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Healthy food to lose weight

You know that feeling when you're trying to lose weight but keep coming across diet hype and quick fixes? There is a proven way to lose weight sustainably and improve your health at the same time: healthy eating. In this article, we will explore why healthy eating is so important for your weight loss success, which foods can help you and how you can integrate a balanced diet into your everyday life. Healthy eating for weight loss is not a torture, but an opportunity to support your body and your well-being. Ready to find out more? Let's go!

Why is healthy eating important when losing weight?

Eating a healthy diet has health benefits and also promotes long-term, sustainable weight loss.

Health benefits of a balanced diet

  • Reduces the risk of heart disease: Eating a healthy diet with a focus on fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease. Reducing saturated fats and salt in the diet also contributes to this.
  • Improves metabolic health: Choosing nutrient-dense foods optimizes metabolism. A balanced diet supports the regulation of blood sugar levels and insulin, which is very important for weight loss.
  • Increases well-being and energy: Healthy eating provides the body with the nutrients it needs to function optimally. This can lead to an increased sense of well-being and increased energy, making it easier to be more active.

Long-term weight loss

  • Avoiding the yo-yo effect: Crash diets and extremely restrictive eating plans often lead to short-term weight loss, followed by a yo-yo effect where the lost weight is quickly gained back. Healthy eating promotes slow and steady weight loss, which is more sustainable and minimizes the yo-yo effect.
  • Promoting a sustainable lifestyle: Healthy eating is not a short-term endeavor, but a permanent change in eating habits. It teaches you to eat more consciously and make better choices, leading to a sustainable lifestyle that improves your weight and health in the long term.


The basics of a healthy diet

Understanding calorie balance

To lose weight, it's crucial to understand the basic principles of calorie balance is crucial. This depends on the relationship between energy intake and energy consumption is important. Your energy intake, i.e. the amount of calories you consume through your diet, must be lower than your energy expenditure. This creates a so-called negative calorie balance.

The negative calorie balance is the key to successful weight loss. It occurs when you burn more calories than you consume through your diet. In this state, your body draws on its fat reserves to meet its energy needs. This process is essential if you want to lose weight and achieve healthy weight loss.

Choosing the right foods

  • Whole foods vs. processed foods: Whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, meat, fish, eggs and legumes are rich in nutrients and fiber. They should make up the majority of your diet, while processed foods high in sugar and fat should be avoided.
  • Portion control: Even healthy foods should be eaten in moderation. Controlling your portions will help to keep your calorie intake in balance and avoid overeating.
  • A balanced diet with proteins, carbohydrates and fats: A balanced diet includes an appropriate balance of proteins, moderate amounts of carbohydrates and healthy fats. Proteins support muscle health, carbohydrates from vegetables provide energy and fiber, and healthy fats are important for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and satiety. The low carb diet is therefore ideal for losing weight.

Foods that help you lose weight

One balanced diet is the key to successful weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Certain foods play a crucial role in this, as they provide you with important nutrients that feeling of satiety and promote your support your health. Here are some food categories that can help you lose weight:

Fruit and vegetables

Fruit and vegetables are true superstars in a healthy diet. Their high fiber contentwhich is particularly pronounced in varieties such as broccoli, spinach and berries, helps you, longer full stay full longer and prevent food cravings.

In addition, fruit and vegetables are rich in Antioxidants and vitaminsthat not only protect your protect your cellsbut also your general health. You strengthen your immune system and can contribute to it, prevent chronic diseases.


Including protein in your diet is essential for the muscle maintenance and a long-lasting feeling of satiety are of crucial importance. Proteins make you feel fuller for longer, which can lead to you eating less overall. At the same time, they protect your muscles during weight loss by minimizing the loss of muscle mass. Whether you choose chicken, beef, fish, eggs or pulses is entirely up to you. However, make sure you eat a sufficient amount of protein and the quality. How much protein you need per dayyou can read in our article.

Healthy fats

Healthy fats are another important part of a balanced diet. Sources like Avocado, nuts and olive oil are rich in unsaturated fatty acidswhich are crucial for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. It is best to use coconut oil or ghee for frying.

In addition, these fats can support fat burning by boosting the metabolism and providing a lasting feeling of satiety. This helps to reduce calorie intake and promote weight loss.

Consciously incorporating these foods into your diet can make a significant difference in your weight loss success and overall health. Remember that variety and moderation are key principles to ensure you get all the nutrients you need while losing weight.

Both protein and high quality fats will spread your energy over a longer period of time, helping to prevent uncontrolled binge eating and ensure the stability of your blood sugar levels. These are the benefits of a low carb diet.


