Put your body in order with a juice cleanse to reset.

Put your body in order with a juice cleanse to reset.

contains vitamin D, vitamin K, vitamin C and biotin

contains vitamin D, vitamin K, vitamin C and biotin

Developed by Dr. Ulrike Fischer, who holds a doctorate in nutritional science

Frauke Ludowig presents: The LiveFresh juice cleanse - Your new start for body and mind

"Health begins with the right decisions. Together with LiveFresh I want to show you how easy it is to do something good for your body!" - Frauke Ludowig

6 reasons why you should start with a juice cleanse should start now:

✔ Take the opportunity to make a long-term change to your diet

✔ Get rid of bad eating habits
✔ Reset your body
✔ Get to know your feelings of hunger & satiety
✔ Challenge yourself
✔ Relieve your body and gut

Start 3, 5 or 7 days.

Start with a classic juice cleanse, find a fitter lifestyle and learn how to better manage your hunger in the long term.

Saftkur von LiveFresh, oben drei Shots: Sunshine Berry, Kurkuma Power und Ingwer Sturm. Unten sieben verschiedene kaltgepresste Säfte: Rote Rakete, Happy Lemon, Gold Rausch, Grüne Gefühle, Hey Wach, Keep Cool und Sommergefühle.  Im Hintergrund Blattgrün, Orangen, Passionsfrucht und Himbeeren.
Delivered fresh - shipped in 1-2 working days
  • Regular price CHF 94.95

    (CHF 31.65/Tag)

    Regular price Sale price CHF 94.95
    incl. VAT. plus shipping  & deposit
    Unit price CHF 1.83  per  100ml
  • Regular price CHF 154.95

    (CHF 30.99/Tag)

    Regular price Sale price CHF 154.95
    incl. VAT. plus shipping  & deposit
    Unit price CHF 1.64  per  100ml
  • Regular price CHF 204.95

    (CHF 29.27/Tag)

    Regular price Sale price CHF 204.95
    incl. VAT. plus shipping  & deposit
    Unit price CHF 1.52  per  100ml
  • Shelf life: All juices have a shelf life of at least 4 weeks after arrival.

From the nutritionist Dr. Ulrike Fischer on scientific basis developed.

Zeigt Dr. Ulrike Fischer, die lächelnd in die Kamera blickt. Sie trägt eine dunkelblaue Jacke und ein weißes Oberteil. Links von ihr steht ihr Name und Titel in einem grünen Rechteck: „Dr. Ulrike Fischer, Produktentwicklung“. Im Hintergrund sind unscharfe grüne Pflanzen zu sehen, was eine frische und natürliche Atmosphäre schafft.

What you can expect.

This is your daily routine during the juice cleanse looks like.

Zeigt „Live Fresh“-Produkte für 8:00 Uhr: den „Sunshine Berry“-Shot für den Vitamin-D-Bedarf und das kalorienarme „Happy Lemon“-Getränk zur Unterstützung des Stoffwechsels.

8:00h: Happy Lemon & Vitamin D

To start your day, lay the perfect foundation for your metabolism with a light organic lemon-orange water.

Zeigt das „Hey Wach“-Getränk von „Live Fresh“ für 10:00 Uhr. Es deckt den Vitamin-C-Bedarf, bekämpft Müdigkeit und enthält Koffein.

10:00h: Energy & Vitamin C

As 2nd breakfast our Hey Wach with freshly squeezed orange juice & guarana.

Links eine kleine Flasche

12:00h: Refreshment at noon.

Summer feelings as healthy refreshment at lunchtime & Kurkuma Power.

Die 14:00 Uhr Empfehlung mit dem „Rote Rakete“-Saft von Live Fresh. Dieser Saft besteht aus einem Mix von herber Rote Beete und Karotten, verfeinert mit der süßen Note von Orange. Im Hintergrund sind die frischen Zutaten wie Rote Beete, Karotten, Orangen und Äpfel zu sehen, um die natürliche und ausgewogene Zusammensetzung des Safts zu verdeutlichen.

