is between 11.5 and 18 kg for normal pregnancies.

What are the risks of losing weight during pregnancy?

Losing weight during pregnancy can lead to malnutrition, which can increase the risk of developmental problems in the baby. It can also cause hormonal changes and stress.

How can I promote healthy weight gain during pregnancy?

A balanced diet, regular exercise and regular medical care are crucial to support healthy weight gain.

Can I exercise during pregnancy?

Yes, in most cases exercise during pregnancy is safe and promotes good health. However, it is important to discuss this with your doctor and choose safe exercises.

What can I do if I have cravings for certain foods during pregnancy?

You can try to choose healthier alternatives and eat in moderation. Consult your doctor or nutritionist for further advice.

How can I manage stress during pregnancy?

Stress management techniques such as relaxation exercises, meditation and talking to a psychologist can help to reduce stress.

Are there any special dietary requirements during pregnancy?

Yes, you need additional nutrients such as folic acid, iron and calcium. A balanced diet is crucial.

Can I diet during pregnancy?

Diets with calorie restriction are not usually advisable. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are more important.

Where can I find support and advice during my pregnancy?

You can turn to your doctor, midwife, nutritionist and mental health professionals for support and advice. There are also pregnancy groups and resources online.


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Vegan lunch

The vegan diet has become an increasingly popular diet in recent years. diet established in recent years. This form of nutrition avoids animal products such as meat, dairy products and eggs and instead relies on a wide range of plant-based foods. Various reasons such as a healthy diet, sustainability or ethical considerations play an important role in the decision to go vegan.

In this article, you will find out what benefits you can benefit from when you go vegan and how you can best implement a plant-based diet. We also show you our favorite vegan recipes for lunchthat you can easily cook at home.

Why eat vegan?

A vegan lifestyle has various advantages that benefit your own health and the environment - you can find out exactly which advantages you can benefit from here:

Health benefits

A vegan lunch can have a positive effect on your health and well-being. The choice of food plays an important role in this. A vegan lunch can provide you with fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. These nutrients help to reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes, among other things. At the same time, vegan meals are often lower in calories and contain less saturated fat, which can help with weight control.


In contrast to the production of vegan food, the production of animal-based food requires more resources such as water and energy. Avoiding animal products and eating vegan food therefore helps to reduce the ecological footprint. A vegan lunch therefore not only promotes your health, but also that of our planet.

Ethical reasons

To promote animal welfare and prevent the exploitation of animals, many people choose to go vegan. Increased awareness of the conditions in animal husbandry and the resulting consequences for the animals promotes veganism. In this way, vegans contribute to the animal rights movement.

Well-being and weight control

A vegan lifestyle can help you to control your weight and increase your energy levels. Plant-based foods are easier to digest and lead to fewer energy dips after meals, which can also help you feel better.

Getting started with a vegan diet

There are various points that can make it easier to start a vegan diet. Here you can find out how to get started easily and healthily:

  • Varied recipes: The vegan kitchen has many different, delicious and balanced recipes for you! Create a colorful and varied menu to keep you healthy, fit and happy throughout the day.

  • Balanced and healthy foods: To follow a healthy lifestyle, you need to make sure you are taking in important nutrients and fiber. Plenty of vegetables such as lettuce, tomatoes and pumpkin, pulses such as beans and lentils and fruit will provide you with all the nutrients you need. Many vegans prefer tofu as a meat substitute, as it can be prepared in a similar way to meat and contains a lot of protein.

  • Use vegan alternatives: The vegan diet has developed enormously in recent years, so you can easily cover your dietary requirements with vegan alternatives. Simply replace the cow's milk in your coffee with an oat or almond drink, eat a delicious soy yoghurt with plenty of fruit and nut butter for breakfast, or grill some delicious marinated tofu in the oven.

  • Be aware of your reasons: If things do become more difficult, you can always remind yourself of the reasons FOR veganism. Regardless of whether it's ethical or environmental reasons, you should always know the background to your decision.

  • Don't be too strict: You don't have to completely change your diet from one day to the next. Start step by step and give yourself and your body time to get used to the change.

To make it easier for you to start veganism and prevent you from resorting to fast food in stressful situations, for example, the vegan bowls from LiveFresh. The bowls are available in different flavors, are 100% vegan, super tasty, high protein and can be prepared in less than 9 minutes - a quick and vegan solution without a lot of stress!