To make it as easy as possible for you to get started, we havefor you healthy recipes that will give you the best help you lose weight and are delicious: 

  • Breakfast: The vegan baked oats, refined with berries and peanut butter, let you start your day with a delicious breakfast. Just like the vegan apple and cinnamon porridge: If you like, you can reduce the amount of oat drink and increase the amount of water. This will save you even more carbohydrates.
  • Light soups & stewsThese recipes are easy to prepare, low in calories and varied. The soups and stews are not only easy to digest, but also quick to cook. Why not try our vegan carrot orange ginger soup or our vegan pumpkin carrot potato soup.
  • Vegetarian and vegan dishesColorful salad or recipes for pan-fried and baked vegetables are ideal as a low-calorie dinner to lose weight and are super easy and delicious. Why not try our healthy stuffed bell pepper halves. With our Oven Brussels sprouts with cauliflower rice recipe, you can create the perfect alternative to conventional, carbohydrate-rich rice. And thanks to our vegan pumpkin fries you don't have to do without anything, even when losing weight. Why not also try our Mexican-style stuffed peppers.
  • Healthy bowls: LiveFresh offers vegan bowls in many different flavors - with a focus on low carb and high protein. These dishes create the ideal basis for losing weight and can be prepared in just a few minutes. Want to try a recipe for yourself? Then try our healthy Buddha Bowl
  • Alternatives to classic bread & toast: You should avoid bread and toast when losing weight. Instead, try our Avocado toast made from sweet potatoes or make yourself some delicious and healthy wraps. We also have the right low carb wrap recipes for you.

On our blog and our Instagram channel you will find simple, tasty and easy low carb recipes to lose weight. The dishes are not only healthy, but can usually be prepared in just a few minutes. 


Meal planning and preparation

Planning and preparing your meals is a crucial step on the road to successful, healthy eating. It allows you to stay in control of your diet, make healthy choices and resist temptation.

Weekly meal prep

Weekly meal prep is a time- and money-saving habit that helps you make healthy choices even when you're short on time. Here are some benefits:

  • Time savings: You can plan and prepare your meals in advance, which saves you time during the week.
  • Portion control: You can control the size of your portions and prevent yourself from eating too much.
  • Healthy ingredients: You can use high-quality, nutrient-rich ingredients and avoid unhealthy options.

Planning balanced meals

Planning balanced meals ensures you get all the nutrients you need and avoid cravings. Here are some steps:

  • Protein, carbohydrates, fats: Make sure each meal contains protein, healthy carbohydrates and healthy fats. This promotes satiety and provides a wide range of nutrients.
  • Variety: Vary your meals to ensure you are taking in a variety of nutrients. This also prevents boredom and cravings for certain foods.
  • Healthy snacks: Also plan healthy snacks between meals to avoid cravings.

Do you have little time or desire to put together a nutrition plan and recipes and buy the ingredients individually? That's perfectly understandable, especially in an often stressful working day. For this very reason LiveFresh the food cleanse has developed. This cure is low carb, rich in protein and 100% vegan. You can prepare the meals in just a few minutes using a pan or microwave.

With our weight loss diet, you don't have to worry about putting meals together because it contains everything you need - from breakfast to dinner and even some healthy snacks. A ready-made nutrition plan guides you step by step through the entire diet, so you don't have to worry about anything else.


Avoid temptations and cravings

Avoiding temptations and cravings can be crucial to keeping your diet on track:

  • Shopping list: Create a shopping list and stick to it to prevent unhealthy foods from getting into your cart.
  • Healthy alternatives: Find healthy alternatives to your favorite snacks so you don't get tempted.
  • Stress management: Learn to deal with stress and emotional triggers for cravings without resorting to unhealthy foods. When you're stressed, your body needs extra healthy Nerve food.

The Meal planning and preparation are Key components for a successful and sustainable healthy diet when losing weight. They help you to establish healthy habits and stay in control of your diet. Here you will find 10 simple tips & tricks to get you started with meal prep.

Drinks and hydration

Choosing the right drinks and drinking enough fluids is crucial for a healthy diet and losing weight. Here are some important aspects:

Importance of adequate water intake

Water is vital for the body and plays a key role in weight loss:

  • Hydration: Adequate water intake keeps your body hydrated, which is important for metabolism and digestion.
  • Satiety: Sometimes thirst is mistaken for hunger. If you drink enough water, you can avoid cravings.
  • Detoxification: Water helps the body to eliminate toxins, which can support weight loss.

To find out how much water you need, see in the article: How much water a day? .

Avoiding sugary drinks

Sugary drinks have some detrimental effects on health. These drinks, often referred to as "empty calories", contain a significant amount of calories but provide no essential nutrients. Consuming them can cause you to consume a lot of calories without getting the vitamins and minerals you need.

Another problem with sugary drinks is that they can lead to blood sugar spikes and drops. The high sugar content in these drinks often causes a rapid rise in blood sugar levels, followed by an equally rapid drop. This can lead to food cravings and sudden energy pangs.

Finally, regular consumption of sugary drinks can lead to unwanted weight gain. The extra calories consumed through these drinks can accumulate over time and increase the risk of obesity and related health problems. It is therefore advisable to reduce the consumption of these drinks or replace them with healthier alternatives.

Tea and coffee as helpful drinks

Tea and coffee can be useful additions to your diet. On the one hand, they are rich in health-promoting antioxidants, whereby Green tea particularly stands out. These antioxidants can help support your health and weight management. On the other hand, coffee has the ability to boost your metabolism and increase your energy levels. If you enjoy coffee in moderate amounts, it can even help with your weight loss efforts.