14:00h: Red booster for the afternoon

The Rote Rakete gives you energy for the afternoon!

Zeigt das „Grüne Gefühle“-Getränk von „Live Fresh“ für 16:00 Uhr. Es enthält Vitamin K zur Unterstützung der Knochengesundheit.

16:00h: Grüne Gefühle in an after-work mood

Grüne Gefühle helps you get going with fruit-based kale and spinach.

Zeigt das „Grüne Gefühle“-Getränk von „Live Fresh“ für 16:00 Uhr. Es enthält Vitamin K zur Unterstützung der Knochengesundheit.

18:00 Your fresh evening drink

Something very special for the evening: our exotic multi-juice Goldrausch provides you with biotin.

Live Fresh Saft „Keep Cool“ mit der empfohlenen Uhrzeit von 20:00 Uhr. Der Saft unterstützt die Regeneration des Körpers und enthält Vitamin C, das für das Nervensystem wichtig ist. Zutaten wie Ananas, Spirulina, Pitaya und Zitrone sind hervorgehoben.

20:00 Your healthy nightcap

A gentle tropical juice to prepare you and your body for the next day.

Zeigt „Live Fresh“-Produkte für 8:00 Uhr: den „Sunshine Berry“-Shot für den Vitamin-D-Bedarf und das kalorienarme „Happy Lemon“-Getränk zur Unterstützung des Stoffwechsels.

8:00h: Happy Lemon & Vitamin D

To start your day, lay the perfect foundation for your metabolism with a light organic lemon-orange water.

Zeigt das „Hey Wach“-Getränk von „Live Fresh“ für 10:00 Uhr. Es deckt den Vitamin-C-Bedarf, bekämpft Müdigkeit und enthält Koffein.

10:00h: Energy & Vitamin C

As 2nd breakfast our Hey Wach with freshly squeezed orange juice & guarana.

Links eine kleine Flasche

12:00h: Refreshment at noon.

Summer feelings as healthy refreshment at lunchtime & Kurkuma Power.

Die 14:00 Uhr Empfehlung mit dem „Rote Rakete“-Saft von Live Fresh. Dieser Saft besteht aus einem Mix von herber Rote Beete und Karotten, verfeinert mit der süßen Note von Orange. Im Hintergrund sind die frischen Zutaten wie Rote Beete, Karotten, Orangen und Äpfel zu sehen, um die natürliche und ausgewogene Zusammensetzung des Safts zu verdeutlichen.

14:00h: Red booster for the afternoon

The Rote Rakete gives you energy for the afternoon!

Zeigt das „Grüne Gefühle“-Getränk von „Live Fresh“ für 16:00 Uhr. Es enthält Vitamin K zur Unterstützung der Knochengesundheit.

16:00h: Grüne Gefühle in an after-work mood

Grüne Gefühle helps you get going with fruit-based kale and spinach.

Zeigt das „Grüne Gefühle“-Getränk von „Live Fresh“ für 16:00 Uhr. Es enthält Vitamin K zur Unterstützung der Knochengesundheit.

18:00 Your fresh evening drink

Something very special for the evening: our exotic multi-juice Goldrausch provides you with biotin.

Live Fresh Saft „Keep Cool“ mit der empfohlenen Uhrzeit von 20:00 Uhr. Der Saft unterstützt die Regeneration des Körpers und enthält Vitamin C, das für das Nervensystem wichtig ist. Zutaten wie Ananas, Spirulina, Pitaya und Zitrone sind hervorgehoben.

20:00 Your healthy nightcap

A gentle tropical juice to prepare you and your body for the next day.

8:00h: Happy Lemon & Vitamin D
Die empfohlene Saftkur um 8:00 Uhr mit zwei Getränken: Einem
8:00h: Happy Lemon & Vitamin D

To start your day, lay the perfect foundation for your metabolism with a light organic lemon-orange water. As an add-on, you get a vitamin D shot that covers 100% of your daily vitamin D requirement.