Vegan recipe ideas for lunch

Contrary to the assumption that a vegan diet is one-sided and boring, here we show you our favorite recipes for a vegan, healthy and delicious feast! The recipes feature a balanced variety of proteins, vegetables and carbohydrates such as pasta or rice. Here are quick, vegan and delicious recipes that you can cook for lunch:

On our blog you will find more delicious and vegan recipes to try out. You'll also always find the latest articles about nutrition and health!

Frequently asked questions about vegan lunches:

Do veganism and sport go together?

With a balanced and varied diet, you can do sport without any problems. Especially if you do a lot of sport, you should make sure you get enough vegan protein sources sources of protein. These include beans, lentils and tofu. Nutrient-rich vegetables such as tomatoes, lettuce and pumpkin should also be included in your diet.

Is it possible to eat a balanced diet with a purely plant-based diet?

If the vegan diet is carefully planned, it can be balanced and healthy. However, there are some important aspects to consider to ensure that all nutritional needs are met.

Despite the fact that a vegan diet offers health benefits, there are some potential challenges. Above all protein supplywhich is usually provided by meat and dairy products, must be replaced with a variety of plant sources such as pulses, nuts, seeds and soy in a vegan diet. If not all nutrients can be covered by the diet, vegan nutrition experts recommend taking supplements such as vitamin B12. 

Is vegan food expensive?

No, quite the opposite. Compared to meat products, vegan alternatives, vegetables, fruit and pulses are often cheaper. Try to cook for yourself as often as possible and avoid processed substitute products to avoid spending unnecessary money on a healthy diet.

On our blog and also on our TikTok channel you'll find lots of great vegan recipes that you can easily try out at home! The recipes range from pastato modified dishes such as vegan curry up to summer salads - there is something for everyone here!

What foods can I eat as a vegan?

Especially with a vegan lifestyle, you should pay attention to a balanced and nutritious diet. Here are some foods that you can easily integrate into your vegan diet:


It is often assumed that there are only a few sources of protein in a plant-based diet, as meat, fish, milk and eggs are not consumed. But even as a vegan, you can supplement your meals with tasty and protein-rich foods. Easily prepared and served with rice, transformed into a vegan curry or deliciously integrated into a salad - we have listed the best vegan protein sources for you here:

  • Lentils, chickpeas, beans, peas

  • Tofu and tempeh

  • Soy milk, soy yogurt

  • Almonds, walnuts, cashew nuts

  • Chia seeds, linseed, hemp seeds

  • Quinoa, bulgur, millet


Healthy fats are an important part of a healthy diet and should not be neglected in a vegan diet. Vegan sources of fat include, among others:

  • Avocado

  • Nuts and seeds

  • Olive oil, coconut oil

  • Coconut milk


You're in luck here! Only plant-based foods contain fiber, which is why you are well supplied with it. Here are the best vegan sources of fiber:

  • Wholemeal products

  • Vegetables: tomatoes, pumpkin, lettuce, broccoli, carrots

  • Fruit: apples, berries, oranges

  • Legumes: peas, beans, chickpeas

  • Nuts and seeds

  • Dried fruit


In addition to familiar foods such as rice, pasta and potatoes, you should also choose more pulses when it comes to carbohydrates, as these also serve as a source of protein.

  • Cereals: rice, pasta, couscous

  • Potatoes and sweet potatoes

  • Bread and cereal products

  • Maize

  • Pulses: lentils, beans, peas

Can I find vegan lunches in restaurants?

Yes, you can definitely find a vegan lunch in restaurants. As the demand for vegan options has increased significantly in many restaurants, many restaurants have added vegan dishes to their menus.

When looking for suitable restaurants, you can search online for vegan restaurants in your area. There are many websites and apps that list vegan-friendly restaurants and even offer reviews from other diners. Before you visit a new restaurant, you can always check the menu online or call the restaurant directly and ask for vegan options.

Even if a restaurant doesn't have explicitly vegan dishes on the menu, they can often adapt existing dishes to make them vegan. For example, many vegetables or carbohydrate side dishes such as pasta, rice or potatoes are vegan from the ground up and can be eaten without any problems. Salads are also usually prepared vegan - pay attention to your choice of salad dressing.

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Morning routine

Start the day in a self-disciplined and focused way - This is the aspiration of many successful people who have a effective morning routine practise. The first few hours of the day lay the foundation for the course of our day, influencing our energy, productivity and even our emotional state. A well-thought-out morning routine can be much more than just the usual routine of getting up, washing and having breakfast. Rather, it acts as a personal ceremony that enables us to prepare our body and mind optimally for the day. But why is a structured morning routine important at all? What benefits can it offer and how can it be successfully integrated into everyday life? In this article, we delve into the world of morning routines and reveal how they can not only transform the start of your day, but also have a positive impact on your overall attitude to life.

