Meal Prep - 10 Tipps & Tricks für einen einfachen Einstieg

Meal Prep - 10 tips & tricks for a simple entry

Our world and our lifestyle are getting faster and faster and there is less and less time to take care of your own well -being. But we shouldn't forget one thing between all the appointments and obligations - a healthy and balanced diet. We quickly forget the food or grab an unhealthy snacks because there is no time to cook. The nutrition covers our energy requirements throughout the day and is therefore essential for our body to easily master everyday life. The "Meal Prep", the preparation of meals, is perfect for guaranteeing stress -free healthy eating over several days. At the beginning, planning the food may be difficult for several days and even appears like a task that should not be managed.

We have 10 tips and tricks for you on how to make your meal prep eas and simply and sensibly incorporate it into your everyday life.

1) Planning is the "A and O"

Think about what you want to eat in advance and look for recipes that address you. Write a shopping list to make it easier for you and consider how many days you want to cook. Check at home which ingredients you may still have in stock so that you don't buy too much.

Tip: choose recipes, the ingredients of which overlap, so you make it easier to cook and buy.

2) Cooking day

Choose a day a week when you have enough time to go shopping and prepare your meals for the next few days. So you do not get in time and can devote yourself to your food with tranquility. The weekend is particularly popular. Shopping on Saturday and cooking on Sunday, you have enough time and calm.

3) freeze meals

Do not underestimate the function of your freezer. Many dishes can be frozen well and thawed again if necessary. Soups are particularly suitable for being frozen over a longer period of time. Cook a larger amount directly to save you work and time for the future. If your freezer offers enough space, then freeze your meals in portions so that you can thaw them directly.

4) Do not underestimate your breakfast

You can also easily prepare breakfast. Smoothies or BowlFor example, you can prepare well the day before and keep it in the fridge until the next morning or simply prepare the fruit for the next few days. Muffins and other baked goods, such as bread, can be easily divided into portions and freezing. Just take the freezer the evening before and enjoy the next morning. Also overnight Oats Suitable for preparation the evening before and are quick and easy to prepare.

5) Start with what takes the longest

To save time during the cooking, you should start with the part that lasts the longest. Always take care of the component of your court, which needs the longest, because it has to be cooked or baked, for example. So you can take care of the other components from your recipe without stress.

6) Pack and store separately

In order to get the taste of the individual components of your meal in the best possible way, it is important to separate them from each other. In this way, the individual flavors are better preserved and your food continues to taste fresh after preparation. Doses with different subjects are ideal for this. So you can transport all components of your court in a box without getting in touch early and thereby losing their taste. For example, you keep the vegetables separated from rice so that you can put everything together and enjoy everything the next day.

7) Saucen and Dips in stock

Prepare your favorite sauces and dips in larger quantities and keep them in bottles or old jam wasters. So they are available to you at any time and flexibly and you can keep them in the fridge for a long time.

8) Start without stress

Keep up to the Meal Prep. Start first with the preparation for 1-2 days and not directly with the preparation for a whole week. So you can develop routines and start without stress. After a short time, the preparation of your meals will be easier for you and you can start cooking for a longer period of time.

9) Use basics

Work a lot with staple foods, since they are usually varied and easy to prepare. For example, use a lot of rice, pasta and potatoes as well as vegetables and fruit.

10) Safe your recipes

Write down your recipes, whether in a college block, in your cell phone or your laptop. So you can fall back on them if you repeat recipes or if you go out the ideas. You can also avoid frustration if you try to remember recipes.


Use these 10 tips to start your Meal Prep routine and to secure a healthy diet. In addition, the Meal Prep is a great help if you pursue goals in terms of your fitness or health. Regardless of whether you gain weight, be permanently slim or just want to feel fit, you will be a support for you to prepare your food. In addition, a daily daily diet keeps your body and mind fit and enables you to have a healthy lifestyle.

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