This combination is the ideal way to keep you energized and motivated throughout the day.

*Organic Happy Lemon according to DE-ÖKO-006


Happy Lemon:Water, lemon juice, orange juice, acerola extract

Sunshine Berry:Apple juice, strawberry pulp, cranberry pulp, blackcurrant pulp, real reindeer lichen extract, fermented soybean seeds, cassava root extract


Happy Lemon:
Low-calorie refreshment

Sunshine Berry:

  • Function in cell division through vitamin D
  • Preservation of normal bones through vitamin K
10:00h: Energy & Vitamin C
Die empfohlene Saftkur um 10:00 Uhr mit einem
10:00h: Energy & Vitamin C

As a 2nd breakfast our Hey Wach with freshly squeezed orange juice & guarana gets you fit for the day in a natural way. The juice contains a high proportion of vitamin C and natural caffeine from the guarana fruit.


Orange juice, ginger juice, ginseng root extract, guarana extract

  • Energizer with natural caffeine
  • Reduces tiredness and fatigue
12:00h: Refreshment at noon.
12:00h: Refreshment at noon.

Bring summer feelings into your body at lunchtime.

At the same time, you provide your body with the trace elements zinc, copper and manganese for your well-being in summer.

Turmeric shot as a healthy dessert. Our ginger shot Kurkuma Power helps you get over the midday slump afterwards.


Sommer Gefühle:Apple juice, strawberry puree, mango puree, lime, buckwheat germ powder

Kurkuma Power: Orange juice, ginger juice, lemon juice, turmeric pulp, acerola extract


Sommer Gefühle:

  • Maintains normal skin and mucous membranes
  • Contributes to normal connective tissue formation

Kurkuma Power:

  • Protects cells from oxidative stress
  • Normal function of the immune system
14:00h: Red booster for the afternoon
14:00h: Red booster for the afternoon

The Rote Rakete gives you energy for the afternoon!

As a local superfood, beet helps you through the day and gives you extra energy. The light, natural sweetness in the juice gives you an extra kick.


Apple juice, orange juice, carrot juice, cucumber juice, beet juice

  • Maintains normal blood pressure
  • Normal muscle function due to potassium
16:00h: Grüne Gefühle in an after-work mood
Eine Flasche des veganen, kaltgepressten Safts „Live Fresh“, umgeben von frischen Zutaten wie grünem Apfel, Grünkohl und Zitronenscheiben. Auf der Flasche wird Vitamin K hervorgehoben mit dem Hinweis „Für Deine Knochen“. Die Sorte „Grüne Gefühle“ enthält Grünkohl, Apfel, Spinat, Zitrone und Moringa. Links im Bild steht groß die Uhrzeit „16.00h“, was als empfohlene Konsumzeit dient.
16:00h: Grüne Gefühle in an after-work mood

Awaken the green feelings inside you. No chance of an afternoon slump: our gentle green juice Grüne Gefühle helps you get going with fruit-based kale and spinach.


Apple juice, spinach juice, kale juice, lemon juice, moringa leaf powder

  • Maintaining normal bones
  • Normal blood clotting due to vitamin K
18:00 Your fresh evening drink
18:00 Your fresh evening drink

Something very special for the evening: our exotic multi-juice Goldrausch provides you with biotin.

The invigorating shot supports you as an additive Ingwer Sturm, which supplies your body with vitamin C.


Gold Rausch:Orange juice, pineapple juice, apple juice, carrot juice, passion fruit pulp, sunflower seed extract, basil extract

Ingwer Sturm:Apple juice, ginger juice, lime juice, acerola extract, cayenne pepper


Gold Rausch:

  • Normal energy metabolism due to biotin
  • Normal metabolism of macronutrients

Ingwer Sturm:

  • Covers 100% of the daily requirement of vitamin C.
  • Contributes to the normal function of the immune system
20:00 Your healthy nightcap
Live Fresh Saft „Keep Cool“ mit der empfohlenen Uhrzeit von 20:00 Uhr. Der Saft unterstützt die Regeneration des Körpers und enthält Vitamin C, das für das Nervensystem wichtig ist. Zutaten wie Ananas, Spirulina, Pitaya und Zitrone sind hervorgehoben.
20:00 Your healthy nightcap

Keep Calm for your nightly regeneration.