Choosing the right drinks and staying hydrated are essential factors in achieving your weight loss goals. It is therefore important to drink enough water, avoid sugary drinks and enjoy tea and coffee in moderation to keep your diet as balanced as possible.


The role of exercise

The role of exercise in weight loss and general health should not be underestimated. Here are some important considerations:

Complementary importance of physical activity

Physical activity
is a important supplement to a healthy diet and offers a variety of benefits. Firstly, it contributes to calorie burning as it increases the body's energy expenditure, which can be helpful in achieving a negative energy balance for weight loss. In addition, regular exercise plays a crucial role in the Maintaining muscle mass during weight loss, which in turn helps to maintain the metabolism maintain the metabolism.

Exercise also has positive effects on the cardiovascular healthas it can reduce the risk of heart disease and other health problems. In addition to this, physical activity can be an effective method of stress management and reduce the increase general well-being. It therefore not only complements a balanced diet, but also helps to promote overall health and well-being.

Integrating sport into everyday life

Sporting activity should be integrated into your everyday lifeto achieve sustainable results:

  • Choose activities that you enjoy: You're more likely to exercise regularly if it's fun. Find sports or activities that you enjoy.
  • Everyday exercise: Increase your daily physical activity, for example by using your bike for short distances or taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Planning: Plan fixed times for exercise in your daily routine so that it becomes a habit.
  • Variation: Vary your exercise routine to avoid plateaus and maintain your motivation.

Combining a healthy diet with regular physical activity is a proven way to lose weight and improve your overall health. It is important to choose a form of exercise that suits your lifestyle and that you can maintain in the long term.


Psychological aspects of losing weight through healthy eating

The psychological aspect plays a crucial role in losing weight and maintaining a healthy diet. Here are some important considerations:

Self-control and motivation

Self-control and motivation play a crucial role in the weight loss process. The ability to resist temptation and long-term goals over short-term needs is of the utmost importance. Strategies such as Mindfulness and conscious eating can be helpful in strengthening this self-control.

It is helpful to maintain your motivation, clear and achievable goals to set clear and achievable goals. It is also important, sources of motivation that drive you forward. This can include support from friends and family, sticking to your progress or visualizing your goals. Strong self-control and continuous motivation are key components to a successful weight loss process.

Dealing with setbacks and stress

Setbacks and stress are inevitable parts of losing weight and changing your lifestyle. It is important to recognize that there will be setbacks on the road to weight loss success. In these moments, it is crucial not to give up, but to learn from your mistakes and continue on your path.

Stress is another factor that can influence success, as it often leads to emotional eating leads to emotional eating. To deal with stress, it is advisable to learn healthy coping strategies such as meditation, exercise or talking to a therapist. These measures can help to improve the way you deal with stress and support the long-term achievement of your weight loss goals.

The psychological aspects of losing weight are just as important as the physical ones. Self-control, motivation and dealing with setbacks and stress are skills that are developed over time and help to achieve long-term success. It is important to be patient with yourself and seek support when you need it.


Frequently asked questions about healthy eating for weight loss:

What are the best foods for weight loss?

The best foods include fruit and vegetables, protein such as chicken or fish, whole grains, healthy fats such as avocado and nuts. The keys are variety and balance and a moderate approach to carbohydrates.

Do I have to avoid certain foods completely to lose weight?

You don't have to avoid foods completely, but it is advisable to reduce your intake of sugary drinks, processed foods and saturated fats. Everything in moderation is a sensible approach.

How much water should I drink daily to help me lose weight?

The recommended daily amount of water varies, but about 8 glasses (about 2 liters) of water per day is a good starting point. However, your needs may vary depending on your activity level and climate.

How often should I weigh myself if I want to lose weight?

This depends on personal preference. Some people weigh themselves daily, while others do it weekly. The most important thing is that you don't become too obsessed with the number on the scales, as body weight naturally fluctuates. Women in particular experience water retention during their menstrual cycle, so it may make more sense to weigh yourself only once a month on a particular day.

How can I maintain my motivation to lose weight?

Keep clear goals, reward yourself for progress, seek support from friends or a community and remember the long-term benefits to your health and wellbeing.

How do I deal with cravings?

Cravings can be reduced by eating balanced meals, healthy snacks and eating protein-rich foods. Stress management and mindfulness can also help to manage cravings.

Is it necessary to exercise to lose weight?

Exercise is helpful, but not essential. Weight loss depends mainly on calorie balance. However, exercise helps to burn calories, improve fitness and well-being.

How can I integrate healthy eating into my everyday life?

Plan meals in advance, prepare healthy snacks, avoid unhealthy foods in the house, and choose restaurants with healthy options. Step by step, you can establish healthy habits.

Are there any special diets that are particularly effective for losing weight?

There are many diets, but not all of them are effective or healthy in the long term. A balanced diet based on your individual needs is often more sustainable than extreme diets.

What can I do if I am stuck on a weight plateau after a while?

If you are stuck on a weight plateau, try to vary your diet and exercise routine to stimulate your metabolism.



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