Wir werden sehr oft gefragt, ob man unsere Säfte & Shots nach Ablauf des Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatums (MHD) noch genießen kann oder ob man unsere Säfte noch trinken kann, wenn sie 2-3 Tage nicht gekühlt wurden, weil sie z.B. beim Nachbarn oder der Postfiliale abgegeben wurden. In beiden Fällen kann man unsere Säfte & Shots normalerweise noch trinken. Mit den hilfreichen Tests unserer Ernährungswissenschaftlerin Dr. Ulrike Fischer kannst Du aber auf Nummer sicher gehen. Sie verrät Dir einige Tests, die zeigen, ob Deine Säfte & Shots noch genießbar bzw. trinkbar sind. Viel Spaß beim Lesen und/oder Erklärvideo anschauen!
The color is not an indication of whether a food is still edible or not. For example, pomegranate juice tends to turn slightly brown during storage. The reason for this lies in the very valuable polyphenols it contains. In addition, the color can sometimes vary due to the raw material. So don't be fooled by the color. It is not a criterion for whether you can still drink a juice or not.
Test 1:
Check whether the ring at the top of the bottle cap is still intact, i.e. whether the packaging was actually sealed the whole time. The shelf life can only be guaranteed if the bottle was tightly closed.
Test 2:
Check whether the packaging or the bottle is bloated or whether it is still nice and slim. Bloating indicates fermentation in the bottle. If your juice is still nice and slim and not bloated, this is a good sign.
Test 3:
If the juice looks okay on the outside, you can proceed to the next tests. Shake the juice, hold the bottle to your ear and open it slowly. This allows you to test whether you can hear a "hiss" when you open it. This would also indicate fermentation.
Test 4:
After opening slowly, hold the juice or bottle directly to your nose and smell if you can detect anything fermented or tangy. If, as in our example, the pomegranate juice only smells fruity and sweet, this is typical and normal for this juice - everything is fine!
Test 5:
Only take a very small sip of the juice if the smell is okay. If a product were spoiled, it would taste tangy or musty or be tingly on the tongue. If the pomegranate juice has a fresh, fruity taste, everything is fine. In this case, the juice can still be drunk very well and does not have to be thrown away - cheers!