A gentle tropical juice to prepare you and your body for the next day. Alternatively or additionally, we also recommend
a vegetable or chicken broth to keep your electrolyte balance balanced.


Pineapple juice, apple juice, water, lemon juice, pitaya puree, blue spirulina powder, acerola extract

  • Normal nervous system function & mental function

Note: You don't have to do without.

Especially if you have a stressful job or want to continue exercising, we recommend a vegetable broth or snack (banana, nuts, avocado) to keep your energy levels up.

Zeigt ein Abzeichen von Vergleich.org, das den Titel „Vergleichssieger SEHR GUT“ trägt. Darunter steht die Angabe „07/24“, was auf den Monat und das Jahr der Bewertung hinweist. Das Logo von Vergleich.org mit einem blauen Häkchen ist ebenfalls im oberen Teil des Bildes sichtbar.

LiveFresh is the test winner for 3- and 5-day juice cures

Our juice cleanse is excellent! LiveFresh was created by Vergleich.org as the test winner and received the rating "Very good" for our 3- and 5-dayjuice cleanse. This shows that with our high-quality, cold-pressed juices and our carefully thought-out cleanse offer real added value for our customers. We are particularly proud of the fact that we have been awarded both the 3-day and 5-dayjuice cleanse top ratings.

Eine Person, die auf dem Boden sitzt und ein Heft mit der Überschrift „SAFTKUR“ liest. Mehrere Flaschen Saft der Marke „Live Fresh“ sind um sie herum auf dem Boden verteilt und zeigen verschiedene Geschmacksrichtungen in bunten Farben wie Rot, Orange und Grün. Die Szene wirkt entspannt und vermittelt den Eindruck, dass die Person sich mit einer Saftkur oder einem Ernährungsplan beschäftigt. Der Fokus liegt auf Wellness und gesunder Ernährung.

713 Kcal per day.

Few calories, but lots of nutrients.

During the cleanse you are eating with a significant calorie deficit, so it can be perfectly integrated into your diet. But this is just the start of your long-term diet!

Zeigt eine Person, die auf einer Holzbank im Freien sitzt und einen „TAGESPLAN“ in einem Heft liest, der wahrscheinlich Anweisungen für eine Saftkur enthält. In der anderen Hand hält die Person eine Flasche „Live Fresh“-Saft. Auf der Bank liegen mehrere weitere Saftflaschen der gleichen Marke in verschiedenen Geschmacksrichtungen. Die Szene wirkt ruhig und konzentriert und deutet darauf hin, dass die Person ihre Saftkur plant oder verfolgt. Der Fokus liegt auf gesunder Ernährung und Planung.

Comprehensive guide to the juice cleanse.

your companion.

In it you will find answers to all your questions. The booklet accompanies you on your journey to your new beginning. Over 10 delicious recipe ideas will prepare you for your juice cleanse and offer you a healthy finish afterwards.

Eine Gruppe von zehn jungen Menschen, die in einem modernen, hellen Raum versammelt sind. Einige von ihnen stehen, andere sitzen auf einem kleinen Sofa. Sie lachen, unterhalten sich und halten gesunde Lebensmittel wie Äpfel und Getränke von „Live Fresh“ in den Händen. Eine Frau vorne links steht in einer Yoga-Pose auf einer Matte, während die anderen entweder Snacks essen oder Getränke halten. Die Stimmung wirkt entspannt und fröhlich, und die Szene scheint ein gesundes Lebensgefühl zu repräsentieren

Over 100,000 participants!

Over 100,000 enthusiastic people have already taken part in the juice cleanse from LiveFresh and the result? An increased sense of well-being that has prompted many to try the cleanse to repeat again and again. Become part of this satisfied community and experience the LiveFresh-difference!

