Gruppe von Menschen joggt gemeinsam am Strand, symbolisiert Fitness und Gesundheit, was die Lysin-Wirkung auf den Muskelaufbau und die Regeneration unterstreicht.

Lysine - your new best friend for health and fitness

Have you ever heard of lysine? No? Then it's high time we took a closer look at this little miracle. Lysine is a real secret weapon when it comes to health and fitness. But let's start from the beginning. 

What is lysine anyway? 

Lysine is a essential amino acid. Essential means that your body cannot produce it itself - So you have to get it from food. There are some delicious things that are rich in lysine: Meat, fish, eggs, cheese and even some plants like soy and lentils. That doesn't sound too bad, does it? 

Lysine is not just any amino acid, but one that plays a key role in various processes in your body. Let's take a closer look at what lysine can do. 

Health benefits of lysine 

1. strengthen the immune system

Lysine helps your immune system on the jumps. There are studies that show that lysine boosts the production of antibodies that your body needs to fight infections. Especially in the cold season a real advantage! When everyone around you is sneezing and sniffling, lysine could be just what you need to stay healthy. 

Vitamin C and vitamin D are also very important for your immune system. With the shot cure you can easily integrate these two vitamins into your everyday life. 

2. wound healing and skin health

If you ever cut yourself or your skin needs a little extra care, lysine comes into play. It helps with collagen productionwhich in turn improves wound healing. Collagen is a protein that is found in your skin, your bones and even in your blood vessels. With enough of this amino acid, your body can form new tissue more efficiently and heal wounds faster. Your skin will thank you! 

You can also easily supplement collagen with the Skyr High-Protein Drink which also contains lysine.

3. treatment of herpes simplex infections

If you have ever had to deal with herpes, you know how annoying it can be. Herpes viruses cause painful blistersusually on the lips or in the genital area. Lysine can help to reduce outbreaks and speed up healing. The trick is that lysine can inhibit the growth of the herpes virus. There are actually scientific studies that show that people who take lysine regularly have fewer herpes outbreaks. 

4 Lysine and the psyche

Did you know that lysine can also have positive effects on your psyche? Lysine can help with this, Stress and anxiety to reduce. There is evidence that lysine can reduce the release of neurotransmitters which are responsible for your mood and well-being. In particular, this amino acid acts on the serotonin system, which plays a crucial role in regulating anxiety. 

Studies have shown that people who take lysine experience less anxiety and stress. This can be particularly helpful in stressful times or for people with anxiety disorders. Lysine can therefore help to maintain your emotional balance and support your general mental health. 

5 Lysine and muscle building

If you are a fitness freak or just like going to the gym, you will be particularly pleased. Lysine is also great for building muscle. It plays an important role in Protein biosynthesis - the process by which your body produces new proteins that make your muscles grow. Without enough lysine, your body cannot optimally build new muscle mass. 

Interestingly, the effect is often best in combination with another amino acid, arginine. These two amino acids work together to release growth hormone, which is important for muscle building and recovery after training. 

But that's not all: lysine also has functions in the Regeneration after training. When you train hard, small tears develop in your muscles. This special amino acid supports the repair of these tears so that you are fit again more quickly and can train harder. A real benefit for all athletes and fitness enthusiasts! But also pay attention to your protein requirement every day every day! 

Possible side effects and precautions 

As with everything in life, the same applies here: The dose makes the poison. When taken normally with food or as a supplement, nothing bad usually happens. But if you overdo it, it can cause stomach problems or diarrhea. There are also reports of abdominal pain and nausea at very high doses. 

Another point you should be aware of is Interactions with other medications. If you regularly take medication, it is best to talk to your doctor before starting a high dose of lysine supplements. 

A lysine deficiency on the other hand, can also be problematic and lead to various health problems, including fatigue, dizziness and a weakened immune system. It is therefore important to ensure a sufficient supply. 

Recommended dosage and intake 

The recommended daily dose is about 30 mg per kilogram of body weight. For an adult, that's around 2 to 3 grams per day. Sounds like a lot? Don't worry, you can easily manage this with a balanced diet. Meat, fish, eggs and dairy products are excellent sources. Plant-based foods such as soybeans and lentils are also rich in lysine. 

Don't have much time to cook a balanced diet? Then our healthy ready meals are the perfect solution. You can have a tasty and healthy meal on your plate in less than 9 minutes. 

Or if you're in a hurry, reach for our vegan protein powderwhich contains 2.5 g lysine per portion. 

Our conclusion 

Lysine is a real all-rounder when it comes to your health. It strengthens your immune system, helps heal wounds, fights herpes and even supports your muscle building. And not to forget, it can also have a positive effect on your psyche by reducing stress and anxiety. So why not make sure you get enough of it in your diet? 

Frequently asked questions about lysine 

What is lysine? 

Lysine is an essential amino acid that the body cannot produce itself. It must be obtained from food and plays an important role in protein biosynthesis, wound healing and supporting the immune system. 

Which foods contain lysine? 

Lysine is found in high amounts in meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, soybeans, lentils and some other plant-based foods. A balanced diet helps you to get enough of it. 

What are the health benefits of lysine? 

Lysine supports the immune system, promotes wound healing and skin health, helps treat herpes simplex infections, supports muscle building and can reduce stress and anxiety. 

How does lysine help with herpes simplex infections? 

Lysine can inhibit the growth of the herpes virus, resulting in fewer outbreaks and faster healing. Regular intake of the amino acid can reduce the frequency and severity of herpes outbreaks. 

Are there any side effects of taking lysine? 

No side effects are to be expected with normal doses taken with food. At very high doses, stomach problems, diarrhea and nausea may occur. It is important not to exceed the recommended dosage and to consult a doctor if you are unsure. 

How much lysine should I take daily? 

The recommended daily dose is around 30 mg per kilogram of body weight. For an average adult, this is around 2 to 3 grams per day. This amount can easily be achieved through a balanced diet. 

Can I take lysine as a supplement? 

Yes, lysine can be taken as a supplement. However, it is advisable to inform yourself well beforehand and possibly consult a doctor, especially if you regularly take medication or have health concerns. 

Is lysine particularly important for athletes? 

Yes, lysine is particularly important for athletes as it supports protein biosynthesis and helps with muscle recovery after training. It can improve muscle mass and athletic performance, especially when combined with arginine. 

Can lysine help with wound healing? 

Yes, lysine plays an important role in collagen production, which promotes wound healing and skin health. It helps your body to form new tissue and heal wounds faster.

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