Why is a morning routine important?

A structured morning routine may seem like a mere sequence of activities at first glance, but its impact goes far beyond that. It forms the foundation for a successful day and can have numerous positive effects:

  • Positive effects on the course of the day: The way we start the morning significantly shapes the course of the entire day. A conscious morning routine helps to get the day off to a targeted start and set positive impulses. By putting ourselves in an open-minded and productive mood in this way, we lay the foundation for successful experiences and adventures.

  • Creating mental clarity and focus: Mornings provide a unique opportunity to free ourselves from the distractions of the previous day and clear our minds. Through consciously chosen actions such as meditation, reading or yoga, the morning routine can help to calm the mind and create mental clarity. This allows for improved concentration and alertness throughout the day.

  • Increase productivity and efficiency: A well thought out morning routine allows you to use your time effectively in the morning and focus on the most important tasks. This leads to increased productivity, as the morning hours are often quieter and less distracted by external distractions. By using the first few hours of the day specifically for important tasks, you can make the rest of the day more successful.

  • Promote physical and mental health: A balanced morning routine can have a positive impact on physical and mental health. By integrating exercise, healthy eating and relaxation techniques, physical fitness and emotional well-being can be promoted. The morning routine thus becomes an act of self-care that increases general well-being in the long term.

Overall, it is clear that a morning routine is much more than just a time schedule. It serves as a powerful start to the day, enabling us to take control of our daily routine, strengthen our mental resources and improve our quality of life.

Elements of a successful morning routine

The structure of a morning routine can be varied and customized. However, there are some basic elements that can make up a successful morning routine:

  • Getting up early: Getting up early allows you to start the day consciously and without rushing. This time advantage gives you the opportunity to start the day in a calm and relaxed manner.

  • Hygienic routine: A thorough hygiene routine not only makes you feel good, but also helps you feel fresh and awake. This includes brushing your teeth, facial care and a refreshing shower or bath.

  • Hydration: Start the day with a glass of warm water to hydrate your body. For a fresh kick in the morning, the LiveFresh Happy Lemon ideal: water with refreshing lemon and acerola with extra vitamin C to wake you up.

  • Exercise and sport: Physical activity in the morning promotes blood circulation, boosts energy and improves your mood. Whether it's simple stretching, yoga or a short workout - exercise can activate you and invigorate your mind. Ideal for this are workouts and yoga sessions with different levels of difficulty so that you can adapt them to your fitness level, but also to your morning energy.

  • Nutrition: The right nutrition in the morning is essential to supply the body with energy and get the metabolism going. Protein-rich breakfast optimally satiates you and helps you to lose weight.

Tips for establishing a sustainable morning routine

Building a successful morning routine takes time, commitment and adaptability. Here are some tips that can help you develop a sustainable morning routine:

  • Step-by-step implementation: Lifestyle changes are best done gradually. Start with small adjustments to your morning routine and gradually add new elements. This prevents overwhelm and makes it easier to integrate new habits in the long term.

  • Adapt to personal preferences and needs: Every person is unique. Design your morning routine so that it suits you. Take into account your own preferences, time constraints and health needs to create a routine that you enjoy following.

  • Continuity and patience: Building a morning routine takes time and patience. Keep at it, even if it is difficult at first or setbacks occur. Give yourself the space to get used to the new habits.

  • Be flexible with changes to your daily routine: Life is dynamic, and sometimes unforeseen events require adjustments to your routine. Be flexible and ready to adjust your morning routine if necessary without causing frustration.

  • Introduce a reward system: Associate your morning routine with positive experiences to keep you motivated. Reward yourself after a successful week or after reaching certain goals to make it easier to keep going.

  • Visualize the successful day: Visualize how your day will go if you follow your morning routine. Visualization can increase your motivation by giving you a clear picture of how implementing your routine will lead to a productive day.

  • Community and support: Share your goals and progress with friends, family or like-minded people. A supportive community can provide you with extra motivation and help encourage each other along the way to establishing your morning routine.

Establishing a sustainable morning routine requires determination and perseverance, but the positive impact on your life is worth it.