Zeigt zwei Männer in rosafarbenen Hoodies mit der Aufschrift „Live Fresh“, die auf großen grünen Kisten voller Äpfel sitzen. Beide lächeln, während einer der Männer einen Apfel in der Hand hält und der andere einen Apfel in die Luft wirft. Sie befinden sich vor einer Lagerhalle oder Produktionsstätte, was auf die Verbindung zu frischen Zutaten und die Herstellung von Live Fresh-Produkten hinweist. Die Stimmung ist fröhlich und entspannt, was auf die Leidenschaft für ihr Produkt und ihre Marke hindeutet.

Who is behind LiveFresh?

Manufacture with 100% added value.

When we started in the garage in 2016, one thing was always clear to us: to make the best product. To this day, as a young team, we have everything from the raw materials to the production of our juices in our own hands and thus offer you incomparable quality.

Zeigt zwei Flaschen, eine mit der Aufschrift „PET“ und die andere mit „rPET“, um den Unterschied zwischen herkömmlichem PET und recyceltem PET zu verdeutlichen. Umgeben sind die Flaschen von grünen Blättern, die eine umweltfreundliche Botschaft unterstreichen. Links oben befindet sich ein Symbol mit der Aufschrift „Aus 100% recycelten PET-Flaschen“, was auf die Nachhaltigkeit der Produkte hinweist. Die Szene hebt das Thema Recycling und Umweltbewusstsein hervor.

Bottles made from 100% rPET & deposit

Our new rPET bottles have already had a long life and are made from recycled PET bottles. You can easily return the bottles to any deposit machine and get your deposit back. Another step towards a better environment! :-) 

Zeigt eine Person in einem rosafarbenen Hoodie mit der Aufschrift „Live Fresh“, die eine Flasche Saft aus einem großen Karton entnimmt, der mit vielen weiteren Saftflaschen gefüllt ist. Im Hintergrund sieht man gestapelte Kartons mit der Aufschrift „Vegan“ sowie Broschüren und Verpackungsmaterial. Das Bild vermittelt eine Szene aus dem Versandprozess, wahrscheinlich der Vorbereitung von Saftbestellungen, und hebt die Organisation und die Sorgfalt bei der Lieferung der Produkte hervor.

100% sustainable packaging.

You will receive a chilled package from us that is made from 100% recycled cardboard! Even the insulation! So you can dispose of the entire packaging in your paper waste, which can then be recycled again.

The customer reviews are neither selected nor modified by us, but are automatically and completely taken from our customer review portal. We assume no liability for the content.

Questions about juice cleanse

One juice cleanse or a juice cleanse is a short period of a few days in which you give your body a break: In general, you only drink rich juices made from fruit and vegetables, water, unsweetened tea and home-cooked broth over a period of a few days in order to fast and relieve your body. Solid food, caffeine, nicotine and alcohol are avoided during this time.

One juice cleanse or a juice cleanse is a short period of a few days in which you give your body a break: In general, you only drink rich juices made from fruit and vegetables, water, unsweetened tea and home-cooked broth over a period of a few days in order to fast and relieve your body. Solid food, caffeine, nicotine and alcohol are avoided during this time.

A juice cleanse gives your body the opportunity to regenerate. It relieves the digestive system, provides you with a variety of vitamins and minerals and can help you feel lighter and more energetic. In addition, a juice cleanse is an ideal way to break unhealthy habits, establish healthy routines and balance your body and mind. During a juice cleanse you get to know yourself anew.

A juice cleanse gives your body the opportunity to regenerate. It relieves the digestive system, provides you with a variety of vitamins and minerals and can help you feel lighter and more energetic. In addition, a juice cleanse is an ideal way to break unhealthy habits, establish healthy routines and balance your body and mind. During a juice cleanse you get to know yourself anew.

Avoid very rich foods, sweets and alcohol. With light food such as salads, coconut porridge, steamed vegetables and fish or alternatively little white meat, you can prepare yourself optimally for the juice cleanse prepare. We'll provide you with recipes for light and balanced meals along with the juice cleanse. You will find everything you need to know in the booklet included in your package.  

Avoid very rich foods, sweets and alcohol. With light food such as salads, coconut porridge, steamed vegetables and fish or alternatively little white meat, you can prepare yourself optimally for the juice cleanse prepare. We'll provide you with recipes for light and balanced meals along with the juice cleanse. You will find everything you need to know in the booklet included in your package.  

The duration of a juice cleanse depends on your level of experience and your goal. Beginners often start with 3 days to get the body used to going without solid food. Advanced dieters can do a cleanse over 5 to 7 days. It is important to pay attention to your body's signals and adjust the duration if necessary. Shorter cures are good for a quick reset, while longer cures can promote deeper regeneration.

The duration of a juice cleanse depends on your level of experience and your goal. Beginners often start with 3 days to get the body used to going without solid food. Advanced dieters can do a cleanse over 5 to 7 days. It is important to pay attention to your body's signals and adjust the duration if necessary. Shorter cures are good for a quick reset, while longer cures can promote deeper regeneration.

The first 2 days after the juice cleanse you should avoid foods that are difficult to digest, such as meat. You will receive sample recipes from us together with the juice cleanse. However, it is important that you listen to your body's signals: Which foods are not good for me? Am I really hungry? Am I already full? You should also continue to give your body breaks from eating, i.e. no constant snacking. Remember that the juice cleanse should also be a starting signal for a healthier lifestyle. On our Instagram page you'll find great recipes that you can make after the cleanse can incorporate into your everyday life.

The first 2 days after the juice cleanse you should avoid foods that are difficult to digest, such as meat. You will receive sample recipes from us together with the juice cleanse. However, it is important that you listen to your body's signals: Which foods are not good for me? Am I really hungry? Am I already full? You should also continue to give your body breaks from eating, i.e. no constant snacking. Remember that the juice cleanse should also be a starting signal for a healthier lifestyle. On our Instagram page you'll find great recipes that you can make after the cleanse can incorporate into your everyday life.

Of course, you should! We recommend that you drink at least 2 liters of water or herbal tea (unsweetened) every day. If still water is too boring for you, try adding a piece of cucumber, lemon, rosemary or basil to your water. With so many great things you can easily spice up your drink and reduce your hunger pangs just by drinking it. P.S: Be careful not to drink carbonated drinks, sweet drinks, coffee and alcohol during the cleanse during the diet.  

Of course, you should! We recommend that you drink at least 2 liters of water or herbal tea (unsweetened) every day. If still water is too boring for you, try adding a piece of cucumber, lemon, rosemary or basil to your water. With so many great things you can easily spice up your drink and reduce your hunger pangs just by drinking it. P.S: Be careful not to drink carbonated drinks, sweet drinks, coffee and alcohol during the cleanse during the diet.  

Many people lose weight during the juice cleanse because during the cleanse has a calorie deficit. However, the decisive factor is how you feel after the juice cleanse diet. We will provide you with recipes and tips for this.  

Many people lose weight during the juice cleanse because during the cleanse has a calorie deficit. However, the decisive factor is how you feel after the juice cleanse diet. We will provide you with recipes and tips for this.  

Sporting activities are of course not prohibited. However, due to the reduced calorie intake, your body may not work at the same level as you are used to. Listen to your body and don't do the exercises too quickly!

Sporting activities are of course not prohibited. However, due to the reduced calorie intake, your body may not work at the same level as you are used to. Listen to your body and don't do the exercises too quickly!

The best time for a juice cleanse depends on your individual needs and goals. In general, a juice cleanse is particularly good if you want to give your body a break, change your diet or recharge your batteries. Especially after phases in which the body has been under a lot of strain, such as after the holidays, a juice cleanse can be particularly useful. The beginning of the year is an excellent time to start with a juice cleanse fresh start to the new year, which good resolutions and to relieve the body after the often sumptuous meals of the Christmas period.