Examples of individual morning routines

Creating a morning routine is highly personal and can vary depending on your lifestyle, goals and preferences. Here are some examples of how you could customize your morning routine:

Morning routine of an early riser: As an early riser, you want to take advantage of the calmness of the morning to best prepare yourself for the day. Your morning routine could look like this:

  1. Get up before sunrise: You get up early to enjoy the stillness and freshness of the morning.

  2. Exercise: You start with light stretching exercises or a short jog to get your body going.

  3. Meditation: You take time for meditation to calm your mind and find clarity.

  4. Healthy breakfast: You enjoy a nutritious breakfast with protein, fiber and fruit.

  5. Planning: You make a list of your daily goals and set priorities.

Morning routine for working people with limited time: As a busy person, you want to develop an efficient morning routine that prepares you for the working day:

  1. Getting up efficiently: You get up on time to avoid time pressure.

  2. Short exercise: You do some quick exercises to get your circulation going.

  3. Quick breakfast: You prepare a simple but balanced breakfast that you can take with you.

  4. Positive affirmations: You take a moment to motivate yourself and gather positive thoughts.

  5. To-do list: Make a short list of the most important tasks for the day.

Morning routine to promote the creativity: As someone who values creativity, you can use your morning routine to awaken your creative energies:

  1. Waking up slowly: You take time to slowly awaken from sleep and gather your thoughts.

  2. Creative expression: You use the morning hours to paint, write or make music.

  3. Seek inspiration: You read inspiring texts or look at creative works to stimulate your thoughts.

  4. Reflection: You record your thoughts and ideas in a creativity journal.

  5. Free thinking: You consciously sit down with an open mind to develop new ideas without censoring yourself.

Remember that these examples are just suggestions. You can shape your morning routine according to your personal needs and goals to make the most of your start to the day.

Common challenges and solutions

Establishing a morning routine can face some obstacles on the way to a productive day. Here are some common difficulties and possible solutions to overcome them:

Difficulty getting up: It can be hard to struggle out of bed early in the morning. Here are some ways you can overcome this hurdle:

  1. Gradual adjustment: Set your alarm a little earlier each day until you get used to the new time.

  2. Create motivation: Reward yourself with a little treat in the morning to make the process of getting up more enjoyable.

  3. Plan activities: Plan activities in the morning that bring you joy, such as a cup of your favorite tea or a good book.

Time management: Mornings can get hectic when you're trying to get a lot of activities done in a short amount of time. Here are some tips to optimize your time management:

  1. Prioritize: Identify the most important activities and focus on them instead of getting lost in trivia.

  2. Prepare the evening before: Prepare things like clothes or breakfast the night before to save time in the morning.

  3. Realistic time planning: Allow enough time for each activity to avoid stress.

Maintain motivation: It can be difficult to maintain motivation for your morning routine. Here are some approaches to maintain your enthusiasm:

  1. Visualize goals: Remember why you introduced the morning routine and visualize the positive results.

  2. Celebrate small successes: Reward yourself for each day that you have successfully carried out your morning routine.

  3. Incorporate variety: Incorporate new elements into your morning routine every now and then to maintain variety and interest.

Overcoming these challenges requires patience and adaptability. By finding creative solutions and realizing how your morning routine positively impacts you in the long run, you will be better able to overcome obstacles and maintain your routine consistently.

Frequently asked questions about morning routines:

Why is a morning routine important?

A morning routine lays the foundation for a successful day. It makes it possible to start the day consciously, promote mental clarity, increase productivity and support physical and mental health.

How do I find the right morning routine for me?

The right morning routine depends on your personal goals, preferences and time constraints. Experiment with different activities and break times to find out what suits you best.

How do I overcome the difficulty of getting up early?

Gradually start setting your alarm a little earlier until you get used to the new time. Plan enjoyable activities in the morning that motivate you to get out of bed.

What do I do if my everyday life brings unpredictable changes?

Be flexible and adapt your morning routine if necessary. Prioritize important activities and find alternative solutions for unexpected obstacles.

How do I maintain my motivation for my morning routine?

Visualize the positive results of your morning routine, celebrate small successes and build variety into your routine to maintain interest.

Can I change my morning routine on weekends?

Yes, you can adjust your morning routine on weekends to enjoy more flexibility. However, it might be helpful to keep some core activities to maintain consistency.

How long should my morning routine last?

The duration of the morning routine is individual. It can vary from 15 minutes to an hour or more, depending on the activities you incorporate.

What do I do if I don't have enough time for an extensive morning routine?

Even short routines can be effective. Prioritize activities that are most important to you and find ways to fit them into your limited time.

How long does it take to make my morning routine a habit?

The time it takes to make a morning routine a habit can vary. However, it usually takes at least 21 days for a new habit to become established.

Can I change my morning routine after a while?

Yes, your morning routine is not set in stone. You can adjust it at any time to meet your changing needs and goals.

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