The best time for a juice cleanse depends on your individual needs and goals. In general, a juice cleanse is particularly good if you want to give your body a break, change your diet or recharge your batteries. Especially after phases in which the body has been under a lot of strain, such as after the holidays, a juice cleanse can be particularly useful. The beginning of the year is an excellent time to start with a juice cleanse fresh start to the new year, which good resolutions and to relieve the body after the often sumptuous meals of the Christmas period.

We send you our juices in our sustainable thermobox. We use corrugated cardboard, which cools the juices naturally thanks to its double-walled structure. All parts of our packaging are 100% recyclable and can be disposed of in the paper garbage can - or used for creative upcycling. No more cooling films, just 100% natural raw materials.

We send you our juices in our sustainable thermobox. We use corrugated cardboard, which cools the juices naturally thanks to its double-walled structure. All parts of our packaging are 100% recyclable and can be disposed of in the paper garbage can - or used for creative upcycling. No more cooling films, just 100% natural raw materials.

You can choose between DHL and DPD. From a certain parcel weight, we will also send your parcel free of charge by express. In principle, you can order all juice cures without additional shipping costs! :-)

You can choose between DHL and DPD. From a certain parcel weight, we will also send your parcel free of charge by express. In principle, you can order all juice cures without additional shipping costs! :-)

Thanks to our innovative shelf life process, our juices can be kept for several weeks if stored refrigerated and closed. You will always find the best-before date on the lid. Please note: The juices are of course not automatically spoiled once the best-before date has passed. Trust your senses and then decide.

Thanks to our innovative shelf life process, our juices can be kept for several weeks if stored refrigerated and closed. You will always find the best-before date on the lid. Please note: The juices are of course not automatically spoiled once the best-before date has passed. Trust your senses and then decide.

The best way to store juices is in the fridge. This keeps them fresh and you can enjoy them cool. Alternatively, you can also use a cool bag.

The best way to store juices is in the fridge. This keeps them fresh and you can enjoy them cool. Alternatively, you can also use a cool bag.

Thanks to the HPP process, our juices are super robust and can withstand a considerable amount of time with little or no refrigeration.

Thanks to the HPP process, our juices are super robust and can withstand a considerable amount of time with little or no refrigeration.

This is how the juice cleanse with the fruit and vegetable juices from LiveFresh

The variety of different juices guarantees that there is something to suit everyone. In total, every day 7 juices and 3 shots available every day, which are served in a interval of two hours are drunk at two-hour intervals. The ingredients are ideally matched to the body's reset process, so that adequate supply of vitamins and nutrients is guaranteed. Regardless of whether you opt for a 3-day, 5-day or 7-day juice cleanse fast - during this period of fasting you only drink the LiveFresh Juices made from fruit and vegetablesand deliberately avoids solid food.

Preparation & follow-up as a decisive success factor

Both a correct preparation as well as the follow-up are important in order to juice cleanse successfully master the slowly get the body used to the change in diet. A few days before the juice fast, you should therefore avoid fatty and hearty foods, rich foods, sugar and alcohol. During the cleanse you should then shift down a gear and avoid intensive sports units and do without intensive sport. Moderate exertion through light exercise in the fresh air can have a positive side effect for your health. juice cleanse and support the reset. After the cleanse it is crucial not to immediately fall back into old eating habits. Your metabolism should be slowly introduced to a solid diet step by step. For the correct follow-up you will find in our blog or on our Instagram page delicious recipes for a balanced diet. More tips for juice cleanse preparation can be found here: >> 10 tips on how to prepare a juice cleanse survive << 

Time of awareness & mindfulness: benefits of juice fasting 

One of the many benefits: The juice cleanse can be easily integrated into your everyday life and even saves time. The days during a juice cleanse are considered a time of change, awareness and mindfulness. Reflect on your current lifestyle and become aware of your eating habits. During this intensive time, you can take a closer look at yourself and your body and get to know your digestion and your feelings of hunger and satiety in a new way. Lay the foundation for a a sustainably conscious and fresh lifestyle!